Welcome! Forty Isn't Fatal...it just stings a bit...



  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    My dept at work is doing a 200 reps of strength training challenge. We have to do any combination of moves (sit-ups, push-ups, lunges, squats, etc) 200 daily for the week. Sound good?
  • EsceeT
    EsceeT Posts: 6
    I've been kicking around the idea of P90X...it scares me a little since I hear it is really intense, but I need something to jump start me. Does anyone have any experience with it or anything similar.?
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    I haven't tried that one, but I have heard you can modify it a bit.
  • EsceeT
    EsceeT Posts: 6
    I just don't want to spend a lot of money on a program that is beyond my abilities. Of course, you never get better at anything if you don't try right? I've seen the infomercial and I am excited to try it on one level and totally terrified on another. :smile:
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred might be a good one to start with .... very inexpensive (like $9 at Target) and it's great.
  • EsceeT
    EsceeT Posts: 6
    Sounds like a good idea. I found Jillian's extreme shred, for $10, so I'm going to try starting that on Tuesday and see how it goes. It will be adding 2 more work outs to the 3 days a week running, so there should be some weight loss improvement there. I think one of the best things for me is this site. I am actually being more mindful of what I am eating on any given day, and some foods seem so innocent and small, not a big deal, but they pack a punch. I'm talking about Lindor Chocolate Balls.The serving size says 3 balls, but they are 220 calories and 150 Calories from fat! Yikes! Now I can only eat one at a time.
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    Cool! Let us know how you like it. :- )
  • EsceeT
    EsceeT Posts: 6
    Well, I did the Jillian extreme shed and shred...glad I did not get the P90X...Jillian kicked my tail. I did okay, but I definitely was sweating by the end. Some of the movements I was unfamiliar with, so I had a little trouble there figuring out where I was supposed to be in space.
    I did the easiest version of the first workout, so the new goal is to be able to do it at the hardest level and progress from there. For instance: Today, I could not do the side plank at all, so that is my new goal. I did, however, kick higher than I thought I could. (above my waist! :smile: ) Learned some positive things and some things I need to work on, but I am going to try it again on Thurs. Tomorrow is a run day (Wed) so now Tues and Thurs will be Jillian days!
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    Great! :-)
  • Hi - I just turned 42 on Sunday. I have yo-yo'd dieted for many years. Lost 50 pounds several times put on more each time. I think this time I have finally realized I have to make a total lifestyle change not just "diet". I started my new outlook in January - I discovered MFP in the end of February. It's the best thing I could have done! I have lost 28.2 pounds to date & I am very happy with that so far. I know slow and steady is the way to go. I started getting up an hour earlier each weekday morning so I can exercise. I alternate between zumba, Hip, Hop Abs (Shaun T), walking or Bob Harper's kettlebell workout. Looking forward to learning more about everyone, gaining motivation and hopefully providing some for you!
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    Fantastic! Welcome! :-)
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    It's Friday and boy am I happy about that!
    Looking forward to tackling some very hilly trails tomorrow and picking up my first Organic CSA. :-)

    What are you all up to for the first weekend of Summer?
  • Masil20
    Masil20 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! I just recently started MFP and figured I should join a group to find support, encouragement, and be held accountable by someone other than myself, as well as celebrate others' success.

    I'm 40 (41 next week - ack!) and trying to get back in shape. When I was a stay at home mom I had plenty of time to exercise, but since I've been back to work, 4 years now, I have gained the 50 lbs I once lost back. I work full time, am married, and have to very active kids. Right now about the only time I can exercise is early in the morning because of all my kids' evening activities. (Why does "me time" have to happen at 5:30 am?) Even then I don't feel I get in enought exercise. I also hope MFP will help me make better choices in what I eat. Just in a week I have found I think alot more about what I eat.

    I would appreciate any tips, tricks, did-you-know advice about MFP and how it can be used for success. I look forward to getting to know people in the group.
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    Welcome Masi!
    MFP is a great place to find encouragement, information and occasionally a good kick in the britches. :- )
    I'm not sure I would relish a mandatory "5:30am Me Time" but I understand you take what you can get!
    Good luck!

    Aunt Zip
  • wilson1024
    wilson1024 Posts: 126 Member
    Hey Auntzip! I'm back in the grove of things now........ I'm so glad MFP is here for me to keep falling back to it really does help! Your doing an awesome job by the way and the others are too :)
  • magicherry
    magicherry Posts: 81 Member
    I have been 40 since august and I'm still alive and able to take care of myself. whew!
  • Auntzip
    Auntzip Posts: 126 Member
    Well, I'm back in the swing of things! Finally!
    Life kinda got in my way for a bit, but after walking my legs off in NYC for a few days with my niece and nephews, I was ready to hit it full speed! Then... the stomach flu hit ME full speed. LOL!
    But... feeling much better today and ready to kick this weight thing once and for all!

    I WILL NOT celebrate my birthday this year without being significantly lighter and more healthy!

    Are you with me??? :- )