
My stomach somehow got bigger... Bloated? Did you experience that?


  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member

    Bigger after doing what?
  • LotsOtots5
    LotsOtots5 Posts: 174
    Are you talking about right after you up your calories? If so, yes for the first week I was terribly "full" feeling. Now I wake up in the morning feeling like I haven't eaten for 3 weeks!!
  • slammy1079
    slammy1079 Posts: 97
    I noticed this too the other day, I realized I'd added a lot more dairy for protein purposes. Cut back for a couple of days and I'm back to "normal." Takes some time to figure out what works for your body!
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    hmm yes.. it is my 2nd week.. this Tuesday it will be 2 weeks since I started this. I'm always high in protein and fiber.. I rode bike today, weight lifting yesterday for an hour and i used stairs couples of times to 5th floor. oh, i ate out last night at mex resty.. chips, salsa, guacamole :x so that might be the reason? I just don't think my stomach looks the same.. I think I gained... but have not check scale yet..
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I was really bloated the first 10 days or so.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Yeah if its bigger after significantly increasing your intake that makes sense. Give your body a chance to repair.
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    Salty foods = bloat. If you gain 5 lbs, it's not all going to go to your stomach.
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    lol I know. I am just venting! I guess this is part of process. I was looking at mirror and noticed that my belly is bigger.. looks like pregnant lady here. LOL.. Love you guys.. You guys rock!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    lol I know. I am just venting! I guess this is part of process. I was looking at mirror and noticed that my belly is bigger.. looks like pregnant lady here. LOL.. Love you guys.. You guys rock!

    So it doesnt actually measure bigger? It might be something your eating as well...i find a lot of dairy products bloat me...grains...salt...etc. a lot of people think their stomach grew when it didnt (has to do with how they are feeling)
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    really? I have not measure yet. I plan to do that tomorrow. I refuse to weigh myself yet.. so scared of that LOL.. I eat a lot of protein, so you might be right about that. I am trying to hit 40/30/30!
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    everything else seems to be same, but i gained 1 INCH in my waist!!! WHAT?!!?! ugh.. bloated?!? please tell me it is.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    everything else seems to be same, but i gained 1 INCH in my waist!!! WHAT?!!?! ugh.. bloated?!? please tell me it is.

    If you're just beginning then yes, it's definitely bloated. It may be your body disagreeing with something you've been eating as well.
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    I'm almost 2 weeks so is it still beginning? Well everything I eat is basically same. but I added protein powder and ate more than i usually do. i usually eat between 1,200-1,400 with binges in between :(
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I'm almost 2 weeks so is it still beginning? Well everything I eat is basically same. but I added protein powder and ate more than i usually do. i usually eat between 1,200-1,400 with binges in between :(

    That's definitely the very beginning. Protein powder definitely makes me feel bloated if I don't work it off right away (I also just started eating it...made protein pancakes today, deishious). I can eat everything in small portions but I can't eat some in large because it well make me bloated.

    By the sounds of it you have a different problem though. You're probably still not eating enough. You may keep gaining if you keep eating close/below your bmr. Mine is 1300 and even my 4'9 friend eats hundreds more then that. I usually eat 1650-3500 calories a day. My NET is usually over 2000. 1650 would be for a day where I spent most of the day in bed.
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    Oh no 1,200-1,400 is not what I'm eating now LOL.. I'm eating 1,935 for 2 weeks now. Ironically I made powercake today from It is protein pancake. how do you make yours? I guess that is from the protein intake I have. I thought I always have high protein intake though
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Oh no 1,200-1,400 is not what I'm eating now LOL.. I'm eating 1,935 for 2 weeks now. Ironically I made powercake today from It is protein pancake. how do you make yours? I guess that is from the protein intake I have. I thought I always have high protein intake though

    So protein likes fat in the body. I was eating protein powder with greek yogurt (which has no fat) and found myself pretty bloated afterwards...I had the protein pancake today and felt excellent because of the fat I'm guessing. I got the recipe off my bodybuilder ex. It looks disgusting and seems like a really bad idea while you're making it but once it's done it's delishious.

    Put a tsp of coconut oil in a frying pan
    mix over half a scoop of chocolate whey (Mine is Kaizen NATURALS with stevia) in with 1 whole egg until it looks less clumpy and brown and gross
    poor in hot frying pan, leave for a few minutes and flips over (it didn't stick at all and was very easy to flip and I'm pretty fail at pancakes)
    Top with chunky peanut butter which gets warm and delicious. It comes out looking like a regular pancake and tasting pretty similar but with a chocolate hint.

    I then mixed the rest of the scoop in some greek yoghurt. This whole breakfast cost me about 779 calories and had 77 grams of protein and 45 grams of lots of really good fat. Figured I'd lay off the toast and avocado after that lol. My arm strength sucks but I sure managed a lot of push ups after that :P

    It's rather simple to make. Do you have a link to your power pancake? I'd like some more protein recipes. I hardly even get enough minus today lol.
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    wow!! that sounds really awesome.. yes, I got various powercakes recipes from This girl is AWESOME. I have her on my facebook and instagram.. she is fitness instructor, student, eating clean and comes from a fitness family. HOW lucky she is! She also competes in fitness world. I tried choc powercake with 1 tbsp coconut oil/2 tbsp pb2 as topping. NOM!!!!!! I think I will try pumpkin powercake next.

    I assume that is because of protein. I usually drink shakeology and protein powder int he morning, then sometimes I add powder to my greek yogurt, or sometimes I had other drink. but usually stick to greek yogurt as protein as well as quiona to my salad or for lunch/dinner with whatever on side. I eat avocado too. lol I guess we have a lot of common..
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Thats another thing...those shakes you can buy make me wayyy bloated. I avoid them like the plague. And we do! I just don't want to be slaving over the stove cooking chicken breasts all day lol
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    wow.. i guess I'll stick to one in the morning after myw ork out then. I usually eat clean most of times.. so I don't understand why lol.. feel free to add me.