90-Day Challenge Members 5/21; Introduce Yourself

amccord2 Posts: 363 Member
Hi everyone! Feel free to chat it up! Let's get to know each other as we're here to support each other as we change our body and commit to 90 days of Les Mills Pump. Knowing a little bit about each person is really helpful!

I am an educator in the public school system, and I have taught math and science to middle school students. I currently support teachers in my school district in implementing technology into the curriculum. I have a teenager at home and a husband who enjoys working out at the gym. I have been a member of the gym, but I like the comfort of my home, for the convenience. This is my second round of the 90-Day challenge, and I am very excited to have everyone along on the journey!

This is a link to a handy copy of the calendar, all on one page:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/36976314/Body Pump 90-day Workout Calendar.pdf

This is a link to the spreadsheet to record our progress each week:


Add your name, and enter your current weight as the start weight.
All weigh-ins are due on the spreadsheet no later than midnight, Mondays.


  • roro73
    roro73 Posts: 153 Member
    Hi there! My name is Stacy. I'm an Executive Assistant and a single mom of two (well, one's an adult now but he's still my baby). I go back & forth between going gung ho with exercise to virtually nil. Most recently it's been nil...lol. I did just take a Body Pump class on Tuesday though & loved it! I'm hoping this challenge will keep me on track. My plan is to attend the gym class twice a week and do at least 30 minutes cardio on the days I don't have class (even if it's just a brisk walk). I've already logged my stats...anxious to meet everyone and see everyone's results :)
  • lk27
    lk27 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi! I'm Lindsey. This will be round 2 of the Les Mills Pump challenge for me. I am going to be doing a combo of Les Mills Pump and Turbo Fire. I also want to run the 5k at our local fair in June, so I will incorporate running in as well. I live in Colorado and we have awesome hiking trails. I have been really into hiking after work lately. This is the perfect time of year for hiking, because it's not too hot out yet. I also have a recent urge to get my mountain bike up on the trails, so that is another one of my goals for the summer.

    I'm trying to get in shape to look good in my bikini this summer. My husband and I have an anniversary trip (2 years) planned for October, where I plan on being by the pool most of the time. We are also planning a fun trip with friends to Lake Powell. So I want to be in tip top shape. Mostly I just want to feel good about myself again. I did fall off the wagon, so to speak, at the end of the last challenge, but this time I am determined to stick it out. I think that it was good to have a little break though, because I was going so hard for so long that my body was screaming for some time off. In the 2 week break I actually lost about 3 pounds. Maybe it was like hitting the restart button because now I'm back and feel better than ever!
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Hi, I am Emily. I am tryin to drop body fat% and increase some lean muscle mass. I have kept 85lbs off for 3.5 years. I recently hurt my back and ended up with 2 herniated disk which caused me to not be able to workout for almost 2 months... This will be the first workout program since I got hurt... I really enjoy weight training and am hoping to get back into running. If anyone from this group would like to add me as a friend please leave a message sayin you are apart of this group... I have enough friends currently but am willing to except ppl in this group.
  • Runningchick11
    Runningchick11 Posts: 53 Member
    Hello! I am Jessica, full-time office worker that sits in a cubicle for most of the day, so it is really easy to be pretty unhealthy! A lot of times after work I am too tired and lazy to work out but hopfully this will really help motivate me! I just purchased 2.5 lb weights so I am really excited to increase my load! I am considering getting Jillian Michael's 30 day shred to do on the cardio days if I am too lazy to go run, as a work out is only 20 minutes long, I think I can handle that! Any other prgrams out there that people like to do? I've also been meaning to get a step thing to do body pump step!
    RQUILL2 Posts: 4
    Hi everyone, my name is Ruth. I fell off on the last 90 day challenge but I am ready to move forward now. I am a school nurse so I have these upcoming summer months to make it happen. I have two sons, one graduated from high school yesterday. :bigsmile: I want be healthy, lose as much weight as I can and keep it off.
  • nursegnet
    nursegnet Posts: 155 Member
    Hi Guys,
    My name is Ginette. Nurse for a skilled nursing facility.Wife and guardian of six wonderful doggies.
    I love the Les Mills program! So happy for these challenges. I will try my best to do as many workouts as I can. I hope for big success for me and my fellow pumpers! : )
  • ronitabur
    ronitabur Posts: 178 Member
    My name is Ronita (but my friends call me Roni). This is my second round of the 90 day challenge. So far I have lost 54 pounds. I started dieting using a book written by a Gastro doctor local to my area. The book is The SOS Diet by Dr. James Surrell. It has two rules - eat no more than 20g of sugar per day and eat at least 30g of fiber per day. He also suggests that you cut out white or enriched flour and potatoes and keep corn products, carrots and peas to a minimum. What I have learned by eating this way is, you can eat so much more food because you are cutting out empty calories - sugar. And, you're eating so much fibrous food and vegetables that you're never hungry. The first week of going sugar free is really hard. There is an aspect of "withdrawals" and I found myself to feel very tired and crabby. I do see a nutritionist about every 3 months. She was not a fan of this diet, but I reassure her that I am getting my vitamins and minerals from veggies, and she cannot dispute the numbers - my blood sugar is now normal and my cholesterol, both good and bad cholesterol, is perfect! On top of that, I have lost 54 pounds and have eliminated 1 of my blood pressure medications and have reduced my other medication by half.

    My diet has evolved, and I now eat more fruit and high sugar vegetables, but in moderation - no more than 2 servings per day which is the recommended daily allowance for a woman my age. I'm sure this makes my dietician very happy. But, in doing so, I now count calories. I eat 1200 - 1400 calories per day plus on top of that I do eat back my exercise calories. (I use an HRM which is a priceless tool when trying to lose weight.)

    I take Les Mills classes at my local YMCA - usally CXWorx, RPM, BodyFlow (love it!) and once I took Body Attack which I hope to do more of soon. I also take other classes like Yoga and functional pilates and don't give preferential treatment to Les Mills. I also ride my bike, use the treadmill and elliptical and do weight training. Basically, I never get bored because I'm always switching things up, which turns out is a great thing to do for fitness and weight loss.

    I am a mother to a young man who just finished his second semester at Concordia College in Moorhead MN. He is a vocal performance major (Tenor) who wishes to someday be an opera singer. A mom's worst nightmare come true, but it's his passion and he is having the time of his life. He works hard in school and I have the attitude that this is my time now, to do what I have to do to take care of myself and I'm willing to work hard too so he can be just as proud of me as I am of him.

    Anyway, I lost 16 pounds along with our moderator Angela during the last 90 day challenge. She kept me motivated and her group was just what I needed to re-kickstart a weight loss track that had been stagnant in me for way too long. Even though I don't follow the diet, I do love the Les Mills classes at my YMCA and I take as many of them as I can work into my schedule.

    I hope you all work hard so you too can reap the rewards. Remember, consistency and hard work is the key!

  • quashaj
    quashaj Posts: 2
    Hi guys, my name is Jeffrey and this is my second round of Les Mills PUmp! The first time around I gained some muscle and dropped down to 238. The second time around I dramatically shifted my diet with some advice and motivation. I am down 17 pounds after two weeks and still dropping!
  • amccord2
    amccord2 Posts: 363 Member
    Hi guys, my name is Jeffrey and this is my second round of Les Mills PUmp! The first time around I gained some muscle and dropped down to 238. The second time around I dramatically shifted my diet with some advice and motivation. I am down 17 pounds after two weeks and still dropping!
    Jeffery, that's impressive. Tell us about your nutrition plan.