This really works, broke my plateau!

scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
Hello, so I just started really doing this diet last week and i'm really happy so far with the results. Just a little about me, I have been on a mission to lose 78 lbs since new years. I don't care how long it takes I will do it. My starting weight was 278 and that was my heaviest ever. My goal weight is 200lb. I am 6ft male and 39yrs. I did the low calorie thing for several months and as expected I lost pretty fast at first. My calories were usually between 1500 to 1800 and I did not eat back exercise which I did a ton of cardio(60 to 90 mins 3-4 days week).

So I got tired of starving all the time and I joined the spike group and at some point upped my calories to 2000 day, still never eating back exercise. So I finally hit a plateau about a month ago at 245. My weight would fluctuate daily between 245 and 248. It was really depressing because I was working harder then ever and I could never get the scale to go under 245. Even after getting food poisoning and losing tons of water over 3 days(it was bad) I still didn't go under 245. Even not eating for some of those 3 days and no loss. If that is not a plateau I don't know what is :sad:

So I found this group and decided to half *kitten* it and up my calories to 2300, still not eating back exercise and still doing way to much cardio. I did that for a few days and didn't get any results.

So I finally upped my calories to TDEE-15% using my bodymedia fit numbers and bam I lost 2.6lbs since last saturday's weigh-in. I actually weighed 243.8 yesterday which I was happy about but this morning really shocked me because I lost even more and weighed in at 242.4 this morning. Normally I only weigh myself officially on saturday morning, but that was to much of a loss to ignore so I'm counting it.

Here's my numbers per bmf for the last 7 days if it helps anyone to make up their mind whether upping their calories is a good idea or not. Oh and btw I cut my cardio to 30-45mins 3 times a week(started c25k) and weights 2-3 days.

TDEE average=3303
Calories eaten=2723(little less then planned)
deficit=580 per day

Now I doubt I lost 2.6lbs of pure fat due to my deficit only shows about a 1.2lb loss, but I beleive I also lost a lot of water I was retaining. Since low calorie diets cause us to retain water due to high cortisol. So when the body is happy(not hungry) this equals less stress and less cortisol. I can't wait to see how I do over the next week, but I'm hooked and so glad to not be hungry and feel great! Btw sorry for the huge post, I like to talk:drinker:


  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    This is awesome so happy for you. For me eating more has gotten rid of my fatigue, depression, and over all yucky feeling. So even though I haven't lost weight ( I have lost inches) I feel great and that is enough for me.
  • scottc561
    scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
    This is awesome so happy for you. For me eating more has gotten rid of my fatigue, depression, and over all yucky feeling. So even though I haven't lost weight ( I have lost inches) I feel great and that is enough for me.

    And losing inches is the best thing, since nobody sees your scale weight. And I don't want people to think I'm gloating, I just want people that are on the fence about upping their calories to know this does work. I likely lost mostly water, and I have no problem with that and hope fat comes off also in the long run.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    Great news! :) Do you find your bmf to be accurate?
  • scottc561
    scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
    Great news! :) Do you find your bmf to be accurate?

    I used to think it was under estimating. Becuase when I would work my butt off on the stair stepper it would say I burnt half of what the machine says. But I think it's pretty accurate and I wasnt burning as much as I thought I was on the machines. But when I run I burn more then the machine says. Overall I would say yes it's pretty accurate due to all the sensors that actually read off your body.
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Congrats to you Scott! You and I are on similar paths from the Spike group to this one! Unfortunately, I have been at this weight loss thing a little longer than you, lol, and I am not ready to cut yet, but I will watch you intently so I know what to expect when I am done resetting! I am so happy that you are able to eat and lose weight! What can be better than that? Keep us updated!
  • scottc561
    scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
    Congrats to you Scott! You and I are on similar paths from the Spike group to this one! Unfortunately, I have been at this weight loss thing a little longer than you, lol, and I am not ready to cut yet, but I will watch you intently so I know what to expect when I am done resetting! I am so happy that you are able to eat and lose weight! What can be better than that? Keep us updated!

    thanks! and yes I know of a couple spikers that have come to this group.
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    great to hear good news!! i have just upped my cals a week ago and am ajusting to this
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    I recently joined this group. Been at this new journey for about 5-1/2 months and lost most of my weight in the first 3. Then a long plateau. Recently, I'm eating all my calories, added new activity and lost half a pound. Feeling pretty good just a little tired. I like that this group has a lot of people who have been through this journey and can assist with their feedback.
  • scottc561
    scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
    I recently joined this group. Been at this new journey for about 5-1/2 months and lost most of my weight in the first 3. Then a long plateau. Recently, I'm eating all my calories, added new activity and lost half a pound. Feeling pretty good just a little tired. I like that this group has a lot of people who have been through this journey and can assist with their feedback.

    Ya the 3months/30lb mark seems to be where alot of people plateau. Must be something to that.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Congrats, what a great story!
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    You have done a great job. Can't wait to watch your story continue to unfold through this group.
  • AmyzNewGroove
    AmyzNewGroove Posts: 144 Member
    Wooot keep up the great work!!
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    That is fantastic!! This whole approach has been a life changer for me. I'm really happy that you are seeing success with it as well.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    I enjoy reading everyone's success stories. To me, this eating more is counter intuitive but I have been plateaued for something like 6 or 7 weeks and really want to take off this last few pounds. I'm really hoping that getting rid of the last 5 or 10 will help my diabetes since my blood glucose readings are not very good.
  • souji5
    souji5 Posts: 3
    Ya the 3months/30lb mark seems to be where alot of people plateau. Must be something to that.
    Congrats on breaking through your plateau, scottc561! :) .. I lost about 20 lbs. in 3.5 months and have been on a plateau since mid-December 2001 :/ I stayed on the same deficit # of calories until May 7th, when I moved to maintenance calories to see if I can get back on the deficit # soon and get the loss jumpstarted again.

    I know of someone else who had a 4 month/ 30 lbs and then plateau.. I SO wish I had lost 30 lbs too, before I plateaued! I think I'm going to try what you did too: bodymedia fit TDEE - 15%. What do you use to count your steps?

    Also, have you seen more progress in the last week? :)