


  • lrfrank65
    lrfrank65 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi. I'm Lisa. I am new to MFP, but very excited to get going. My comfort food is CAKE! I love any flavor, any time. I discovered Walmart sells cake by the slice. This was not good. You would assume that buying only one slice would have been a good thing. NOT! Their slices are huge and i am sure the calories and fat were equal to 3 or more slices of boxed cake mixes. I recently decided to stop eating chocolate in hopes of cutting down my intake of sweets. i don't miss the chocolate, but I still had to find the sugar elsewhere: peanut butter and jelly, jelly beans, cookies, etc...She thinks that she should have said SWEETS instead.

    I look forward to meeting all of you as we all share in the journey.:smile:
  • vahlkyree
    vahlkyree Posts: 10
    Carbs and sweets are my pitfalls... I absolutely love bakery items - sweet or savory! A good herb bread or chocolate cake, donuts or bagels, yum! I just can't help myself when they are around.

    One thing I've tried to do to keep myself in check (and being on MFP has helped with this): I try to be a food snob. Is it worth the calories to eat it? Junk food (hostess, little debbie, grocery store bakery items, etc) never taste great or fantastic, so therefore they are not worth it. This helps a lot when someone leaves treats in the kitchen at work, since they are almost always cheap store bought items.

    I still sometimes sneak a small piece (half a cookie or very small piece of cake), and I almost always regret it, because it doesn't even taste very good. This is ok because it helps reinforce the whole idea. Why eat it if it's not really good??
  • Hi Im Jennifer, My temptation is anything chocolate, I have a mouth full of sweet tooths, not just a sweet tooth. I get over it by telling myself, if you eat that you wont stop then have to stay at the gym for 3 hours more....lol It works most of the time
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    Hi all - My name is Geri - and let's see - if it has calories, carbs and is considered in any way to be unhealthy - whether quanity wise or content - it has my name on it. Carbs,Breads, Pastas, sweets - comfort foods. Grew up in a home where the starving children in China did not get any donations from my house, father was a big meat and potatoes guy (and not broiled or baked - fried). It is hard when the cravings come on - sometimes i can't resist.
  • sadlass
    sadlass Posts: 2
    Hi i'm Wendy i've got to many weekness to list :embarassed:
    but my main one's are SNACKING and LEFT-OVERS, :angry:
    my problem is that i very seldem sit down and have a real meal :sad: :sad:
  • Kandy3
    Kandy3 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi I'm Kandy and I love Champagne! Save it for the weekend but as soon as I've drunk it I want to eat everything off limits around! I also wake up in the night and eat something sweet. I have bought fun size Milky Ways at 60 cals each and try to just have one at night and add to my diary.
  • dry61ed
    dry61ed Posts: 34 Member
    Hi I'm Cindy. I just love sweets. IIf there are no sweets I will go to the next best thing, any kind of carbs, bread, crackers, etc. I would be happy to just eat a meal of candy and skip the regular food. I actually did eat a whole bag of jelly beans for dinner a few weeks ago. I definately need the support. Glad to meet everyone.
  • sncmaddie
    sncmaddie Posts: 37 Member
    My name is Maddie and I love chocoalate and ice cream. I love almost any food. I'm 37 and have been a binger since 10 years old. I could use a support group like this.
  • Lejonheart
    Lejonheart Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, My name's Lejon.
    I have a lot of weaknesses, one of the biggest ones though, is chocolate. I have a really hard time NOT to binge on it.
    I try to ask myself WHY I crave it.
    I don't always know, but sometimes it's a little easier to resist if I acknowledge that I only want the chocolate (or whatever) because I'm stressed/sad or otherwise.
  • shonovo
    shonovo Posts: 104

    my name is shana and i am so happy i found this group!! i am really struggling! my weakness is anything carbie and it is usually snuck, since i am a huge closet comfort binge eater! i really need help and support... i feel like no one understands me in real life and i would love all the support i can get on mfp!
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    Hi, my name is LB and I am sick and tired of giving away control of my life to food. I eat whenever I am under any kind of stress or to reward myself. It really is a vicious cycle that I want to stop. One step at a time.
  • toolgirl49
    toolgirl49 Posts: 1
    Hi, I eat carbs or anything when I'm under stress. I just transferred out of a good job with a bad leader. The person in charge lied about several of us at every opportunity. This caused an excessive amount of stress and thus a lot of bad eating. I'm trying to break this 'habit' and it has not been successful. I've lost 5 lbs and that's all! arghhh.
  • aleshai
    aleshai Posts: 55 Member
    Hello! My name is Alesha. I am a comfort eater big-time and my go-to foods are fast food, junk food, chips, sweets, chocolate, etc... Whenever I feel tired, overwhelmed, stressed, or lazy (that's a big chunk of the time) I don't want to think about cooking something healthy or cook, period. I hate that eating out feels so much like treating myself. Treating myself to what??? Weight gain, future problems in blood pressure, diabetes??? I am working really hard on separating food from feelings. Food is fuel for my body not happiness after a crappy day- (at least that is what I tell myself).
  • aleshai
    aleshai Posts: 55 Member
    @ LB

    YES!!!!! I love reading posts from others that could have been put up there by me! You are not alone, so many of us feel this way and so many of us are trying to do something about it here!
  • betsym3
    betsym3 Posts: 353 Member
    Hello my name is Betsy.

    My biggest problem is when I get home from work or on the weekend when I'm bored or upset and I think that I deserve some comfort food to make me feel better at the moment. I usually grab peanut butter and crackers or any junk food (chips, cookies, ice cream, cheese melted on too many tortilla chips, etc.) that is laying around the house. Whether I bought the food or my husband or son bought it, I go looking for it.

    Peanut butter has gone up in price, so I have not been buying it lately. I have bought some almonds and put them in single serving snack packs to take to work or have when I'm tempted. This has been working for me lately and I don't eat half the jar of nuts this way. Peanut butter and nuts are good for me, but not when I eat too much at once. I used to really pile the peanut butter on Ritz or saltine crackers when I got home from work. This stuff really is fattening. I'm trying to pair protein and fruit as a snack. For example fruit with cheese or fruit with nuts. I'm hoping to develop a healthy way to snack making it a daily habit, so that I keep my emotional eating under control and don;t get overly hungry between meals.

    I just found this group and thought that it would help keep me on track, when I am about to reach out for something that I don't really need to be eating. I'm hoping to read posts here when my emotions are causing me to grab for something that I know in my head that I should avoid. This way I might be able to stay on track and stick to my goal of getting to a healthy weight and fitness level with overall healthy eating habits.

    I wish myself and all of you the best in our journey!
  • scoleman9
    scoleman9 Posts: 3
    Hello my name is Stephanie and my weekness is potato chips in any form. I have stopped bringing them in the house because for now it is the only way to ensure I won't eat them.
  • aweltha
    aweltha Posts: 11 Member
    I take comfort in food of any kind. Whether it be of the healthy or of the not so healthy variety. If I am having any sort of emotion whatsoever I feel the need to eat. I eat when I'm happy, sad, mad, bored, content, sleepy,or because it is "meal time". Does anyone else struggle like that? Is there anything I can do to cope with the constant need to stuff my face?
  • dblosmith
    dblosmith Posts: 29 Member
    Hi. Chris here. My biggest temptation are chips. Doritos, fritos, and cheetos specifically. I could easily down a whole LARGE 1800 calorie bag between meals. Sooo addicting!
  • smh19692000
    smh19692000 Posts: 13 Member
    hi I'm Shar.

    My biggest temptation is tea and biscuits, especially custard cream biscuits. My mind can trick me into eating ten in a row with a cup of tea before I've even left the kettle. Then I'll take two and go and sit by the tv with my tea and biscuits. Thinking in my delusional state that I've had just two biscuits. Bonkers! Xx
  • carly90412
    carly90412 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Carly. This is my first post to a message board so fingers crossed. I'm down for anything sweet... or salty... or, for that matter, savory... or chocolate, definitely chocolate. Anyway, I am here. Motivation has been an issue for me of late so I'm trying to force my way through it.