What's your goal?

tamund67 Posts: 11 Member
Just curious what everyone's goal is. My goal is to lose at least 45 pounds. I've been a yo-yo dieter for years and am tired of being fat. I hate that my BMI is obese!


  • jporte
    jporte Posts: 164 Member
    I would like to lose 12 more pounds and maintain it but I've been stuck for a couple of weeks now. I am also trying to tone up (need lots of that after 3 kids).
    I sort of have an unrealistic goal of fitting into a bikini (do 40 year olds wear bikini's?).....but I'm going to try.
  • themissusc
    themissusc Posts: 20
    Mine is to lose 35 lbs. Mini goal of 15 lbs by Sept 8

    oh, and i need to find a picture to use here ;)
    but that should be easy enough
  • stefanieceleste0530
    stefanieceleste0530 Posts: 177 Member
    My goal is to lose another 48 lbs and fit into a size 10 ....I know, doesn't sound all that small, but I like my curves and I don't want to completely give them up :wink:

    I'd also love for my arms and thighs to stop jiggling so much!! :happy:
  • slj46
    slj46 Posts: 6
    My goal is to lose 100 pounds.
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    To run a marathon... to break 25 minutes in the 5K. To complete the championship series I entered. :smile:
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    To lose 40 more lbs and be able to run a decent 10K.
  • Dot2Dots
    Dot2Dots Posts: 137 Member
    My weightloss goal is to lose 25 lbs by my 45th birthday in November.

    I also have other goals, such as becoming a certified Hoopnotica Instructor :)
  • 4d9r
    4d9r Posts: 111 Member
    I want to get down to 130 pounds, from my current 164.2! I'm counting calories, doing either biking or walking for cardio, and started Ripped in 30 on Sunday. Need to tone up all over, and burn lots of fat!
  • jstrong41
    jstrong41 Posts: 1
    My goal is to lose another 43 pounds and feel healthier.
  • blackburn23
    blackburn23 Posts: 385 Member
    My longterm goal is to weigh 135 lbs....My short-term goal is to lose 15 lbs by June 30th.
  • Bizeebec150
    Bizeebec150 Posts: 88
    My goal is to get to 145 pounds that will be the 100 pound weight loss mark for me
  • seguess
    seguess Posts: 36 Member
    My goal is to lose another 20-25 lbs by the end of the year. I've lost 30 so far.
  • seguess
    seguess Posts: 36 Member
    I would like to lose 12 more pounds and maintain it but I've been stuck for a couple of weeks now. I am also trying to tone up (need lots of that after 3 kids).
    I sort of have an unrealistic goal of fitting into a bikini (do 40 year olds wear bikini's?).....but I'm going to try.

    I worked with a nutrition coach for about 8 weeks when I hit a plateau and couldn't get past it. She suggested that I try to eat very little processed food for about 5 days--just fruits, vegetables, grilled or baked meat. I tried it and it worked. Give it a try and see if it helps you over the hump.
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    I would ideally like to lose another 35 pounds. I have lost 21 so far out of my 56 pound total.
  • coloradomomof3
    coloradomomof3 Posts: 6 Member
    I am also trying to tone up (need lots of that after 3 kids).

    I hear you--3 kids--3 c-sections--I jiggle a lot. I have been working out consistently since the beginning of the year (pretty inconsistently before that). I really want to lose 20 pounds--have lost about 8 and just feeling stalled. My husband and I just started the Insanity Workout on Sunday--we will see where that takes me.
  • ShelleMcM
    ShelleMcM Posts: 2 Member
    My main goal is to lose 40 more pounds. My mini goal is to lose 10 pounds by July 4th.
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    My big goal is to lose about 130 pounds and get into the healthy range for my weight. The next checkpoint--I'd like to lose about 13-15 pounds by the end of July. That seems realistic.
  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member
    First goal 20 lbs to get to a "normal" weight. Then to tone up and maybe lose 5 more. But I am going to focus on losing the 10-15 this summer.
  • ritzema5
    ritzema5 Posts: 57 Member
    My ultimate goal is to lose 80 pounds. I've lost 49 so far, 10 before starting MFP and 39 since then. I would love to be able to run a 5K. I started doing C25K earlier this spring, but was having asthma issues, so that's on hold for a bit. My selfishly vain goal is to look good on the cruise to the Bahamas that I booked my husband and myself on next February (shhh...it's a surprise for his birthday)
  • My goal is to reset my metabolism and keep 10 lbs off that keep creeping back on. I want to lean out and tone and get rid of the poochy belly. I guess the goal is also to make a lifestyle change in my eating habits and activity level.