Traveling with BR : How hard is Cardio 2?

aprrae Posts: 172 Member
Next weekend I will be visiting family for the weekend. I move to Phase 2 next week and am a bit worried about doing the new workouts while in someone else's home. I will get in Workout 5 & 6 while at home, but will be doing Cardio 2 for the first time while away. How challenging will it be? Do I need to request a DVD player in their basement to keep the house from shaking too much??

Anyone have any strategies for making sure you keep doing your workouts while on the road??


  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    Cardio 2 was tough for me!!! I was out of breath and swearing at Jillian after the first 5 minutes :))) There were few moments when I thought I was going to pass out :))) haha- but burnt around 400 cals. Good luck!
  • pmcjt
    pmcjt Posts: 34 Member
    Yeah, cardio 2 made me nauseous the first time I did it. I'm glad I was working out on an empty stomach. It is a tough one.

    You could always do a walk or jog instead. Not the same burn but still cardio. Or try it now and decide if you want to bring it.

    I traveled while in phase 1. I brought the dvds, weights, cable and did the program from a hotel room the whole week we were gone. We are going away 2 more times during my program. our next trip is this coming weekend where I think I'll just miss one workout. In June, we are going to Europe for 3 weeks and I will just have to take a break and pick back up when we get back. I can't travel lightly with weights, etc. and don't even think all the places we are going would have a dvd player. My plan is to bring the cable, walk everywhere, and watch my calories. I could have waited to start the program when we were back but I always find reasons to put off exercise and diet.
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    It wasn't hard for me...but very affective I can say more on the ABS....I pretty much learned the routine by hard to do it 3 times...way better than Cardio 1 for me...
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks for the tips. Maybe I will just do Cardio 2 next week instead of the last Cardio 1. Then I will have done it at least.
  • pashalia
    pashalia Posts: 66 Member
    I ve done till now 5 times cardio 2. The first two times I thought I ll die... I couldn't feel my legs from the first 5 minutes... But now it is ok for me.... I think about t, but I do it!!!
  • klwells08
    klwells08 Posts: 158 Member
    I travel a couple of times a month for work and have been taking BR with me as I go. For watching the video, I use my laptop, which I have to take with me any way. For weights I purchased aquabells (available on Amazon). You fill them with water when you get to your destination. I had to modify a couple of things, like the plank on the dumbells where you lift the weight in workout six. They are pricey, so it may not be worth it if you don't travel regularly, but if you do, I highly recommend them.