30's Daily - 5/21

shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
Welcome to our daily thread!

We post here for motivation and support. Feel free to share your successes and your failures. Really, you should feel free to share whatever is on your mind. Just be respectful and expect respect in return.

[Anyone can start the daily thread, just make the new subject and copy and paste the intro. Thanks in advance for your help.]

☞ Name/nickname reminders -
Paul (PJYoung2012)
Carrie (camsmommy2008)
Sara Grace (SaraGrace82)
Susan or Susie (susieq101178)
Erica (epa422)
Debbie (shorty313)
Melissa (lissa0040)
Jackie (jaxygirl)
Sonya (sonyachan)
Ellie (ellie78)
CurlyPep (lilpe5512)
Harold (hcdawg)
Jill (Blueyz82)
Dan (G3tR1pp3d)
Stacy (chanstriste13)
Cristi (blueeyedcrist)
Amanda (AmandaK3)
Bishop or Todd(BishopSmurf)
Kelli (daisy51981)
Sarah (SarLem81)
Clare (clareeast)
Amanda (WhiteCloud)
Emma (elstein)


  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 425 Member
    GM 30's somthing ! I've been MIA all weekend but I'm back today!

    Enjoy your Monday!
  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
    Wow, what a busy weekend, I barely sat down (and when I did I was folding clothes :tongue: )

    I ate FAR too much yesterday - we had friends over and grilled steak and chicken fajitas, but it was worth the splurge.

    Back on track today! The sodium this weekend killed me!
  • Blueyz82
    Blueyz82 Posts: 151
    Hey all!

    I'm back :smile:

    I'm still not 100% after being sick for like a week and a half! boo! but I plan on getting back into my work out routine starting today! This weekend was really nice! Spent Sunday with my extended family for my little cousin's Baptism! I ate cake, pizza, pasta, meatballs, salad...and still managed to be below my calorie goal! yay!

    Saturday. I started my plan for zig zag calories...I will do this for a week and see how it goes! So far so good! Weighed in on Sunday morning and I am officially out of the 200s!!! Welcome 100s!!! :bigsmile:

    Hope you all had a great weekend and hope Monday work day flies by! :smile:
  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    Good morning, all!

    I also ate way too much yesterday. We had friends over and busted out the charcoal smoker for the first time this summer - spent the entire day smoking and slow cooking a giant beef brisket (and it was SO good), but starting off healthier this morning with a bowl of steel cut oats flavored with peanut butter - yum!

    I skipped two workouts last week because of my stupid shoulder, but it's feeling a bit better today so I'm hoping to jump right back in and be more productive this week.

    Hope everyone's Monday is at least tolerable! :drinker:
  • camsmommy2008
    camsmommy2008 Posts: 131
    Happy Monday Everyone!!! :sad:

    I wish the weekend did not have to end! Man it was in the high 80's all weekend here in MI and it was beautiful. I have the sun burn to prove how much I enjoyed it outside :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a goood day today!
  • susieq101178
    susieq101178 Posts: 305 Member
    Jill - way to go!!

    Debbie - your weekend sounds like mine!

    The in-laws were in town and all we got done was run around middle Tennessee for two days! I'm determined to keep a clean house when we have company, plus Todd had another game in which he got VERY dirty, so when we were at the house I did a lot of dishes and laundry. Still managed to squeeze in exercise the whole time.

    They brought us a dwarf Japanese maple and we picked up some Fairy Bell petunias while they were here. After they headed back home to Indiana, Todd and I planted the tree, the petunias, and put in nearly two hours of weeding and cleaning up the front flower beds. :tongue: This may have been the most productive weekend of my life . . .

    We went out to eat Saturday night and it became my first "cheat day" since Easter. Even with going over that day though, I still came in WAY under for the week, so I don't feel too terribly guilty . . . and it was sooooooooo good. Plus I burned a ridiculous amount of calories on Sunday with my hike and yard work.

    My real job is finally settling back down - I managed to meet all of my deadlines (the last one just about an hour ago). :bigsmile: Now it's time to tie up loose ends and get back to filing my life away until the first of the month comes around again.

    Hope everyone has a great Monday!!
  • WhiteCloud9
    WhiteCloud9 Posts: 113 Member
    Is it Monday? For me it's like a Saturday after a very long and stressful week! I am off today, thank goodness, because I worked last Tuesday thru Sunday playing "war" for the Air National Guard. Tuesday and Wednesday I was there from 7am to almost 4pm, Thursday from 6:30am to 11am then went home and slept (only three hours) to go back that night at 11pm. I got home on Friday afternoon (yes, I did say "afternoon) at 1:45pm, slept till 9pm, left my house at 10:15pm for my shift to start at 11pm, then home on Saturday afternoon around 1pm. I only slept for about two hours that afternoon because I had to sleep Saturday night to be back at the base at 8:30am yesterday. Whew, glad all of that is over with now! It's very exhausting to work those crazy shifts, plus wear the chemical suit the whole time and the gas mask for two to three hours at a time during the shift. We have to train for the possibility of being in a chemical environment but I hope I never, ever have to go through something like that for real! It's so easy to get anxious and freak out while wearing that mask.

    So, because of all that last week I did not eat well at all. I was so busy on my shifts that I really didn't eat a lot and was starving when going home. I had fast food on Fri and Sat, then last night we went to dinner with family and I just wasn't in the mood to worry about what I was eating. However, I only gained 0.4lbs so I think it wasn't too bad after all. I did skip my workout class today because I am so tired and almost feel like I'm getting sick. I've stayed home all day, got a few things done, but mostly have been lazy. I can't really get back into the swing of things because next Saturday we are leaving for vacation to see family. I'm just hoping that through the next two weeks I can at least maintain my weight.

    Hope all of you had a great Monday!
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Well sounds like everyone has had quite a busy weekend! I'm just finally sitting down here at 8 pm after a busy Monday. I got my food back on track today, I feel like I've been really off for the last week or so after doing really good for a week. This week is crunch time to get ready for my 10K so I'm determined to be good with food and get in a couple runs, although I will mostly be taking it easy on exercise.

    I really need to go relax now! Hope everyone's week is off to a good start.
  • SaraGrace82
    SaraGrace82 Posts: 232
    Such an off track week last week! I am going back in tonight to track for today. Stumbling back to some semblance of "on track." We didn't even manage to get our hike in this week.

    Oh well, moving on.

    Sorry about getting the challenge up so late tonight!

    Happy almost Tuesday!

    Sara Grace