having a hard time

I am having a hard time liking my body after having a baby. I had my daughter 4 and a half moths ago. Before I got pregnant I had quit smoking and gained weight from that I was 150 when I was smoking, when I quit I went up to 170. the week i gave birth i reach 215 pounds. I now weigh 185. I have such a hard time eating well. My husband is a junk food junky and so we always have bad food in the house and not to only blame him but I myself have a sweet tooth. I try so hard to stick to something but it never lasts. I have never been on a diet in my entire life. I walk almost everyday with my daughter and i also breastfeed her, but i just seem to be stuck at the weight i am at and have been since one week after she was born. I don't eat big portions and i try to eat more veggies at dinner than anything else. i don't know what to do


  • pinok88
    pinok88 Posts: 6 Member
    I am too - I feel hopeless.. but will keep going. Logging in my food diary really makes me accountable. Son is almost nine months and i still have so much weight to loss. I feel like it's a never ending battle :(
    But we'll get there - Have hope :heart: +:heart:
  • AnnaDuggan
    AnnaDuggan Posts: 1 Member
    You're not alone :) I had my little girl 6 months ago I weighed 200 when I gave birth to her. I'm at 176 and I haven't really been paying attention to losing weight until recently. I'm being realistic, my husband much like yours likes bringing cookies, ice cream and chocolate in the house. I tell him not to but that is a losing battle and my butt is not the losing one :).

    SO the the only advice I can give you is don't give up! Set your self realistic goals start of with just a day or a week, but start small. For example I started of as follows. I will work out at home (doing the Gillian Michaels 30 day shred) at least 5 days a week and walk with my daughter when it's nice outside. I will lose a pound this week. Well it's my first week and yes I've lost a pound, I've walked with my daughter twice and I've done the workout 2 days so far and I have three more days to complete the 5 day goal.

    You can do it!
  • angelguad
    angelguad Posts: 2
    It puts me at ease knowing that other people are struggling too. I joined the gym this pass weekend. I love going, so i hope this will be what really gives me that push to get back down. I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin again.
  • hlrussell
    hlrussell Posts: 3 Member
    Be gracious to yourself. Four and a half months is not a very long time after giving birth. Six months after I had my little boy, my weight was still creeping up. My husband and I joined a gym about that time, but it took another six months after that to really start losing. My son just turned 2 last week, and now I'm finally down more than 30 pounds since joining the gym.

    For me, I was way hungrier breastfeeding than I ever was when I was pregnant. I ate pretty healthfully, but I ate a lot. My pitfall was cheese. I would put tons of cheese on everything. I've really cut it back, and I think that's been helpful. We try not to keep a lot of sweets or snacks (other than fruits, veggies, whole grain crackers, etc) in the house. You mentioned you have a sweet tooth. Who does the grocery shopping? Can you do it, and hold yourself accountable to what you buy? Can your husband be supportive of what you're trying to accomplish and make some sacrifices for your health's sake (or at least, eat the junk away from home)? We still keep some ice cream in the house, especially in the warmer weather; we try to stick to the Edy's Slow Churned varieties - half the fat from the regular kind, and some varieties have no sugar added - and they're still really yummy. :) You can allow yourself a little, just watch those portions and log, log, log your calories! And give yourself time. I was right where you are - so frustrated. But now I'm smaller than I've ever been before. You can do it, too!
  • I'm having a hard time too. I was in great shape before my son was born but cant seem to lose the rest. 25 pounds to go. I'm still breastfeeding too. My lil man is 13 months and hes active so I have to lose weight to keep up with him annnddd my hubby is 12 years younger than me so I have to keep up with him tooo aarrgghh Its so hard. I'm trying the body by vi shakes and have lost 3 lbs so far in the last week. Not bad so far. Im trying to stay focused :))
  • sheiwat
    sheiwat Posts: 47
    Hard time here as well...My baby turned 4 mths this past Saturday and i still need to lose another 20...I can't seem to shake my pregnant sweet cravings...:(