Daily Roll call 05/21



  • KazzaLee13
    KazzaLee13 Posts: 46
    Did my first day today! Almost postponed it to tomorrow because I couldn't take my before pics today but I don't think it'll make much of a difference if I take them on day 2.
    (Hopefully I WILL take them lol, I've been avoiding the camera for so long I find it really hard to take pictures of myself and see them and I'm kinda scared it will depress me more than anything but I wouldn't want to regret it later.)
  • Jigglebewie
    Jigglebewie Posts: 344 Member
    OMG, I'm too excited, so I'll start tomoz and do it from Youtube until I get it come through the post =D
  • mzkezh
    mzkezh Posts: 74
    I will be starting the program tonight, I will take pics and measurements

    good luck everyone
  • OTchic
    OTchic Posts: 205 Member
    i sooo want to start today but i will join in tomorrow. i have 2 finals tonight not over until 10 pm!! and im @ work so after a 14 hr day today I will want to go home.

    ill start tomorrow and take pics and measurements!

    is anyone doing other cardio or workouts besides this?
  • Fit_SailorsWife
    Fit_SailorsWife Posts: 128 Member
    I will still be doing my other workouts, just adding this into it :)
  • Jodieh75
    Jodieh75 Posts: 60 Member
    I've just done day 2 of level 2. I did the 1st day of level 2, 3 days ago and my shoulders and upper back were too sore afterwards. I had to force myself to get it done today but I'm glad I did, let's hope I'm not too sore tomorrow, this level is for sure harder!

    I took pics/measurements on day 1 and day 10. will do again on day 20 & 30.
  • Jackolina85
    Jackolina85 Posts: 46 Member
    I just finished my workout for the night. I'm on day 6, level 1. My calves are the first part of my body to get toned...love it! I also started the Butt Bible workout tonight. Lol. Good luck everyone...we can do this!
  • Fit_SailorsWife
    Fit_SailorsWife Posts: 128 Member
    Starting tomorrow. I'm really sore from running today, lol :)
  • LiveforChange
    LiveforChange Posts: 123 Member
    Hello everyone I'm on Day 25 and i already have my measurements
  • mzkezh
    mzkezh Posts: 74
    I completed level 1 day 1
  • Cyanid3
    Cyanid3 Posts: 112 Member
    Hello all! I actually just finished Day 21 this morning. I was taking rest days during this from a bad knee, but level 3 seems kinder to my knee so I should be able to do it every day, yay.
    Also, this is the month I decided to do a metabolic reset and eat near my TDEE, so my weight has, of course, gone up, so I'm sure my results will not be the normal. So I'm most likely going to continue 30DS a few days past my time and/or start another of Jillian's DVDs.
    I'm rambling :blushing:
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    Hi everyone. Started 30DS 8 days ago. Going to try level 2 tomorrow. Enjoying the program thus far.
  • lovesiwo
    lovesiwo Posts: 8
    Hi all, just did Day 2 of Level 1 this morning... my legs are sooo stiff! Anyone have ideas on how to combat the muscle aches and stiffness every day? More stretching maybe?

    Took 'before' pix last week and doing my measurements now. Really hope to see a change in 28 days time...
  • SkippingQueen
    Going to start day 1 today :D:D
  • suzqmf
    suzqmf Posts: 36 Member
    I just did day 1, level 1.
    I liked it. LOVED her encouragement! Only had to stop once for water. Proud of myself.
    Think my legs are going to be really sore tomorrow though....
  • LISA921
    LISA921 Posts: 22 Member
    I did Day 1, Level 1 this am. So glad I found this group!!!
  • Jigglebewie
    Jigglebewie Posts: 344 Member
    I just did Day 1 on Level 1. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

    I found the first circuit to be the hardest but I pushed through and completed the 20 mins. I don't have the DVD so I did it from YouTube, but I found she didn't do too much stretching and cooling down..

    From past experiences when I haven't done enough stretching I will be sore and aching the next day. So added an extra 5 mins of additional stretching.

    Does the actual DVD have a cool down and stretching section?
  • gaveruz
    gaveruz Posts: 47 Member
    I started today! Level 1/Day 1 - I was running out of gas while I was doing it; but it was over before I knew it! LOL
    I think I will have to move to level 2 soon. I am not as sore as others report; but perhaps because I do quite a few other clases at the gym, including Tabata, which is similar. don't know. Maybe I need to apply myself more!!! Definetely, I will be using heavier weights though. So far, so good. She was killing me with the jumping jacks - haha
  • mzkezh
    mzkezh Posts: 74
    yes you will feel it tomorrow, I did level 1 day 1 last nite and could barely move this morning

    good luck w/ rest of program
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member

    Does the actual DVD have a cool down and stretching section?

    I have the instant vids off Amazon and there's about 2 min of warm up and 2 min of cool down. Nothing major. I ended up doing my own thing for cool down.