
Going4Healthy Posts: 38 Member
Here is my inspiration for the day... and many days/months to come:

Dear Lord,
Help me stick to this diet
no matter how much I'm tempted to cheat.
Grant me the strength to refuse second helpings,
the patience to count calories ate and burned,
and the courage to step on the scales.

May the refrigerator contain nothing fattening
when my will is weak and my hunger is strong.
And lead me not into the temptation of chocolate.

Bless me with good health and a
healthy outlook to take this diet one day at a time.
I ask your help in all these things so I
can become the person I know you want me to be.



  • LadyKatieBug
    LadyKatieBug Posts: 178 Member
    I like that inspiration
  • todaystheday
    todaystheday Posts: 2 Member
    I LOVE this! Nothing like a good prayer to get you going.
  • Tarale1
    Tarale1 Posts: 23 Member
    I think that is such an AMAZING prayer....
  • elpalacio79
    elpalacio79 Posts: 8 Member
    Amen to that! Wow i really need it that today. I've had days that i just dont want to care anymore. I know that this has to be a lifestyle not a once in a while change.