Introduce Yourself



  • smcantu82
    smcantu82 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello All :o) What a great group! My name is Stacie, I am 5 ft. and 29 years old. I am a wife and mother to 3 small children...all girls! I would love to shed some some long overdue baby youngest turned 5 in April!!! LOL This group feels like a perfect fit to help keep me motivated!!

    SW (5/7/12): 216 lbs
    CW (5/22/12): 208.6 lbs
    GW: 130 lbs.

    I got a long way to go!!!
  • beebee0925
    beebee0925 Posts: 441 Member
    Hey everybody. I'm 38 and a husband and father. 10 years ago this labor day I completed a half marathon and then I got out of shape. I don't think I'll be able to complete another one by this labor day but I am doing the couch 2 5k program ( and it's helping me get in shape. I don't only want to look good but I want to be healthy. I was just told today that I can't donate blood because my blood pressure was too high.

    SW: 374
    CW: 345
    GW: 225
  • amberhickl
    amberhickl Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Amber. I'm 36 and I just had my second child six months ago. I have always been fit but since the birth of my daughter 5 years ago I have put on the pounds. I would like to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 120. I currently weight 170, down from 180 at time of Talyn's birth. I have started a non sugar, non alcohol diet. I would like to reach 150 by fourth of July. Which is 20 pounds in 6 weeks. So to recap
    SW ( 11/28/11): 180
    CW (5/22/12) 173
    GW 120
  • Tarale1
    Tarale1 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello everyone...My name is Tara and I am a single mother to a great 8 year old daughter (who is also super encouraging). I am starting my journey AGAIN...I lost about 20lbs last year and then went through a stressful time in my life and put it back on and then some. So i started again today - i look at it as today is a new day. I cannot change yesterday and the future is not here yet, so the present needs to count for everything...

    SW and CW:255lbs
    GW: 160lbs
  • NBabi91
    NBabi91 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey Everyone I'm Nicole! I am a 20 year old college student.

    My starting weight was 238
    My current weight is 190.3
    My goal weight is 150
  • aablair67
    aablair67 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, My name is Dre' and I am a 45 year old husband and father. By starting weight was 216.5 my current weight is 213.5.
    My goal weight is 175.
  • FearTheFool
    FearTheFool Posts: 24 Member
    Hi guys!

    I'm Hannah, 21 (nearly 22), I'm currently underemployed but waiting for a job to open up somewhere (passed the interview etc- just got to wait for a position to be open)

    I'm currently 227lbs. Ideal goal of 150, ultimate ultimate goal (that I don't think will happen) of 140. I've lost some weight a few years ago but it's crept back on when I plateaued at 199lbs. I *will* burst through that barrier if it happens again.

    My biggest motivation is using less yarn! I'm a knitter and at my size some (most) things do not look flattering on me. Not to mention it's also more expensive than it would be at a smaller size!

    Eta: I'm relatively new here and I don't know anyone in meatspace who's using MFP. I don't really want them to know what I weigh either! That's stupid because they see me lots, but I'm sure some of you know the feeling. I'm open to all friend requests :D
  • DynamicD86
    DynamicD86 Posts: 3
    Hello fellow Warriors!!
    You are all fantastic people, and have the strength to win this battle!!!

    I am 26
    height 5.1"
    current weight 195 ...
    goal weight 145 ...
    long road to travel, but I'm bringing it with Turbo Jam (kickboxing) and being extremely committed to tracking all the food I am putting into my body.
    Things got really bad for me when I realized I am almost 200Ibs, I've just been one like all you who has struggled with it my whole life. I look at pictures of myself from the past and remember feeling fat, but am slim compared to now.
    I'm also one of those people who will be all for the diet thing for a few weeks, but then I just get that craving you know ... and instead of treating myself to a small amount ... I binge like a mad man ... and continue to eat like that for days on end ... uuuugh!!!
    Something I learned on here ... is that I am COMMITTED now ... not just interested in the idea of getting this weight off.
    AND My new mantra (which has already gotten me through bad cravings) " I WISH FOR THE STRENGTH TO LOSE WEIGHT"
    We can do this people!!! Here's to a healthy lifestyle!
  • horsesalwaysknewher
    horsesalwaysknewher Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm 27 years old and trying to lose 150 to 160 pounds. I'm 5' 6.5" and currently at around 316 pounds. My highest weight was about 325. I had back surgery almost exactly a year ago after being rear ended, and I've gained about 30 pounds since the surgery. I'm trying to (very slowly) begin a more active lifestyle, but there's a lot I can't do without hurting myself! I started gaining weight in high school as a result of a severe anxiety disorder and the medications and emotional eating that came along with it. I live in metro Detroit with my husband, three cats, and two dogs.

    Prior to reaching 200 pounds, I was somewhat athletic—I played basketball and worked with ex-racehorses, preparing them for jumping careers. I want more than anything to get under 200 pounds so I can get on a horse again!
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    Hi Everyone! I joined this group because I am trying to buckle down and really start losing again!

    My highest weight was 258, but I am down to the 220's (fluctuating a bit lately) and want to keep going down.
    Goal weight: 130 (realize this will take time, so immediate goal is below 200!)

    Would appreciate all the friends and encouragement I can get. Thanks a million!
  • somerrodden
    somerrodden Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all...

    here we go!! I am a mother of 3 amazing children... 4.5 yr boy, 2.5 yr girl and 1.5 yr boy.... needless to say it has been alot on my body is the past 5 years.. I just kept gaining a little more weight with each pregnancy.. topped out the at 260 for the last one.. that was a year and a half ago. Just moved to warmer eather and need to loose some wight to deal with the heat and so I can comfortably go swimming!

    We can do this!!!!!

    MFP SW: 228
    CW: 213

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • kea12
    kea12 Posts: 1
    Hello. Im 34, 5'6 248. Ive been trying to lose for almost 6 years. Hopefully this works. I dont know what else to do.
  • kbutlerrvt
    kbutlerrvt Posts: 41
    Hi all!

    I am 5'4" and started out at 207.4. I am currently (or at least last time I weighed myself) 178.0. My initial goal is to hit 155 but I may decide to drop below there (but not under 140) after. I started doing Tim Ferriss' Slow Carb diet but when my fiance lost 55 and I was stuck at 17, I realized that that was not for me (not to mention it was not enjoyable by any means. I mean it was horrific.) I was convinced by a family member-to-be to try MFP after a plateau of MONTHS and will never try anything else! I absolutely love MFP! If anyone is in need of support, feel free to friend me!

    Good luck to all in their journey to better health!
  • PhenomeNae
    PhenomeNae Posts: 130 Member
    hi everyone! I'm 42 year old single mom of an 11 year old boy. I have PCOS and i'm insulin resistant. I've been fat all my life, having been an emotional eater since very young. Slowly but surely, my life spun out of control as my self consciousness about my weight affected my life to the point where I didn't want to leave the house. I want to regain control of my life and be happy, healthy and active. No more excuses, no more hiding behind the mountain of crappy junk food, it's time for me to shine. It's long over due!

    My inspiration came from my ex boyfriend. He kind of cornered me and forced me to take a good, hard, honest look at myself. Although we're not together anymore, I appreciate the fact that he loved me enough to say... "you're beautiful, but you're sabotaging your health" So, here I am... I log in EVERYDAY without fail and I've been here for 35 days so far. 11 pounds in a month isn't too shabby, right?

    my stats:

    5' 3 3/4" (that 3/4th of an inch counts, damn it!)

    SW: 297
    CW: 286
    GW: 145 (we'll see when i get close to it)

    I'm always open to new friends! Feel free to add me. :)
  • cdjohnson72
    cdjohnson72 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Tara

    Your story sound very familiar. I just turned 40 this year and need to lose a lot of weight. I have problems with my cholesterol, blood pressure, and borderline diabetes. I have been battling weight for a long time and need to take off at least 64Lbs for starters. My short term goal is to lose 5 pounds by my next doctor visit in two weeks. Please wish me luck and pray for me.
  • elpalacio79
    elpalacio79 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I'm 32 y/o with 3 wonderfull kids and a great wife. I've been strugling loosing weight for quiet some time now. I started my lifestyle change back in the begining of April before rejoining MFP.

    Starting weight was : 280
    Current weight is : 261.2
    Goal weight : 185

    I know i have a lot to go still. I'm new to this posting and sharing so give me some time to open up.

    thanks for this group, i know it will help a lot.
  • k2charmed4u
    k2charmed4u Posts: 282
    Hi I'm 24 years old and recently married to my 57 year old husband (just 2 months ago) :happy:

    I joined MFP back in 2010 when I was 272lbs I lost 56lbs that year then put 48lbs back on last year. My husband was recently diagnosed with COPD and we decided now was a better time than any to put ourselves in to a healthier lifestyle so we started dieting last week and i've lost 4lbs since then.

    Starting weight = 272lbs
    Current weight = 260lbs
    Goal weight = 160lbs
  • rdy2lose
    rdy2lose Posts: 106
    i am 48 y/o mom of a 15 y/o boy & a 12 y/o girl. I have been overweight all my life. Twice I lost 25lbs using WW but platueaed and got tired of trying so I quit. Of course I gained most of the weight back. For the last year I have been yoyoing between 195 and 191, then suddenly went up to 200, I refuse to go back to 204, so I am doing working to lose between 55 and 65 lbs.

    I lost 7 lbs the first week, then 0.2 the next, gained 0.8 the next and 0.2 this week. So I was feeling discouraged, but I decided to stop beating myself up and start eating right again.

    On Saturday I leave for Italy for 1 week, so I am a little concerned about what I will do, I would love any advice if you have some...
  • Going4Healthy
    Going4Healthy Posts: 38 Member
    On Saturday I leave for Italy for 1 week, ...

    JEALOUS! Very, very jealous!

    Just enjoy yourself and make healthy choices when you can. I travel for work and when I do, I try to drink "extra" water. It helps with all of the little temptations you are bound to run into.

    Have a great time!
  • Going4Healthy
    Going4Healthy Posts: 38 Member
    I am SO inspired by the wonderful people that have chosen to join this group. It's a tough journey we are on gang, but we will be tenacious and we WILL succeed.

    Feel free to contact me at anytime. I am by NO means an expert... but I AM here for you! :flowerforyou: