Novice on TDEE/BMR

Littlesmile Posts: 99 Member

I am a novice on this forum.
so far i have been busy in checking my calories , what i am eating and what i am burning.

but now i want to make a better understanding of this whole calculations.

so far what i have checked my BMR /TDEE on scooby's workshop and below are the things i found out

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) 1615
Daily calories to maintain weight (TDEE) 2786
Daily calories based on goal in step 6 2229

i have a full time office job and does a run / workout on daily basis.

now if you can help me in understanding the TDEE .. is this the amount i need to eat DAILY ... this seems to be way too much..
pl help ...


  • Symonep
    Symonep Posts: 181 Member
    You need to eat 2229 every day.

    TDEE = total daily energy expenditure, this is your maintenance calorie amount. So then you take off 15 - 20% to create your deficit which is the 2229 :)

    ETA - you don't need to eat back calories etc as this is worked out with the activity level you have chosen. The only time you need to eat back any exercise calories is if your exercise calories make your total go under your BMR. Then you just eat back up to your BMR (I think) please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

    Feel free to add me if you want a EMTWL buddy as I am just starting out on this too. I am finding it hard to get up to my total required, off to buy some protein powder tomorrow
  • Littlesmile
    Littlesmile Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks for the reply...
    but i m feeling overwhelmed at the thought of eating 2200 calories...

    how will i be able to loose weight in that scenario.

    and of course i have already sent u the friend request...
  • Addibellex
    Addibellex Posts: 6
    Take comfort in the fact that you are not alone.
    I feel the same fear of eating so much but the more I research and talk to others the more logic I see in the system.

    I see how it would work hypothetically, now I just need to take the leap of faith that it does work and go for it.

    Check your calculations again and make sure you are starting off right and then read up all you can. Talk it out here, listen to others, watch the videos, read the threads and see if you can trust in it to work over the long term.

    I too am just starting out, well... haven't even started yet. I have increaded my cals to my BMR, not quite to my TDEE -15% yet.

    There are a lot of people here going through this exact thing with you!
  • Symonep
    Symonep Posts: 181 Member
    I am only up to day 3, but logically it all makes sense. I am going to give it a go for two months, what have I got to lose really?? Starving myself on 1200 calories a day wasn't cutting it.
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    Thanks for the reply...
    but i m feeling overwhelmed at the thought of eating 2200 calories...

    how will i be able to loose weight in that scenario.

    and of course i have already sent u the friend request...

    You will eventually lose weight because your body burns nearly 2800 calories a day with all the normal body functions, daily living, and exercise you do. If you eat less calories than the energy you are expending you will lose weight.

    At first you will probably gain though, so be patient. What have you got to lose by spending 2 months finding a method that you can sustain lifelong?
  • Littlesmile
    Littlesmile Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks for the reply...
    but i m feeling overwhelmed at the thought of eating 2200 calories...

    how will i be able to loose weight in that scenario.

    and of course i have already sent u the friend request...

    You will eventually lose weight because your body burns nearly 2800 calories a day with all the normal body functions, daily living, and exercise you do. If you eat less calories than the energy you are expending you will lose weight.

    At first you will probably gain though, so be patient. What have you got to lose by spending 2 months finding a method that you can sustain lifelong?

    You are soo right.. i am very open to new change and challenge.. but my only concern is not to get onto wrong choices in food. even when i exhaust all of my day's food, veg, fruits, i am let with so many calories... so should i opt for protein supplements??? how will they help ... and which one should i go for...
  • tangiesharp
    tangiesharp Posts: 315 Member
    OP: Please read this thread on what to expect when increasing your calories.

    I drink 2 protein shakes a day with almond milk - when I wake up and after my workout. Some healthy foods that may help you with your calorie allowance: greek yogurt, peanut butter, olive oil, almonds/any nuts, etc.

    Hope that helps.
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    My bmr is 1670 and cut value is 2200. I struggled at first to eat this much too but now don't know how i managed to eat less ... you will get there!

    I started buying regular instead of light options. I got protein powder for after workouts too

    Biggest thing is be consistent. Hit that number every single day as your body will start to not worry about when its next feed is coming and let go of the extra weight. When on such low calories it holds onto weight after a while as it is not being sustained and you find you put all the weight back on when you can't keep at such a diet.

    Only eat back calories if (on the home page) your net calories is below your bmr. This only happens on really high burn days.

    This way you are still eating less but not as low as before.

    Trust the process and there are always plenty of helpful people here. I tend to go straight here and ignore all the other threads.

    We have been told all our lives that we have to eat low cal but we don't ... This way is a bit slower but you didn't put all that weight on over night so whats the rush and this way you are more likely to keep it off ... after all if you have dieted before you will probably seen that you tend to stop the diet and put all the weight back on!!!

    This is a lifestyle change called EATING and it is for the rest of your life. This one you can sustain and you can do it! :bigsmile: