No More 200s Challenge!! (For those of us stuck in the 200s)

soosweet1920 Posts: 124 Member
So after I created the "summer goals" topic, I realized that there are so many of us wanting to get out of the 200s. I decided to create this topic so we can support each other on our journey to "onederland!" Post tips, inspire each other, and celebrate as one by one we are able to see 199 or below on the scale. What does everyone think?


  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I am in! I have a little over 11 pounds to go! Hoping to lose 3 more before the end of the month (I know, I know, a little unrealistic, but I have been stuck for 2 weeks. I am due!)

    I am trying to do a 2 week push through the end of the month. It isn't going so well now....but I have 1 more week to stay on track.

    On tip from my trainer about lunges? Be sure to do them from all angles, in all directions for better results. lateral, step backwards, step forwards, walking lunges, crossover lunges, curtsy lunges. The more directions the better your hips, butt and thighs will look!
  • MsTae84
    MsTae84 Posts: 43 Member
    I love the idea. I got really close last year and at the end of the year i gained 12 pounds back. ; (
    It's really hard to do when you don't have a strong support group at home. I should be fine this time around if I stay on MFP. Looking forward to being on this journey with you ladies!
  • Tarale1
    Tarale1 Posts: 23 Member
    I am in. I know that I was doing so well last year and then towards the end of the year, I had an unexpected situation and that lead me to depression and emotional eating and i ate my way back up to my original weight (and then some). So I am starting over again but looking for as many support groups possible via MFP, work, home, whatever and however because this year will be a better year...

    Fitness tip: core is important so doing core daily will improve posture and how you also do your exercises correctly. Another tip, sore muscles: try doing yoga once a week, man does that ever give you a good stretch.

    Here's to us!!!
  • jporche77
    jporche77 Posts: 32 Member
    Count me in!
  • MzVirgo77
    MzVirgo77 Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in too!

    Last year I really focused on weight loss the healthy way and through diet and exercise I lost 22 lbs. which got me down to186 lbs. At the time, my boyfriend lived in another state, and with it being just me in my home, I was really able to focus on my weight loss goals. When the boyfriend moved back home last October, all of my good eating and exercise habits went out the window. We ate out a lot and before I knew it I had gained the 22 lbs. back AND an extra 7 (the BF gained nothing....LOL....he works out twice a day 5 days a week though). I am back on schedule with my 5:30 a.m. workouts and my good eating habits have resumed, so I expect to be back in "Onderland" in no time.

    Let's get it ladies!!
  • DrJackson6
    DrJackson6 Posts: 156 Member
    Yes, count me in. I have about 55 to lose before I am out of the 200s. My goal is to get there before the holidays.