Was there a day when you just NOTICED a change?

graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
For some reason I keep thinking that this is going to happen, and I was wondering if this has happened to some of you. Did you wake up one morning and then BAM notice that you looked smaller (finally), or you checked the measuring tape and BAM it was finally progress? I keep thinking that if I just keep at this, one morning it's going to hit me. Or was it very gradual?


  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I tried on a pair of smaller pants on the same day every week. After about 5 weeks of eating more and busting my *kitten* at the gym they just fit. Not tight anymore and I could easily button them. It wasn't just at my waist, but also my butt and thighs. And now 4 weeks later? They are getting baggy on me.

    Belts are my new fashion accessory! I cinch my shirts and pants with them now. I'm not quite at my goal size, but I'm close so I'm delaying buying new clothes for as long as possible.

    It takes time, but you'll get there!
  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member
    Not yet but I am trusting the process. I know I trained too hard and ate too little for many years, I can give this a few months :bigsmile:

    I'll be watching for other success posts !
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    Funny you say this because i had my aha moment last night ... i have a party to go to this weekend and i have fat clothes only in my wardrobe and they all suck ... so i went to late night shopping and i found 3 outfit that fit me and more importantly that looked good ... I usually have trouble as my tummy usually sticks out and makes it all look awful. I bought one and came home and put on a show for my hubby ... I feel so sexy and hot ... i have my boots, leggings and new top on and man i looked so much slimmer ... i felt so comfortable and i felt like i had 100x more confidence. I couldn't believe it ... I have not lost any inches but my body has changed (haven't measure since last week) ... it has smoothed out in parts and while no inches lost it looks better ... weird huh ...

    To top it off i jumped on scales for some reason and i have lost a pound ... so figure .... I have made my day and it has been 4 weeks.

    It will come ... My biggest battle was the mental aspect and now I am on a high.
    Whoop whoop
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Nicely done!
  • ermickel
    ermickel Posts: 167 Member
    Funny you say this because i had my aha moment last night ... i have a party to go to this weekend and i have fat clothes only in my wardrobe and they all suck ... so i went to late night shopping and i found 3 outfit that fit me and more importantly that looked good ... I usually have trouble as my tummy usually sticks out and makes it all look awful. I bought one and came home and put on a show for my hubby ... I feel so sexy and hot ... i have my boots, leggings and new top on and man i looked so much slimmer ... i felt so comfortable and i felt like i had 100x more confidence. I couldn't believe it ... I have not lost any inches but my body has changed (haven't measure since last week) ... it has smoothed out in parts and while no inches lost it looks better ... weird huh ...

    To top it off i jumped on scales for some reason and i have lost a pound ... so figure .... I have made my day and it has been 4 weeks.

    It will come ... My biggest battle was the mental aspect and now I am on a high.
    Whoop whoop

    Good for you!! Shopping success and a great outfit go a LONG way!!
  • slammy1079
    slammy1079 Posts: 97
    I've been feeling kinda chubby and bloated and frustrated the last week or so - so I thought I'd torture myself a little more by putting on my size 4 (4!!!) jeans that I bought about a month ago.

    (Context - I've never, EVER worn a 4 in my life. Most of my adult life I've been a 12, 10 if I'm really lucky. Like, since high school. Right now I'm around an 8, maybe a 6. But somehow, must be the cut of the pants, I have a few 4s as well).

    Anyway, I digress. These jeans (Gap Long & Leans!) were a bit tight when I bought them right before I started upping my calories. I figured, well, they'll fit better in a month or so, and they were on clearance, so I bought them.

    Well - they aren't loose. But - they aren't any tighter. They still fit. I still look great in them. I'll take it, considering my legs literally felt like tree trunks yesterday. Score one for the good guys. I'll live to fight another day. :)
  • slammy1079
    slammy1079 Posts: 97
    I've been feeling kinda chubby and bloated and frustrated the last week or so - so I thought I'd torture myself a little more by putting on my size 4 (4!!!) jeans that I bought about a month ago.

    (Context - I've never, EVER worn a 4 in my life. Most of my adult life I've been a 12, 10 if I'm really lucky. Like, since high school. Right now I'm around an 8, maybe a 6. But somehow, must be the cut of the pants, I have a few 4s as well).

    Anyway, I digress. These jeans (Gap Long & Leans!) were a bit tight when I bought them right before I started upping my calories. I figured, well, they'll fit better in a month or so, and they were on clearance, so I bought them.

    Well - they aren't loose. But - they aren't any tighter. They still fit. I still look great in them. I'll take it, considering my legs literally felt like tree trunks yesterday. Score one for the good guys. I'll live to fight another day. :)

    Oh - and they were freshly washed, too. :)
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 358 Member
    @Slammy...THATS AWESOME!

    I've lost (and regained and lost and...) the same pound and a half since i started this em2wl, but 2 days ago i tried on a size medium dress in a store and had to go back for the small! I can't remember the last time that happened!!

    can we just all get together as a society and agree to burn our scales?? hahaha...
  • slammy1079
    slammy1079 Posts: 97
    @Slammy...THATS AWESOME!

    I've lost (and regained and lost and...) the same pound and a half since i started this em2wl, but 2 days ago i tried on a size medium dress in a store and had to go back for the small! I can't remember the last time that happened!!

    can we just all get together as a society and agree to burn our scales?? hahaha...

    Thanks - and, SWEET! Yeah, I've always kind of hated those girls who ask fitting room attendants for the smaller size because the ones they picked out are too big. Now I've kinda become one of those girls. :)
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    I had my aha moment yesteday. I took pics of myself when I started lifting heavy. I looked at those pictures for the first time (after 3 whole weeks) and couldn't believe what I saw in the mirror. I also noticed that my elbows no longer touch my sides when my arms hang down.

    I haven't taken measurements in a while, but I can tell by the way cloths are fitting me that I am going the right direction.
  • knowak82
    knowak82 Posts: 200 Member
    I tried on a pair of smaller pants on the same day every week. After about 5 weeks of eating more and busting my *kitten* at the gym they just fit. Not tight anymore and I could easily button them. It wasn't just at my waist, but also my butt and thighs. And now 4 weeks later? They are getting baggy on me.

    Belts are my new fashion accessory! I cinch my shirts and pants with them now. I'm not quite at my goal size, but I'm close so I'm delaying buying new clothes for as long as possible.

    It takes time, but you'll get there!

    ^^^ This! I do the same thing! :glasses:
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I don't know when to start doing this. I'm now finishing week 3. I haven't gone on scale, and I've just worn dresses. I'm so afraid that I'll bail if my jeans are tight or I see a 10 pound gain. I'm not sure when to start doing these things!
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    I don't know when to start doing this. I'm now finishing week 3. I haven't gone on scale, and I've just worn dresses. I'm so afraid that I'll bail if my jeans are tight or I see a 10 pound gain. I'm not sure when to start doing these things!

    Start after week 6-8 :)
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    I don't know when to start doing this. I'm now finishing week 3. I haven't gone on scale, and I've just worn dresses. I'm so afraid that I'll bail if my jeans are tight or I see a 10 pound gain. I'm not sure when to start doing these things!

    not yet. wait at least 4 more weeks. at least.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    not really....! I know I've lost weight, rationally speaking - pants are loose, scale is down, measurements are down - but I still have the same proportions of flub everywhere. So I still feel like I look exactly the same.

    The only thing that I can say really shocked me was when I lost the first 10 or so pounds and one of my tummy rolls disappeared... cause there used to be a little mini roll right under my chest/under my bra, then the big gut. Now I just have the gut... When I realized that was gone, that was a great moment! Unfortunately, I have yet to banish the rest of the gut, ughhh
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    I don't know when to start doing this. I'm now finishing week 3. I haven't gone on scale, and I've just worn dresses. I'm so afraid that I'll bail if my jeans are tight or I see a 10 pound gain. I'm not sure when to start doing these things!

    Wait at least the 4 more weeks everyone is saying to wait. I'm on my 8th week and I'm still bouncing around the 5 lbs I gained when I started eating more and my clothes have not changed other than to get a little snugger. It's a slow process for most even though there are a lucky few that see results 1 or 2 weeks in.
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    oh, and i totally did have one of those days!!

    that was the day i took my after pic and compared it to my couple days into eating more pic and was like holy. *kitten*. i look like a different person.

  • tinkerbell42381
    tinkerbell42381 Posts: 44 Member
    I would keep trying on my "small" pants, and and they would never fit...so i stopped for awhile, forgot about those pants, and then after about a month decided to try again - and they were loose! They went from being too small to being baggy! I'm super happy that I've slimmed down, but I can't believe I missed the window of opportunity to wear those pants...lol.
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    not really....! I know I've lost weight, rationally speaking - pants are loose, scale is down, measurements are down - but I still have the same proportions of flub everywhere. So I still feel like I look exactly the same.

    The only thing that I can say really shocked me was when I lost the first 10 or so pounds and one of my tummy rolls disappeared... cause there used to be a little mini roll right under my chest/under my bra, then the big gut. Now I just have the gut... When I realized that was gone, that was a great moment! Unfortunately, I have yet to banish the rest of the gut, ughhh

    What are you doing for exercise?
  • meggyh20
    meggyh20 Posts: 116
    I'm just a newbie, and this is likely only coincidental, but I started exercising about a month ago, and was at 1200 calories for 3 weeks. This last week, I upped to 1900 calories for a net of 1650. Today I put on clothes I hadn't worn in a couple of months (because they were too tight) and they fit perfectly, if not a little loose. It is the first time I have FELT a difference in my body shape. I lost an inch from my bust and waist in the last week, so I'm sure that made all of the difference. :) Feeling SO much better this last week too. I'm hooked.