Introduce Yourself

Tmoney19 Posts: 80 Member
Tell us a little about yourself. Anything you'd like to share with the group!

*Your height
* Your starting weight.
* Your current weight.
* Your goal weight.


  • Tmoney19
    Tmoney19 Posts: 80 Member
    About Me:
    My weight flunctuates so much and it is time to loose some weight because it has gotten out of control to me personally. I want to see myself at a healthy and sexy weight and maintain it easily. I workout a lot, like 4-6 times a week, sometimes doing 2 a days 9just started that IF i can wake up at 5AM). Me and some friends decided to join MFP to help motivate and watch each others logs for food, exercise and water, which Really helps us out a lot. I plan to look sexy in a biknin in Miami:happy: :glasses:

    Time to get myself right in 2012!

    I'm 5'4

    * My starting weight. 170 lbs
    * My current weight. 158.2 lbs
    * My 1st goal weight. 145 lbs
    *My 2nd Goal by my birthday 140 lbs
    PUSH_THRU Posts: 6
    Im 5'7". My weight fluctuates also but more so because I hate working out so much because im lazy, ill see a Lil change and congratulate myself on little progress forgetting my goal. Now I think ive grown a little and realized that I gotta get in better shape for my health because it only gets harder from here. Plus I like to be naked (swimsuit, little shirts, etc.) and nobody wants to see a naked whale lol :laugh: ! My motivation as been my friends on MFP, my bf, and my future kids.


    Before I joined MFP I was actually 215 lbs. But I had started working on it. So when I actually joined:

    *My ugly past. 210 lbs.
    *My current struggle. 201 lbs
    *My beautiful future. 165 lbs
    *My dream future 6 pack by bday ( sept. 20) :tongue:
  • Tmoney19
    Tmoney19 Posts: 80 Member
    Great Introduction post!! :flowerforyou:
  • miss1000
    miss1000 Posts: 8
    I’ve really never struggled with weight loss until I graduated from college and began a sedentary lifestyle… NOT on purpose! :noway: I was always active in high school and college: on the dance squad, cheerleading, sorority step team, etc… but soon as I graduated from college and entered the workforce, my activity took a downslide... I never really had to workout, but I started to see as I got older that I couldn’t just eat whatever I want and stay at a decent weight. Within the past 2 years I’ve slowly been adding on pounds until now I’m finally tired of not being able to wear what I want or feel confident with myself. SO here I am today, extremely motivated and ready to begin a whole new journey to health! :happy:

    Height: 5'2"
    My starting weight: 173 :frown:
    My current weight: 159 :ohwell:
    My 1st goal weight: 145 :drinker:
    My 2nd goal weight: 135 (My college weight):love:
  • Tmoney19
    Tmoney19 Posts: 80 Member
    This is great ladies thanks for sharing your story and goals. Having this group I feel will indeed help us to reach our goals by helping and seeing what others do and think.:happy:
  • amil12001
    amil12001 Posts: 7
    Hey Yall- Sorry I have been soooooo busy I haven't had a minute to get on MFP!

    Height- 5'7
    Starting Wt- 193
    Current- nun-ya... lol jk 180
    Goal- 165
    15 pounds to go!!!!!!!

    Soooo mu story is a such- I used to weigh about 348 pounds, I joined a weight loss program & lost 180 lbs (NO SURGERY).

    I actually got all the way down to 155 pounds but gained some weight back. I used to weigh daily but I kinda fell off, before I know it I was in the 190's HELL TO DA NAW!!!!!!!!!!! So me & my bestie Lilo (Tierra) started tracking our weight & helping each other. We are all ( ToverIT & Tmoney) going to Miami in July so we want to be RIGHT so we can get into clubs free & find some cat daddies & such. :) SO HERE WE GO...with a month & a half left I know we will make it!
  • Tmoney19
    Tmoney19 Posts: 80 Member
    Hey Yall- Sorry I have been soooooo busy I haven't had a minute to get on MFP!

    Height- 5'7
    Starting Wt- 193
    Current- nun-ya... lol jk 180
    Goal- 165
    15 pounds to go!!!!!!!

    Soooo mu story is a such- I used to weigh about 348 pounds, I joined a weight loss program & lost 180 lbs (NO SURGERY).

    I actually got all the way down to 155 pounds but gained some weight back. I used to weigh daily but I kinda fell off, before I know it I was in the 190's HELL TO DA NAW!!!!!!!!!!! So me & my bestie Lilo (Tierra) started tracking our weight & helping each other. We are all ( ToverIT & Tmoney) going to Miami in July so we want to be RIGHT so we can get into clubs free & find some cat daddies & such. :) SO HERE WE GO...with a month & a half left I know we will make it!

    LMAOOOO I luv ya crazy self!
  • Tmoney19
    Tmoney19 Posts: 80 Member
    I reached my first goal in time for Miami which was 7/6/12. Now I'm ready to reach my 2nd goal to loose 13.2lbs by August 31st for a college friends wedding as well as maintain it for our 100th anniversary Homecoming 9/27 wknd. :-) #LEGGO

    Today's Date 7/26/12:

    * My starting weight: 170 lbs
    * My Current weight: 147.6 lbs :-)
    ** My now 2nd goal weight: 135 lbs

    Need to loose: 12.6 lbs