How did everyone get into gaming



  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I didn't even have a TV growing up...all books or outdoors, all the time!

    Hmmm, wonder how I gained this weight? Let's see...6 tvs and 5 computers in the house...:noway:

    Anyway, my partner and I met online 9 years ago (in a chat room) and he moved across country to be with me. One of the first things he did was log on to Everquest and raid. Night after night. And I was bored and didn't feel right going into chat rooms with my boyfriend right there, so decided to play EQ as well. 8 years later, I was the leader of a top guild and on the leaderboard game-wide for stats. I've since retired from EQ, but still play other games. We joke that the family that plays together, stays together.
  • epicthin
    When I was 8 I got a GameBoy for Christmas. My only games were Kirby's Dreamland, Space Invaders, and Street Fighter II. Every year I begged my mom to let me be Chun-Li for Halloween, but she said it wouldn't be appropriate. Lol.

    But yeah, it was all about the GameBoy and the N64. I was especially obsessed with Legend of Zelda, probably because it had princesses in it. That was probably the start of it, because I pulled my first all-nighter on the Water Temple and that was about the time my parents knew I was going to have a problem.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    I had an OG gameboy when I was like 3, and an original atari aswell
  • OneLuckyRabbit
    OneLuckyRabbit Posts: 67 Member
    Some of my earliest memories involve me glaring at the overworld of one of the Mario Bros. games as I had died for the billionth time. I have been playing since I was in diapers and have enjoyed every minute.
  • jedibunny
    Born into it!

    (And I miss Oregon Trail, too...)

    Seriously, the first "console" I had was a TI computer. Then the computers (Apple //e and IBM) and then the Atari 2600. Been hooked like a fish since I could first type "LINE 1 GO TO 2"
  • spazzticaunt
    I started out with the Original Nintindo, In fact my mom still has it and the games we bought and they are all in working condition still. Even the accessories and games.

    However, I got into online gaming because I decided to see exactly why my RL boyfriend never logged out of his games unless he was sleeping, working, or out with friends. I have been hooked ever since. LOL
  • scunningham2012
    scunningham2012 Posts: 159 Member
    My grandmother, actually, is the one that really got me into video games. She was always playing Tetris or Dr. Mario when I was younger on her Gameboy. She taught me how to play those games...when I was older and Game Boy Color came out with their interactive play, we would hook up and play against each other. My skills on those game I owe all to her. Before original Sims came out, I was playing Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Playstation, or Playstation 2... once I learned more about computers I was playing Sim City, The Sims, The Sims Online, Roller coaster Tycoon, Zoo Tycoon, etc. :) But it all started with my grandma. <3
  • AmyM713
    AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
    My husband said he wanted to try this game called World of Warcraft and I told him it was gonna be a waste of money and a stupid idea. Some how a week later a 10 day free trial showed up in the mail (he still swears he doesn't know why it came lol), so we downloaded it. I became instantly hooked and have been playing computer games ever since.

    As far as other gaming systems I have always had a love for them, I've played atari when I was very little and just kept graduating to the new games, nintendo, super nintendo, sega, 64, wii. You name it I'll play it.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I've been playing on them for as long as I can remember. Some of my earlier gaming memories are of me playing Super Mario Brothers on the good ol' NES. I was probably 6 or 7. I still have that thing.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Load "*",8,1

    Aging the hell out of myself but need I say more?
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Load "*",8,1

    Aging the hell out of myself but need I say more?

    Nice ;) I've played a few Commodore games myself back in the day!
  • TriforceOfWisdom
    I got into gaming from a guy friend. I had no clue what a 'Nintendo' was or a 'Playstation'. I received my first console at 6 or 7 which was a Game Cube and I played my very first game, Luigi's Mansion. I got addicted after that. My mom bought me Super Mario Sunshine and got me a GBA for on the road. I played my very first Pokemon game and then I received my all time favorite game, Super Mario Kart. I didn't sleep or eat until I unlocked everything. That was until I got a DS Lite and got Mario Kart DS. My sister introduced me to my favorite video game series ever and you can probably guess by my username and profile picture but, Legend of Zelda. I had played Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and I didn't rest until I finished it. Majority of video games was introduced to me by boys that I knew and Youtube, specifically, Chugaaconroy.

    Wow...this is long. I apologize for the paragraph.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Mom used to take us to the arcade when we were little. Damn those quarters went fast!
  • KingRoaVa
    KingRoaVa Posts: 38 Member
    First time visiting an arcade at the age of 7. Playing Star Wars(1983, Vector Style) at the arcade at Lakeside Amusement Park, Salem VA.

    Dating myself now. :-),_Virginia)
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    My first console was an Atari 2600 and it was all kinda downhill from there. I gave up on consoles for a long time after Warcraft 2, Civ2 and Diablo all came out in the mid-90s and didn't come back to consoles until 2005 or so with the Game Cube first and then, later, the Xbox 360.
  • LavaDoll
    LavaDoll Posts: 595 Member
    we ran tunnels and trolls in gifted education at elementary school, 1979 or 80, moved on to D&D in 1985, and then AD&D.

    atari 2600, arcade action of asteroids, defender, space invaders, etc....haha merlin. LOVED dragon's lair when it came out.

    always with the board games and cards. big time CCG player when it launched in early 1990s.

    hit me up on scrabble, same name i go by here.

    always looking for new victims, er, opponents.
  • stratmantl69
    Wow, I guess I'm not the only one in here reminiscing about the "good 'ol days" of arcade gaming and our beloved Atari 2600! My fav arcade games at the time had to be Galaga, Zaxxon, Defender, Tempest and .........wait for it................GORF! Tell me you don't remember getting ticked off when a game would laugh at you "Ha Ha Ha, Space Cadet"!

    Still remembering how cool I thought Dragon's Lair was. Then realizing how much it sucked shortly thereafter because I never lasted more than 90 seconds and the stupid thing cost 50 cents to play (back then, that was a BIG DEAL)..............

    Loved my Atari console, especially when Activision started releasing games for it. Best buy for me back then was Activision Decathlon; awesome game that gave you the worst hand cramps from manipulating the joystick like crazy. But well worth it. Unfortunately, I also had the dreaded "ET the Video Game" for that as well. Absolutely one of the WORST games ever.......

    My little brother and I shared an NES. He had played the Major League baseball game for hours, then finally let me play. He handed me the manual and mockingly said, "Here, you may NEED this". I glanced at it and then proceeded to kick his scrawny butt 11-2; laughing the entire time.............

    Got hooked on the college football bug back on the Sega Genesis with College Football National Championship.......'s_National_Championship

    And satisfied my ancient military history sweet tooth with Centurion, Defender of Rome........

    Can't forget the hand-held stuff from Coleco either. If you didn't get this game taken up by the teacher at least once during the school year, then you were much sneakier than I was.........

    PS1 and PS2 + All versions of Metal Gear up to Metal Gear:Solid = True Love

    Now I'm mostly a PC gamer and I am still denying that I have a problem with WoW (I can quit whenever I want!). I'm staying away from Star Wars:TOR for the time being because I like staying married to my wife........................ :tongue:

    Dear Lord, I will stop the novel right now. Apparently my life has been about as productive as Comic Book Guy..................
  • freshprincessx
    freshprincessx Posts: 22 Member
    I remember playing Sonic on Sega Genesis when I was about three or four. I guess ever since then I just loved games.
  • blackjax007
    blackjax007 Posts: 52
    I know I had an Atari, but I cannot remember if that was before I got the D&D red box. I still have that somewhere!! One or the other started me off into gaming. Haven't looked back since.
  • AmyM713
    AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
    My husband tricked me!

    He kept telling me about this game called World of Warcraft he wanted to try and I kept telling him it was a stupid thing to waste money on, any ways some how a 10 day FREE trial shows up and he downloads it, I try it out and I'm hooked. I tell him we have to play this game!!

    He still won't admit to this day he requested the free trial. Men are soooo sneaky!! LOL j/k

    Before wow I had always played console games, couldn't pull me away half the time, guess its just always been in my blood!