


  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I know for me the biggest change is I'm not planning on stopping. I'm NOT on a diet, I have changed the way I eat. I measure all my portions and I am incorporating healthier foods and choices into my meals. I am NOT going back to the weight I used to be. I got serious about these changes 8 months, and I still log in every day!!! I plan to continue to log in when I get to maintenance!!
  • tljones63
    tljones63 Posts: 11 Member
    HI would love to be your kicking post in this journey. I need to lose 30 to 50 pds.
    We can do this !!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    HI would love to be your kicking post in this journey. I need to lose 30 to 50 pds.
    We can do this !!

    Wait....we get to kick you??? LOL Welcome to the group!
  • mkcmurphy
    mkcmurphy Posts: 438 Member
    Hi! I am a 43 mother of two under 6, and am excited about getting back to being fit and energetic. I just joined MFP this week and my wedding ring is already a little looser. :smile: My weight goal is 25-30 before Thanksgiving, and the calorie counter has really been a wake-up! I'm glad to have found this group; it sounds like a good group to be doing this with!
  • Hi. I am Jennifer. I am 42 and just started MFP. Completely fed up. Have a five year old and feel like I never have time to excercise. Starting weight is 185..Lost 3 pounds in 3 days....How are you doing?
  • Hi there! Just starting MFP too...It sure is a wake up call! Being really careful with what I am eating..I don't want to face seeing it in writting! : )
  • Hi! I am a 43 mother of two under 6, and am excited about getting back to being fit and energetic. I just joined MFP this week and my wedding ring is already a little looser. :smile: My weight goal is 25-30 before Thanksgiving, and the calorie counter has really been a wake-up! I'm glad to have found this group; it sounds like a good group to be doing this with!
    Hi there! Just started MFP too...Good luck to you!
  • mkcmurphy
    mkcmurphy Posts: 438 Member
    Thanks! Good luck to you, too! I find juggling family and exercise is a tricky thing, too. Feel free to friend me if you like; maybe we'll figure out a strategy!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Ladies.....hope you are all doing well!! I cannot stress enough the importance of "eating enough"!!! I just once again recently upped my calories and the scales has moved lower again! I am only 5 pounds away from goal, hoping to be there sometime this summer!!! I'm wearing shorts again and a bikini!!! I never would have thought I'd seen the day I'd put a bikini on again. Wouldn't even do it for my honeymoon!! But I actually weigh less now than I did on my honeymoon....5 pounds less!!!
  • felrubia
    felrubia Posts: 1

    I recently turned 40 and am finding that the 8 pounds of baby weight I had to lose has now become 18 pounds! I have 3 kids: a 4 year old and twins, 2 1/2 years old. They are busy and noisy and make me crazy at some point every day - I find refuge in the pantry, hence the extra 10 pounds. I have tried this and that on my own to get the weight off but the daily struggles seem to be winning out. I am hoping that by joining MFP and being connected to some others with similar struggles, I can hold myself more accountable and be part of a support network that will help keep me from quitting yet another attempt to feel satisfied with my appearance and fitness level.

    Sorry - very verbose! Look forward to getting to know some of you.
  • wow, you all inspire me. I hope you can do it. I tried dieting all my life because I was "big-boned". Even though I was top female athlete 6 years out of 7, I thought I was overweight because the average weight was 30 lbs less. Until this year I have played baseball and always been involved in playing sports (baseball team) and my kids( I have 4 kids) are athletic so I would play with them. I live on a farm and have two gardens.How is it I Still I gained weight? I know it was my eating habits. Not eating breakfast and meals because of my work schedule was the culprit. I would just skip and then be starved.
    Now that I really need to lose weight I wish I looked like that girls in high school.
  • Julyfly70
    Julyfly70 Posts: 59 Member
    So great to know all of you are out there! My name is Carol. I'm 41 about to be 42. I work full time and have 4 year old twin boys. I've always been overweight but after fertility meds, 4 pregnancy losses, and finally having twins, I was the heaviest I'd ever been at 242. I have recently lost 9 pounds thanks to MFP.

    I decided I couldn't make excuses anymore. I want to be around for my boys. Also, I think it's time that I thought I looked good for once in my life. Now or never!

    Looking forward to getting know all of you.
  • Ladysummers
    Ladysummers Posts: 140 Member
    Hi everyone my name is Kimberley but my friends call me Kim for short.
    I live in a very remote village in Wales uk with my young daughter.
    After a prolonged illness I put on over five stones,this affected My health and self esteem.
    Not having any family or friends nearby and fed up with not being able to wear nice clothes and always feeling tired and I'll I decided to look on the Internet for a group of like minded people for support and friendship .
    By chance I came across this fan site and joined and have met some lovely people.
    Since joining this site I have already lost 13lbs and feel so much fitter .
    If you would like to become a friend please feel free to add
  • sabajean1
    sabajean1 Posts: 1
    Hi every, my name is Sabrina and I am a mother of 3 (22 yr. old son, 20 yr. old daughter and my youngest would have been 13 yrs. old this year - sadly we lost her to Leukemia 5 years ago). I live in North Texas with my husband of 23 years and have been basically overweight my whole live. I was introduced to this site almost 6 months progress has been very slow and this past week I really felt like giving up, but after discovering this group I decided to jump in all the way.
    I will be 45 in September and my goal at the beginning of the year was to loss 45 lbs by my 45th birthday. I may not reach my goal by my birthday, but would love to reach it by the end of the year. So any suggestion you may have I will greatly accept and appreciate. I look forward to this life changing journey!

    Blessing to everyone!!!
  • loved11
    loved11 Posts: 92 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I am 45, married 19 years in August. I am a mom to 10 children range of age is 18yrs old to 5yrs old. And yes they are all mine and all from my body, all from the same marriage. I have been looking for a group that I would fit in to and I hope this is it.

    I have been pregnant or post partum for 14 years straight. I miscarried after my 5 year old. My body is finally recovered and I have been able to maintain a fairly ok level of fitness. My highest weight was 150 while pregnantI am 5'1. I was able to get most of the weight off after each pregnancy until my twins in 2006, then pregnant again six months after they were born.

    I have done p90x three times, chalene extreme once. After each time I was not happy. then gained the weight back. I have been battling a depression for the last 4 years and have finally come off my meds. But now I am back again to finishing p90x and gaining the weight again. I just began Chalene and I am in week 2.

    I dont know what keeps happening, why I keep putting the weight back on. I got down to 124 which was not my goal weight but the lowest i have been, and I still felt fat.. Then a depression hit and it all came back on. This is the cycle and I hope I can figure it out.

    My last son will start school this August and I will be alone for the first time in 18 years!!!!! I am excited but scared also, what will I do????? I plan to work out and conquer this weight battle.
  • sweetsong32
    sweetsong32 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I will be 43 this month! I am mom to a 20 year old daughter. Never married. I teach fourth grade. This coming year will be my 19th year in the classroom.

    After college and the birth of my daughter, my weight ballooned. I've tried diet after diet. Finally, I just gave up. When school ended in May, I decided enough was enough. I made the decision to take charge of my life. I am NOT on a diet. I am on a life long goal of eating healthy. I have completely redone the way I eat. No more sodas. No more highly processed foods. MORE fresh veggies and fruits and leaner protein choices. This week, I added in exercise. Nothing fancy, just walking. I want to do things I know I can stick with.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all. :)
  • AMike98
    AMike98 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi I'm Angie. I will be 44 in August. I have been married to my DH for 14 years in Sept. We have 2 sons, 10 and 4. I work full time at a desk job, I'm taking online classes to finish my 4 year degree in Accounting, I'm in charge of my oldest sons Cub Scouts Pack and I'm also the school's PTO Treasurer. So between all that and getting my sons to all their activities, I don't have much time to myself.

    I am 5'2" and currently am 190. I would love to get back down to 135 which is what I weighted 14 years ago. I have always been a small girl, all through school up to the point that I had my 1st son. So for 10 years I have been yo-yoing and just the last few years, I've not been able to take off the extra "baby weight".

    This sounds like a great group....
  • MWAC2
    MWAC2 Posts: 7
    Hi, I'm Cynthia. I turn 40 this September so I hope you all don't mind me just jumping in. I'm a mother to 3 sometimes wonderful but all ways entertaining children. I have about 25-30lbs to drop, just depending on the morning and I am so ready to do so. I signed up for bootcamp and started on Monday and am trying to make healthier food choices. I just want to feel like I belong in my body, I hope that makes sense.

    I am 5'2" and weight 147lbs, I would love to get back down to 120 or which is what I weighted 2 years ago. I have a small frame so 120 doesn't look sickly thin on me, but I'll see how it goes.

    Can't wait to get to know you all.
  • Hi Patti,

    My name is Shelley and I am a 44 yr old mother of 5! My bunch is from 23 down to 11, so very similar. I live in Libertyville IL. I feel like hormonal changes have stopped me in my tracks as well. The things that have always worked for me to lose don't work anymore. Would love to know what has worked for you! Go moms with a full plate!!
  • HI, my name is Nina and I am a 48 year old mother of two wonderful people. My children are 24 and 21. I have struggled with my weight since I can remember. However, I always thought that I was an attractive big girl! I am looking forward to the support and encouragement that I can give and that I hope to receive. So far I have lost 10 pounds and my goal is 30!