question about polyols and malitol etc

djf23 Posts: 58 Member
hey there

ive been on low carb diet for like a week now, i have huge sweet tooth so i found quite a bit of sugar free lollies

at first it was great ...they all said under a gram of carbs..but today i realised for example in a packet of jols there are like 11 grams of polyols which arent accounted for in the carb count

is it okay to consume polyols and malitols etc on a low carb diet and still be in a keto state


  • QueenStromba
    QueenStromba Posts: 57 Member
    Maltitol has a glycemic index similar to table sugar so I avoid it myself. Xylitol has a GI of 7 and erythritol has a GI of 0 so they're both probably ok.
  • robynlynn815
    robynlynn815 Posts: 26 Member
    I was told to always stay away from any word ending in OL ....though I don't remember who told me now lol But it was easy for me to remember
  • Linda860
    Linda860 Posts: 29 Member
    I think everyone is a little different as to how their body handles sugar alcohols in general (polyols). I consume them fairly regularly, particularly erythritol, which doesn't have the deleterious laxative effects like others do. My endo advised that the carbs in them don't count, so I don't count them and have been able to maintain my weight fine. But if you monitor your blood sugar (I don't need to at this point) and find these foods make you spike, then maybe they aren't for you.
  • djf23
    djf23 Posts: 58 Member
    Maltitol has a glycemic index similar to table sugar so I avoid it myself. Xylitol has a GI of 7 and erythritol has a GI of 0 so they're both probably ok.

    thanks, i will stick to erythitol from now on

    sad most of the "sugar free" lollies contain malitol, thats kind of annoying
  • sicchi
    sicchi Posts: 189 Member
    i would stick to no carb jello and cream as a sweet fix until you can eat fruit again. I am back in induction after consuming too many "low carb" treats. Last night i had a choc bar from the atkins range after just eating jelly all week. It was sooo yum. Had the bar and didn't stall (yay!) . I think low carb treats are meant to be treats, not everyday items. As for sugarfree gums, lollies you should add them as 1 carb per piece. That should slow you down!