Chalean Extreme June


I wanted to give CLX another shot. I've gotten as far as the Burn phase completed earlier this year.

I'm thinking of starting back in June?

Anyone else?


  • My mom just passed this on to me, so I thought that I would try it out. I figured I need a swift kick in the @$$ to get this weight off. I'm at the highest weight I have ever been. I'm looking for support and motivation! I'm definitely jumping on this bandwagon and I will start tomorrow :)
  • ANGIEBva
    ANGIEBva Posts: 1
    Im actually staring week 2 today! I'm 28wks pregnant and find it really great program.
    It allows you flexibility to use resistance bands or dumbbells!
    Each workout is about 35 minutes long. The days that you do 2 dads may add up to total 45 minutes - easy.

    Its quite enjoyable for any level of fitness and great to fit into your days if you have a pretty busy life.
    I'm a Chalene Johnson junkie, but this has to be her 'calm' program to date but with a serious Sweating in your 35-45mintues.
    Give it try! I hoping to keep my arms/thighs toned!!
  • GoodMorningGirl
    GoodMorningGirl Posts: 103 Member
    I just did the first Burn Circuit 1 today... I'd love to join in.
  • balancejenn
    balancejenn Posts: 234
    Nice to see everyone!!!

    I'm starting Thursday. I think ? I can only fit the circuits in twice a week for now, but I want to get back to strength training ASAP so I feel like two is better than none..... its just going to take longer than the 90 days.
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    I'm starting tonight, as soon as I get the kids to bed! I'm pumped to pump!
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I just did Burn Circuit 1 today for the first time! I really liked it!!!! Although I did have an issue with my kept stopping randomly at certain points, which was super frustrating! But I called BeachBody and they're replacing it for me and I should have my new DVD by Thurs or Friday. Hopefully there won't be an issue with Circuits 2 and 3.

    Feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    I think I can go higher on some of the weights. I tried to do about two-thirds of what C was doing, and on some exercises I was not anywhere near failure at 12. But otherwise I liked it!

    Made my 5 mile "run" (C210K training) a little tougher today, though. :)
  • ritzema5
    ritzema5 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm in week 3 of Burn phase and so far I'm loving it. I had been doing a variety of Jillian Michaels DVDs and was stuck on a plateau for almost a month. Since starting, I've lost 8 pounds. I haven't checked my measurements yet. That's coming next week. On the "rest" days, I've been doing one of my other workout DVDs and have been surprised with how much easier they are. I'd love to join in and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • I started it last week. I love it and I definitely plan on continuing this program.
  • GoodMorningGirl
    GoodMorningGirl Posts: 103 Member
    I did Burn Circuit 2 today and really pushed myself. My legs were trembling the whole time! I've been lifting weights off and on for the past several months, but focusing on the upper body and figuring walking would take care of the lower body. Now I can see how much my legs need more conditioning! I was held back from heavier weights because it was my legs, not my arms, that couldn't handle it.
  • enyo123
    enyo123 Posts: 172 Member
    I'm in my last week of the Burn phase, so June will be the Push month for me. :-) I'm doing a CLX/Turbo Jam hybrid, though, and working out significantly more than 30-45 minutes per day.
  • MandyG4557
    MandyG4557 Posts: 42 Member
    started today looking for motivating buddies!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I am finishing out week 2 of Push. Kind of bummed b/c I need to go out and spend money on bigger weights for my lower body exercises - 25 lbs is not cutting it on some of them any more.
  • mhenkel0506
    mhenkel0506 Posts: 27
    Love to see all you doing CLX! I'm in week two and really enjoying it. Still need the motivation to get out of bed so early in the morning, but I feel so good for getting it done when I do. Add me as a friend if you like!
  • I'm starting my 2nd week of Lean today, but I'll be restarting Burn (round two) near the end of June.
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Started my second week of the Lean phase yesterday. Will do a month of lean for life schedule and then will probably get the deluxe program and do another round. I am loving this program.
  • Deulsenia
    Deulsenia Posts: 10
    Started last week and starting this week I've been using the Turbo Jam as cardio before each circuit. I feel like I need more cardio along w/ this program. I'm ordering Turbo Fire to use as Cardio along w/ the extreme. I hope your sessions are full of sweat as mine are. Keep pushing, "hard work dedication".:bigsmile:
  • Bovaryoo
    Bovaryoo Posts: 1,374 Member
    I'm restarting week two (I already did half of week 2, but I was sick for a week and didn't work out). I really like the program (except for the ab workout).
  • balancejenn
    balancejenn Posts: 234
    Its encouraging to see so many working out with CLX. Bring June ON!
  • tiffbou2
    tiffbou2 Posts: 34 Member
    I just started LEAN today. I think I really like lean - has you doing upper and lower body simultaneously and back to 12 reps.
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    Started last week and starting this week I've been using the Turbo Jam as cardio before each circuit. I feel like I need more cardio along w/ this program. I'm ordering Turbo Fire to use as Cardio along w/ the extreme. I hope your sessions are full of sweat as mine are. Keep pushing, "hard work dedication".:bigsmile:

    I agree - not a huge fan of the cardio parts when compared to turbo jam. I cannot do cardio before the workout though or I simply cannot get through the circuit with the heavy weights. I now do uphill walking after on treadmill, and turbo jam on the 'off' days.

    June is my recommit to Chalean month - just finishing off burn phase, but need to be stricter and better routine!
  • ritzema5
    ritzema5 Posts: 57 Member
    Started last week and starting this week I've been using the Turbo Jam as cardio before each circuit. I feel like I need more cardio along w/ this program. I'm ordering Turbo Fire to use as Cardio along w/ the extreme. I hope your sessions are full of sweat as mine are. Keep pushing, "hard work dedication".:bigsmile:

    I've decided I need to add more cardio, too. I've been doing Jillian Michael's Banish Fat/Boost Metabolism on the "off" days, but think I should add something more on the other days as well. I haven't decided what to add, yet, though.
  • GoodMorningGirl
    GoodMorningGirl Posts: 103 Member
    I'm starting week 2 of the Burn phase today. Last week I didn't do the very heaviest I could because I was newly back into lifting weights and really sore. This week I'm really going to push myself to "fail."

    I've added other cardio in the form of walks and bike rides, but I definitely need to do the weights first.

    I also need to take the eating component more seriously! I've been slacking a little on my logging.

    How's everyone else doing?
  • balancejenn
    balancejenn Posts: 234
    Sorry fellow CLXers I really wanted to get back to doing this program. Gardening and keeping up with the yard this summer is more than I thought.... takes loads of energy. I'm going to wait till Sept/ Oct. to start.

    Good Luck to all :drinker:
  • pixiechk201
    pixiechk201 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm halfway through Burn week 3 and want to join in on the support! This program is great but think I need to throw in a day or two of Insanity to get the cardio up!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I'm halfway through Burn week 3 and want to join in on the support! This program is great but think I need to throw in a day or two of Insanity to get the cardio up!

    I bet it would be fine if you wanted to add in Insanity on the cardio days or just replace the Chalean cardio with Insanity if you prefer. I'm thinking about buying some Turbo Jam or Turbo Fire to mix up the cardio b/c I do like her style but I'm getting tired of the same thing.
  • courtrptr13
    courtrptr13 Posts: 272
    Did week one of Lean 1 tonight and OMG my arms are sore already! Did anyone have to lower their bicep curl weight from what they were doing in Push? I was up to 17.5 during Push and I went down to 15 and it was still killer.
  • Did week one of Lean 1 tonight and OMG my arms are sore already! Did anyone have to lower their bicep curl weight from what they were doing in Push? I was up to 17.5 during Push and I went down to 15 and it was still killer.

    I had to lower mine. It's because we did 6-8 in Push and now we have to do 10-12.
  • Bitz13
    Bitz13 Posts: 1
    I'm starting my second round on Chalean Extreme!

    Today I'm doing Burn Circuit #1 (week 2 into the Burn phase). I have improved so much since I first started Chalean Extreme back in January 2012. My arms are so ripped!! And my tummy is finally starting to tone up! I joined FitPal because I need to start eating right (that is my biggest set back!). I work-out like a mad-women (6 days a week without complaint!) and I would like to start seeing all my hard work pay off :smile:
  • lilmisslanna
    lilmisslanna Posts: 104 Member
    Just started burn phase 1 yesterday and did Turbo jam today! So do you do the whole month of the burn phase and then start the next phase on month 2? Also what pound weights is everyone using?? Just curious