New here - ? for those who have done this for a while

mishkat Posts: 99 Member

I have been using MFP for months but only started visiting the forums recently. I had been eating at 1200 calories the last few months and I started to hit plateau I think. I am willing to try something new to see if it works. I know this is a process that can take a while and may not work for everyone. But as long as I don't gain weight (fat, muscle is ok) I wont get frustrated.

I still have to find out my body fat % to be able to calculate more accurately what my TDEE is and such. But by using some calculations such as Mifflin, I came with these numbers:

BMR: 1220
TDEE: 1708
15% Cut: 1450

So I changed my calorie goal to 1400 five days ago, was scared to add 1450 lol, I already had some change in scale, lost some weight, so that is great.

But I want to make sure that I am doing this right.

Should I "reset" and go full maintenance mode. Which will be what? 1700 calories a day instead of the 1400? If so, for how long should I keep 1700? When do I go into "cut" mode at 1450?

My thought on that matter are that I am at least increasing from 1200 already so that is progress, and I guess I can do gradually, can change to 1450 for this week or higher if needed.

Just looking for some guidance on the matter from people who have been doing this for a while with success.

I also changed my protein/fat/carbs macro to try to be a bit more conscious about this.

I will like to have more friends who are experienced with this EMTWL lifestyle or those like me, embarking on this new journey. So feel free to send me a request. =)

Thank you!


  • OldStNick
    OldStNick Posts: 5 Member
    Bump por mi esposa ;)
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    Hi and welcome to the group. :smile:

    In response to your question about doing a reset or just upping ot your cut number, you may want to take a look at my other thread I posted today:

    Once you've read through some of that you may then understand why I would personally recommend you start with step 1 - the full metabolism reset before going back down to your cut value. It is difficult to raise your calories after a long time at a low cal level, so if you need to slowly up them that is fine. But once you do get up to your tdee/maintenance value (1708) stay there for 8 weeks, then drop back down to your cut value (1450).

    I'm a little curious must be pretty small to have such low may want to try using this calculator (it's one of our favorites in this group) and run your numbers through it just to double check...
  • mishkat
    mishkat Posts: 99 Member
    Hello, thank you for the reply. =)

    Saw that, main reason why I started wondering if I was doing this right. ;p
    I'm a little curious must be pretty small to have such low may want to try using this calculator (it's one of our favorites in this group) and run your numbers through it just to double check...

    I am 5'3" and weigh 120 lbs. Not that small. I am just not that active. I lost 30 lbs changing my eating habits alone without going to the gym at all. I started going to the gym about 1.5-2 months or so. But I only go 2-3 times in a week. That is why my numbers are low, I am not too active to warrant higher intake at the moment.

    I got my numbers here:
    Using the Mifflin (women) equation.

    If my activity level changes, I will then recalculate those numbers.
    I am also going to have my BF calculated, most likely this week, at the gym, that way I can have all the numbers to calculate lean mass and so on by using the Katch-McArdle equation.

    I think the scooby website's calculator is based on the Harris-Benedict equation which I keep reading is not as accurate as say, Mifflin. That is why I am not using that one. If I use that one, my BMR is 1306 and TDEE 1796 with a cut - 1526
    However, they also have which lets you look at all 4 equation and once I know my BF % that will be great to recalculate. :D

    The whole eating more was already challenging for me psychologically lol, so I am trying to find the most accurate numbers I can get in order to do this. Hope that makes sense.

    I am open to ideas, I am trying to be more active, I started strength training, today I got over 1 hr of it, was pretty intense but fun as well. I plan on mixing it up during the week with cardio and weights. =)

    I guess my main concern is if I should go full maintenance for some weeks and then go with cut value. I am reading some pinned topics as well, I am starting to incline towards setting my goal at TDEE value and just making sure I don't eat below my BMR. =)