Macro's and Calories

Craig1973nz Posts: 5 Member
Hi Guys,

Ive just started getting into BB and was wondering do you have to hit your calorie intake?

At the moment I’m reaching the Protein/Fat/Carb targets however I often have a couple of hundred calories left, is this bad?

Thanks in Advance


  • Zero2hero2013
    Zero2hero2013 Posts: 458
    if your trying to gain muscle then yes its bad, you want to have around 300-500 calorie suplus minimum. if your trying to lose wieght then its a different story.
    obvious questions needed to be asked are.
    you activity level
    your hieght
    from this most people can get an idea of what calories you need to consume. also if you are eating the protein carb fat ratios my fitness pal has you on to start then this also needs to be changed in my opinion. more protein.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Hi Guys,

    Ive just started getting into BB and was wondering do you have to hit your calorie intake?

    At the moment I’m reaching the Protein/Fat/Carb targets however I often have a couple of hundred calories left, is this bad?

    Thanks in Advance

    See here:

    Repost with your stats and what you come up with for intake values/TDEE using the tools above. If you go through this legwork you'll get more accurate replies/recommendations. PM me when done if you would like my input or post here and I'm sure other people will reply.
  • Craig1973nz
    Craig1973nz Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Guys,

    Ive just started getting into BB and was wondering do you have to hit your calorie intake?

    At the moment I’m reaching the Protein/Fat/Carb targets however I often have a couple of hundred calories left, is this bad?

    Thanks in Advance

    See here:

    Repost with your stats and what you come up with for intake values/TDEE using the tools above. If you go through this legwork you'll get more accurate replies/recommendations. PM me when done if you would like my input or post here and I'm sure other people will reply.

    Hi Guys, First thanks for the replies

    Ive worked out both formulas (Katch-McArdle & Harris-Benedict formula) And based on my info below believe I need the following when exercising

    Katch-McArdle 3102cal
    Harris-Benedict 3024cal

    Height 5"11 (180cm)
    Weight 91.5 (201.3lbs)
    Age 39
    Bodyfat 17-18% (Done using Calipers)

    I decided to go with 3050 to maintain my current weight (not really sure if I should be bulking or cutting) and then doing a split of 40/40/20 (P/C/F) it equals


    I’m currently hitting my carbs, Fat and Protein allowances however the calorie count is around 300 less than what I need, what does this shortage do?
  • Zero2hero2013
    Zero2hero2013 Posts: 458
    well if your 300 calories less then some of your entries are wrong, the only way you could hit it all is to use all the calories up. i imagine something that has been entered has the wrong nutritional info to it. for example

    1000 cals, could be made up of
    100g protein, 4 cals, per gram, 400 calories
    100g carbs, 4cals per gram, 400 calories
    11g of fat, 9 cals per gram, 99 cals,
    still of by one calorie lol. but it facts,

    make sure the maths adds up, if you have a orange juice and it says 20g of carbs, 1g of fat and 1g of protein, then it needs to have 93 calories. 20x4,+ 1x9,+ 1x4 = 93cals.

    if you are genuinely eating 300 cals under everyday then you should lose around 1/lb of fat and not have to worry much about muscle loss, provided your doing some resistance training, and eating some protein. personally i would either choose to lower my bodyfat or build muscle and then go at it till i get to a place i am happy and then switch and do the opposite.
  • Zero2hero2013
    Zero2hero2013 Posts: 458
    305g of carbs,305x4 = 1220 calories
    68g of fat 9g, 68g x 9 =612 cals
    305g of protein,305x4 = 1220 calories

    3052 calories, just to show you.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Hi Guys,

    Ive just started getting into BB and was wondering do you have to hit your calorie intake?

    At the moment I’m reaching the Protein/Fat/Carb targets however I often have a couple of hundred calories left, is this bad?

    Thanks in Advance

    See here:

    Repost with your stats and what you come up with for intake values/TDEE using the tools above. If you go through this legwork you'll get more accurate replies/recommendations. PM me when done if you would like my input or post here and I'm sure other people will reply.

    Hi Guys, First thanks for the replies

    Ive worked out both formulas (Katch-McArdle & Harris-Benedict formula) And based on my info below believe I need the following when exercising

    Katch-McArdle 3102cal
    Harris-Benedict 3024cal

    Height 5"11 (180cm)
    Weight 91.5 (201.3lbs)
    Age 39
    Bodyfat 17-18% (Done using Calipers)

    I decided to go with 3050 to maintain my current weight (not really sure if I should be bulking or cutting) and then doing a split of 40/40/20 (P/C/F) it equals


    I’m currently hitting my carbs, Fat and Protein allowances however the calorie count is around 300 less than what I need, what does this shortage do?

    I would re-read the thread I attached and apply their information regarding GRAMS of protein/fat/carbs. Once you calculate a reasonable intake, manually go into MFP and select goals>custom and you'll have to toggle the percentages so that they come out close to your desired intake level in grams.

    You should be aiming at minimums of
    1g/lb lean mass in protein
    .35g/lb total bodyweight in fat
    and the remainder in carbs

    However, since P/F are minimum values you will be over-shooting those regularly.