So many that haven't lost but gained, is there anyone

ermickel Posts: 167 Member
That can post a great success story or 10 doing a reset and sticking to this plan? I am getting a little discouraged from all the posts about people only gaining!!


  • GoGoGadgetMum
    GoGoGadgetMum Posts: 292 Member
    I can tell you on Thursday after I have a fat measurement done by my trainer. My scales haven't gone over where I started though, today they are 1.2kg down although that happened 2 weeks ago (1.5kg down)and popped back a bit, but like I said not more than my starting weight of 67kg.

    I'll keep you posted. :)
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    I hear what your saying but I guess that most people who this is working (eventually) aren't posting here with questions i guess ... like the ones with questions and who are new to it and going through the beginning stages ... so maybe that is why it is showing more of the down side. But keep going ... maybe have a flick through the measurement updates thread. they can be pretty inspiring too.

  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    I was eating VLC since the beginning of the year and found this board in April. I started mid April eating more- I jumped to 20% of TDEE right away- so I went from 1200 to 1800 a day. I gained upwards of 5lbs but the weight was up and down. I do NROLFW 3 days a week- that is it. On a day to day basis I'm fairly active (mother to young kids) but no other formal exercise.

    I took measurements from the beginning. I am down in almost all of my measurements (calfs are about the same) and best part is I feel satisfied and know I could do this for life.

    I have tried very hard to be very consistent- occasionally going over a bit in calories but not under and never netting below my bmr. I try to hit my macros and esp get at least 100gm of protein a day.

    Last week- which was about 7-8 weeks into this I dropped below my lowest weight yet and lost 1/2 a pound. It wasn't much, but the lowest I've seen on the scale in years- and that initial 5lbs I "gained" was gone!

    Best yet- I'm down 2 pants sizes!!!!!!!!!!!! I've lost inches everywhere and look SOOO much better. I was in a 16/18 in Jan and got to a 14 with the VLC diet and now I'm in 10's which are getting loose! All of this with only a 1/2 drop on the scale!

    What I've learned from others and from going through this is
    -- jump to your TDEE and restore your metabolism if you have been eating VLC for a long time. Stick with this for 6-8 weeks and then go to 15% of TDEE. If you haven't been eating VLC for long or at all, go to 15-20% of TDEE.
    --Weight training is essential and consistency is key!!
    --Pay attention to macros, esp protein and watch sodium!

    It's been a balancing act and as a lot of people say, it's not rapid results like many experience with VLC, but it's healthier and sustainable.

    I wish everyone success, I am so thankful to have found this board and the gold mine of information here. It's like the holy grail of MFP!
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I hear what your saying but I guess that most people who this is working (eventually) aren't posting here with questions i guess ... like the ones with questions and who are new to it and going through the beginning stages ... so maybe that is why it is showing more of the down side. But keep going ... maybe have a flick through the measurement updates thread. they can be pretty inspiring too.


    Exactly. This group features much more of a troubleshoot for those that are new and unsure and still finding their sweetspot. With exception to Lucia, myself and a few others, there's really not much here for the person who the process is working for. But if you just look around at some of the groups such as "women eating 2000 calories a day" or all of the testimonies in the threads in the main forums that send people here. the proof is out there.

    But as with anything, if we are looking for reasons to doubt, we will surely find those as well. :ohwell:

    The most obvious reason for not seeing many success stories other than those in the weigh in and success story stickies is that it's not the healthy that need a doctor, but the sick :wink:

    That is why we stick around, to answer those questions, and to constanly reassure, until you no longer need us :flowerforyou:

  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Agree with Kiki. There are tons of success stories on the main forum with women eating over 2k calories and losing tons of weight. The majority of people who post in here (including me) are here for support and learning.

    Once you get this process down to a science, figure out what your body responds to, there is really no more need to post here (well except for some of us who like to give support, and pay back the support we got from other members ect).

    This isnt a fad diet where you need constant support to eat 500 calories and inject pregnancy hormones into your butt :) This is a lifestyle change, that once you get over the first major (and it is MAJOR) your set for life for the most part.

    I have been guilty of that too, but post as much as I can. I personally started with the help of Kiki and Lucia...went through the initial wait gain, then lost inches and a 5lbs.

    However with that said, this is a major lifestyle/thinking change for most people that come here. It is more daunting then switching to a 1200 calorie diet, but it is 100% more sustainable in the long run and less prone to yo-yo dieting.

  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    Very short answer because I'm going to bed....

    I started 7 weeks ago. I was plateaued around 152 and wearing loose 12s and some 10s. I was eating 1350-1400 per day, recently up from 1200 per day.

    I jumped right up to my cut value of 1900. I was fortunate and found my sweet spot right out of the gate. After one month, I recorded my lowest weight at 145. I have 8s that are loose on me and I'm fitting into a lot of 6s. I'm down 1-several inches all over.

    I've decided to make 145 my goal weight, and I've been fluctuating from there up to 148 on any given morning. I'm about to go up to TDEE this weekend because I am starting New Rules of Lifting For Women next week. I'm happy with my weight, but fitness and strength is still very much a work in progress and always will be.

    Lol, so it wasn't so short. G'night, ladies and couple of dudes :)
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    And just to ease your minds:

    Week 1 - 295.6 lbs


    Week 5 - 289lbs


    Ill be putting up week 10 pics in 4 weeks.
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    Great Stuff Mike!!!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    I started on March 25th with the following stats:
    Age 30
    Height 5ft 7 in
    SW 197 lbs
    CW 191 lbs
    GW 160 lbs or less
    My current weight now is 184, in just about 2 months I've lost 6 lbs and 6.5 inches overall at my last measure day (May 7th) I only measure once a month so hope to have a good showing this month on inches lost.

    I have also started weight lifting, so I'm less and less concerned with the number on the scale but how my clothes fit and the shape my body is taking.
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    Mike, it's amazing that that is only six pounds!! Awesome.
  • ermickel
    ermickel Posts: 167 Member
    Thanks for all the input! It is such a new way of thinking and requires some getting used to but based on how I feel I like it. I still struggle to eat all my calories, like today I burned 650 on my workout so I just couldn't get there, but I am trying!
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    I posted recently about not seeing progress but I had maintained and did it at nearly 1000 calories more a day than what I had been eating before. I didn't gain anything significant in the entire process. So (unintentionally long) reset successful and time to start the cut :smile:
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Also.. check my blog

    Not the most recent post but the previous two were about EMTWL and my experience.
  • ermickel
    ermickel Posts: 167 Member
    I started on March 25th with the following stats:
    Age 30
    Height 5ft 7 in
    SW 197 lbs
    CW 191 lbs
    GW 160 lbs or less
    My current weight now is 184, in just about 2 months I've lost 6 lbs and 6.5 inches overall at my last measure day (May 7th) I only measure once a month so hope to have a good showing this month on inches lost.

    I have also started weight lifting, so I'm less and less concerned with the number on the scale but how my clothes fit and the shape my body is taking.

    Did you do a reset or go straight to TDEE -15%?
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    I did not do a reset.. however i was never on a very low cal diet for very long... i only tried 1200 cals for a few weeks and was sooo grumpy i knew it wasnt for me.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    I've upped to 1990 -2100 and I aqm still losing, Its definately worked for me so far.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    As Kiki mentioned, it has worked for me. When I started this journey, I knew nothing about resetting the metabolism and sure would have done that first...however, my body did thank me for eating cut of 20%, then I hit that wall again then went to 15% cut. The inches lost, outweighed actual weight loss (I did lose around 10lbs) part because I have been really toning and I believe gaining a little muscle mass as I am losing the fat. The huge difference is in my clothes size. I am wearing 6's well and can fit some of my 4's. I decided to go up to TDEE going on 4wks and my weight has bounced all around, but more so than the increase in calories, I am attributing it more to TOM water gain period, salt, and the lifting because I did hit a low when all water contributing factors were at bay...that slim window of opportunity when I could get a true weight. Also, I lost another .5in off the hips, so I will forge on at TDEE until I finish my lifting program in a month and a half and revaluate. For me right now, the retaining/gaining muscle and burning off the fat is more important, not the number on the scale so much anymore. That number will never be as low as what I was accustomed too, but I am gaining the physique I have always wanted but wasn't eating to support.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I've lost 5 pounds in 4 weeks :)
  • angsellis
    angsellis Posts: 44
    I have only lost 2 lbs but I have lost 15 inches so far in 4 weeks.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    I have only lost 2 lbs but I have lost 15 inches so far in 4 weeks.

    15 inches?!?! AMAZING!!