Week 5, May 27 to June 2

Week 5!! The half way point... here we go! ... I may be replacing day 3 with a repeat of day 2!...

Don't forget to keep the spreadsheet update!

Day 1
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then:
Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
Walk 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
Walk 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
five-minute cool down walk.

Day 2
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then:
Jog 3/4 mile (or 8 minutes)
Walk 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
Jog 3/4 mile (or 8 minutes)
five-minute cool down walk.

Day 3
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then:
jog two miles (or 20 minutes) with no walking.:sad: :sick: :grumble:
five-minute cool down walk.


  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    Posting the instructions a little early for week 5 because I am off to the Wisconsin Dells for the weekend!.. already mapped out a 3 mile route for Sunday.. just gotta get up early before we hit the water parks.
  • jakj00
    jakj00 Posts: 97 Member
    I am planning to start week 5 tomorrow...i am nervous...why does it change each day??? Seems like big increases all in one week...from 5 minutes to 20 minutes of running at once?? Good luck everyone!! :)
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    I am planning to start week 5 tomorrow...i am nervous...why does it change each day??? Seems like big increases all in one week...from 5 minutes to 20 minutes of running at once?? Good luck everyone!! :)

    I know.. I am more than nervous.. Maybe it's like a halfway test because week 6 we are back to intervals. I told my son if we do the 20 minutes we are going for ice cream... lol
  • blackeyegirl
    Looking at W5, D1...I thought maybe not too bad...and then came to realize D2 and D3 are not repeaters! Oh my gosh...I am more than a bit nervous...should be interesting next week! Have a great weekend everyone...and good luck with week 5!! We've been preparing for this, and I hope I am ready! Good luck to everyone else!!
  • chrissilini
    chrissilini Posts: 77 Member
    I finished week 5 today.(on treadmill) It really looks intimidating but you all can do it. I kind of freaked when I got to the last day and a 20 minute run. WTH? I just set my mind to it and did it. If I can, anyone can.

    On that note, I have a couple of questions. Do any of you wear a HRM when you're running and what do you do to try and keep your HR down if it creeps passed your max? It seems like, esp today, that when I get towards the end of the program my HR starts to get close to max and even over. The only way I can keep it below is to slow down, That then decreases my burn and pace.

    What is your pace/mph right now? I'm slow, even for the treadmill. The quickest I've done is 4.5 mph, pokey.

    Why am I so afraid to take it outside? I've been doing this on the treadmill and I know I need to get to moving it outside.But, I dread it. I guess a part of me is feeling like I'm going to fail. I've been doing so well on the treadmill and want to keep the momentum. I'm afraid the reality of it is that I'm kidding myself and I'm not really doing as well as I think because I'm not running outside. What do you all think?

    Have a safe and fun weekend!
  • FitToFifty
    FitToFifty Posts: 164 Member
    I finally finished day 2 today inside. It was actually good! I am hoping to get day 3 in tomorrow.
  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 330 Member
    Totally bummed, my foot is really starting to hurt a lot. I am afraid I may have a stress fracture from, the running, but I don't want to stop! I have a 5k in July (just in time for completing this program) and I don't want to lose momentum. I am going to take the weekend off and hopefully I will feel better on Tuesday so I can start week 5. Any ideas for managing the pain?
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    completed day 2 of week 4 as i am slightly behind. Actually, today was great. I actually wanted to run for 5 minutes. I am with everyone on week 5. Since i'm behind i guess i'll get a sneak peek of everyones reaction before i get there.

    Congrats to those who did day 3 week five already. Gives me much incentive : )
  • its_sania
    its_sania Posts: 93 Member
    i finished Week 4 today, and looking forward to seeing how I survive Week 5 - should be interesting!! Good luck everyone!!
    Do any of you wear a HRM when you're running and what do you do to try and keep your HR down if it creeps passed your max? It seems like, esp today, that when I get towards the end of the program my HR starts to get close to max and even over. The only way I can keep it below is to slow down, That then decreases my burn and pace.

    What is your pace/mph right now? I'm slow, even for the treadmill. The quickest I've done is 4.5 mph, pokey.

    I wear a HRM and when I notice my HR increasing I just try to concentrate on taking slow deep breaths instead of panting like a crazy person haha.

    I tend to walk 6.5-7km/h and run at 8km/h. Sometimes on the last run i increase it to 9km/h for a minute or so, depending on how I'm feeling. I don't think speed matters though. People need to find a pace that's comfortable for them. The first challenge is to actually make it through the runs and increase your endurance, no matter how slow you're going. Once you've made it that far, you can work on increasing your speed.
  • RoadkingDavid
    RoadkingDavid Posts: 143 Member
    I am slightly behind most of you... on week 4, day 2, in about an hour. I loved the 5 minute run because at about minute 3.5, i got in the zone and it was so cool. I am looking forward to week 5 with anticipation and a little anxiousness!
  • chrissilini
    chrissilini Posts: 77 Member
    Decided to finally take it outside this morning, starting week 6. Well it wasn't a complete disaster. Did a lot more walking than I wanted. Porbably a 50/50 mix of running amd walking. It's a start I suppose but I think I'll start over with week 4. At least I got the courage to finally go outside!
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    What is your pace/mph right now? I'm slow, even for the treadmill. The quickest I've done is 4.5 mph, pokey.

    Why am I so afraid to take it outside? I've been doing this on the treadmill and I know I need to get to moving it outside.But, I dread it. I guess a part of me is feeling like I'm going to fail. I've been doing so well on the treadmill and want to keep the momentum. I'm afraid the reality of it is that I'm kidding myself and I'm not really doing as well as I think because I'm not running outside. What do you all think?

    My pace right now is about 6 mph.. or 10 min miles. I am hoping I can maintain that pace in week 9.. but I have a feeling once we hit the longer runs I will have to slow down to keep it up for 20 - 30 min...

    Treadmills are different for everyone.. there are so many different models and settings, I have one in my basement but I can't even run on it, not sure if its my weight or balance or what, but I also have little motivation to run on treadmill. I am doing C25K with my son and it's easier for us to be outside rather than take turns on a treadmill.
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    I completed week 5 day 1 while we were on vacation, I had my son with me along with 3 other family members and I think it helped provide motivation being in a group like that. The route I planned out was 3.5 miles so I added in an extra 5 minute run and ended up doing a pretty long cool down walk.

    I am doing day 2 Tuesday but will probably do day 3 on Friday to get an extra day of rest before I attempt the 20 min run., then week 6 on Sunday.
  • its_sania
    its_sania Posts: 93 Member
    Week 5 Day 1 complete. I really thought I'd struggle in the last 5minute run but I actually breezed through it. So happy right now!

    Pete - can't believe you're continuing these runs whilst on vacation - thats dedication! great job :)

    chrissilini - well done on taking your run outside! I don't think I'll be able to do that until the end of this program
  • BlueMacaroniArt
    BlueMacaroniArt Posts: 122 Member
    I finished week 5 today.(on treadmill) It really looks intimidating but you all can do it. I kind of freaked when I got to the last day and a 20 minute run. WTH? I just set my mind to it and did it. If I can, anyone can.

    On that note, I have a couple of questions. Do any of you wear a HRM when you're running and what do you do to try and keep your HR down if it creeps passed your max? It seems like, esp today, that when I get towards the end of the program my HR starts to get close to max and even over. The only way I can keep it below is to slow down, That then decreases my burn and pace.

    What is your pace/mph right now? I'm slow, even for the treadmill. The quickest I've done is 4.5 mph, pokey.

    Why am I so afraid to take it outside? I've been doing this on the treadmill and I know I need to get to moving it outside.But, I dread it. I guess a part of me is feeling like I'm going to fail. I've been doing so well on the treadmill and want to keep the momentum. I'm afraid the reality of it is that I'm kidding myself and I'm not really doing as well as I think because I'm not running outside. What do you all think?

    Have a safe and fun weekend!

    You are not alone - My fastest so far has been 4.2 - lol... (short legs - it actually is a slow jog for me, I promise) I think i can do better, I've just been concerned with actually finishing it and figure that the speed will come later. (I also was a long time smoker until about 5 weeks ago (ish) so its about all my lungs can handle. )

    My heart rate monitor comes in the mail this week... :) I've wondered the same thing about the max - we will see, but I've also heard that some people really do have to increase the max on those things because its not always a "one size fits all" situation. I'm guessing you would know if you were truly at your max and really struggling to breath... But I'm not an expert.

    Let me know if you take it outside... I'm nervous about that too! :ohwell:
  • BlueMacaroniArt
    BlueMacaroniArt Posts: 122 Member
    Decided to finally take it outside this morning, starting week 6. Well it wasn't a complete disaster. Did a lot more walking than I wanted. Porbably a 50/50 mix of running amd walking. It's a start I suppose but I think I'll start over with week 4. At least I got the courage to finally go outside!

    Oh - I just saw this one... So you did it?! It was really harder? Was it hilly out or do you just want to go faster outside and that made it harder? Maybe I'll try to up my speed on the treadmill tonight first to prepare... but I'm on the last day of week 3 still... I'm behind...
  • chrissilini
    chrissilini Posts: 77 Member
    Decided to finally take it outside this morning, starting week 6. Well it wasn't a complete disaster. Did a lot more walking than I wanted. Porbably a 50/50 mix of running amd walking. It's a start I suppose but I think I'll start over with week 4. At least I got the courage to finally go outside!

    Oh - I just saw this one... So you did it?! It was really harder? Was it hilly out or do you just want to go faster outside and that made it harder? Maybe I'll try to up my speed on the treadmill tonight first to prepare... but I'm on the last day of week 3 still... I'm behind...

    I didn't run/jog the whole thing, about half, attempted day 1 week 6. I'm going to start week 5 over and bring it outside if the weather cooperates. There are 2 slight hills, nothing major. I think part of the problem is that I try to push myself more and don't have any idea how fast I'm going.

    As far as the heart rate, I watch it and if I feel like I'm getting winded I slow down. I'll figure it out.
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 769 Member
    I've gotten behind. Finished week 3 and then went a week with nothing. May have to do week 3 again this week to get back on track.
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    Week 5 day 2 completed!! .. I added an extra 8 minute run... and by the end of it, It felt like it had to have been more than 8 minutes and I was thinking the program stopped working or something... and we gave up.. then less than 10 seconds later we hear 'beep.. start your cool down'... PHEW!!

    Our next run is the dreaded 20 min run, on Friday.. here we go!
  • FitToFifty
    FitToFifty Posts: 164 Member
    Day 1 done. (I just saw that I posted above but it was supposed to have been on week 4...oops!)

    I have to say - I really got into it. I put some loud metal on my Ipod and didn't hear my feet or my breathing and didn't even have a problem until about 30 seconds left of the last 5 minutes. It was AWESOME!!