somthing to keep our mind of the food

SuCcERBuNcH Posts: 68 Member
ummmm....... i was thinking what takes your mind of the food and makes you not think about it , so you can spend almost a day without eating anything
i tried it and the things that kept my mind of the food is hanging out with my friends and play computer games online games
I'm playing a game on facebook it's fun and easy you can chat with friends and have fun so if you have a Facebook try to play it
and if you want we can be neighbors
i hope to all to keep track on losing weight :flowerforyou:


  • creativeautumn
    creativeautumn Posts: 9 Member
    Most my life ive had a mind set of 'food food food' aswell...but ive had a pretty dysfunctional and hard life that i think coinsides with why i turn to food for comfort.
    Things that have helped me teach myself to not only 'forget' about food, but realize it dosent have a hold on me. all forms. Painting, Sculpture, Drawing, Jewelry making, Crafting, Glass blowing, etc
    -Hunting, Hiking, Biking, Swimming, Jogging, Walking, Rock climbing, Rafting, Fishing, etc
    -Going to church, reading things that help you such as the bible, or self help books, or even a magazine.
    -Hanging out with friends, and not the ones who bring you down, but the ones who LIFT YOU UP!!!
    -Trying to stay away from drugs and alcohol cause these things also make your health worse and life worse.
    -Opening up more, finding new possibilities that you dont usually grasp on a daily baises, reach outside the box.

    Food is delicious, but think of it this way, is one moment of a satisfying flavor, worth a lifetime of damaging effects and emotional devistation? Your body is a temple! Its taken me so many years to even realize even feel i was WORTH it to take care of myself for no body else, but for ME.

    So to everyone out there who is struggling, hurting, looking through the fridge over and over in a day hating yourself cause all you can think about is food. Your not alone. Just know, you can change. Its all about "Self-Control"....Its something we have to practice. Good luck my beautiful lovelies. oxoxo