I don't understand....

ouandi Posts: 135 Member
....what's going on with my body. I'm so discouraged. Basically no weight loss since starting over 30 days ago nor any change in my measurements whatsoever. I keep pushing through and pushing through hoping that my time will come, then nothing.

I'm 5'5", 160-ish lbs., 30% BF. RMR is 1480 calories. I'm currently eating 1670 calories on all days, sometimes I'm over which is why I don't count my exercise calories. I lift heavy-heavy and do some cardio.

Not sure what my next steps should be. I dramatically changed up my routine two weeks ago. New gym, new cardio, new strength classes. I also upped my protein and water intake. Still nothing. I don't think I need a reset because I've been pretty much eating whatever I want for several years now which I'm sure is a ridiculous amount of calories.

Thanks a lot for the help.


  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    What currently are you setting your activity levels to? Sounds like you might be in the moderate category for activity, and may still be netting under your BMR (negatively affecting weight loss)
  • ouandi
    ouandi Posts: 135 Member
    What currently are you setting your activity levels to? Sounds like you might be in the moderate category for activity, and may still be netting under your BMR (negatively affecting weight loss)

    Scooby website has my calories set at 1630 per day although my BMR is actually higher than it says (says 1314 actual 1478). So if I can't eat under my BMR then technically I can only burn 193 calories per day through exercise. That's not even a 0.5lb/week of fat loss.
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    What currently are you setting your activity levels to? Sounds like you might be in the moderate category for activity, and may still be netting under your BMR (negatively affecting weight loss)

    Scooby website has my calories set at 1630 per day although my BMR is actually higher than it says (says 1314 actual 1478). So if I can't eat under my BMR then technically I can only burn 193 calories per day through exercise. That's not even a 0.5lb/week of fat loss.

    Where are you getting the 0.5lb/week of fat loss? If that's what MFP is giving you when you manually enter your calorie goals, ignore it. Definitely make sure you're netting above your BMR. If you've been netting under consistently, you might want to consider going up to TDEE for a bit to get things moving again.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I used scooby's calculator.. put your weight at 160 and your BMR is1500, TDEE 2324, cut 1975.. so you should be eating 1975.. not sure about those #'s your getting.. I dont even use MFP calculations they are all at custom... Also sounds like your moderate activity. (3-5 hrs a week at the gym)
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    since you know your bf% (was it tested by a professional?) then you may wanna use scooby's "accurate" calculator to make sure that you have your #s right

    as others have said, you want to make sure you are picking the right activity level, because your #s seem slightly low. The telltale sign that your activity level is too low, is that you are burning more cals than are figured into your TDEE cut #.

    So if you regularly burn more than 193 in exercise, then something is off in the calculations. Your numbers should have enough room in there that you wouldn't have the opportunity to net below BMR unless you had some off the wall high burn day

  • ouandi
    ouandi Posts: 135 Member
    I used scooby's calculator.. put your weight at 160 and your BMR is1500, TDEE 2324, cut 1975.. so you should be eating 1975.. not sure about those #'s your getting.. I dont even use MFP calculations they are all at custom... Also sounds like your moderate activity. (3-5 hrs a week at the gym)

    Hmmm, I just went to the more accurate one at it says my BMR is 1434 (actual 1478 through testing) and my cut would be somewhere between 1779-1890 calories. Wow, so I should up my calories then? By 100-200 calories?
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Yes you should up your calories.

    Also, you said you dramatically changed your routine up in the last couple weeks....that is part of your answer right there. That means that things haven't been consistent. Any time there is a change you are basically restarting. A dramatic change in exercise is going to cause you to retain water, most likely for several more weeks.
  • jackiecroberts
    jackiecroberts Posts: 115 Member
    Also, I don't know how long you have been lifting, but it takes a good six weeks before you even START to see a difference in your body shape. Stick with it, I also think you are not eating enough. I am 5'9" and my cut calories is around 1950. I work out 3 to 5 times a week. Though the scale has not gone down, I know my clothes fit WAY better. Take measurements and check them each month. You will get there. My motto is slow and steady wins the race!!! Good luck to you.
  • jmmscccslp
    jmmscccslp Posts: 42
    I am a newbie too. Only have been at this for 7 weeks so I hesitate to give advice but here goes... You need to up your calories to your cut, not 100-200 calories. I know it feels crazy but it has worked for so many of us. Give it a try. Eat you TDEE-15%. Good luck!
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    It sounds like you need to bump up those calories a little bit.
  • ouandi
    ouandi Posts: 135 Member
    Also, I don't know how long you have been lifting, but it takes a good six weeks before you even START to see a difference in your body shape. Stick with it, I also think you are not eating enough. I am 5'9" and my cut calories is around 1950. I work out 3 to 5 times a week. Though the scale has not gone down, I know my clothes fit WAY better. Take measurements and check them each month. You will get there. My motto is slow and steady wins the race!!! Good luck to you.

    I'd consider myself an advanced lifter. Been heavy lifting with a trainer every week for two years consistently then before my pregnancy another three years before that. My body shape is pretty good. Super muscular..... with a nice layer of fat on top :/ I feel like those that started as newbies have better progress than people who are already a lifter.

    I'll try to get a picture up to get you guys opinions. I'll also up my calories starting tomorrow.

    Thanks so much for the help!
  • Would love to know how this goes for you. :)