FC25 Posts: 4 Member
Im sort of having trouble gaining muscle, where i used to be 230 pounds and went on a massive diet and now stand at 130 pounds. While losing fat i have lost alot of muscle in the process. I want to gain the muscle, but i fear of gaining the fat i worked so hard to keep off. any suggestions:? thanks


  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    If you want to gain muscle, then you need to lift big and eat big. No two ways about it.

    you are not going to suddenly explode up to 230lbs again over night. ;)

    up your calories to above maintenance for a month and see what happens. then raise or lower calories if gaining too much fat etc. be sure to measure EVRYTHING before starting, including BF%, and all body measurements. Then do this again in one month. you'll know what are good changes, and what are bad.

    muscle's are built in the kitchen, but you need to lift big. big compound movements. squats, deadlifts, bench, overhead press, pullups etc, else your body will have zero reason to add said muscle.

    Do you currently have a training program? can we see it please?
  • FC25
    FC25 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for responding. i havent been consistant at the gym (1 month absence) because of discouragement, i am looking for a new program to follow to build strength and muscle.(not like professional body builder type lol) Before i go back i want to make sure i have everything in tact as far as nutrition and lifting. (been doing research on it but im still struggling)

    Do you have a program u can recommend, also i plan to consume 2000 calories with a 50% carb 30% protein and 20% fat intake.
    i used a calorie calculator online which says that i need 1900 to maintain current weight. As far as body fat, i have a scale from that measures bf%, Mass%, water% etc.. and it says its 11%, but the online bf calculators give me a 24% bf, not sure which to follow.
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    nah up that to 2400 to start with mate. please do this. if you want to gain muscle, you need to. 100 over maintence is not enough, it really isnt. Start with 500 over.

    What is your height? though more than 20% is of course possible, just seems unlikely.
    Also, can you tell where your current strength is at?

    Ok, this is what you should do.
    its simple, its no bul****. and it works.

    Squat 3 x 10
    Bench press 3 x 8
    Bent row 3 x 8
    Military press 3 x 8
    Romanian Deadlift 3 x 8 or Normal Deadlifts
    BB curl 3 x 8

    Do it 3 times a week.
    It might seem like a lot at first, but you will adjust in time.

    start "easy" and add 1.25kg to 2.5kg each session.
    do it for a year.

    you'll look and feel totally different i can assure you of that. You'll also never need to think about what you are doing, as its the same each session.
    You'll need the 2400cals believe me. and when it starts getting really hard to add that 1.25kg each session, then start eating a little more.

    Please dont be swayed by other programs. You simple dont need them. you dont need specialty arm days, or chest days, or whatever days. You just need to get stronger and add Lean body mass.
    There will be fat gain. It happens. But you'll never get to 230 again so dont worry too much!

    I give you 3 months and girls will start looking at you differently, you'l start feeling WAY more confident, and most importantly, you'll be feeling Stronger!

    Add in some conditioning 2 times per week to minimise fat gain and to keep fit.

    Just remember, if you push hard on this program as designed, you'll need food. and lots of it.

    all taken from this site:
    I train with these guys ;)

    for your nutrion, i want you to hit your body weight in LBS in protein per day as a MINIMUM. Preferably i want you to hit 160gm +.
    60gm of good fats, fill the remaining calories with whatever you want - carbs fat protein whatever. pretty simple at this stage.

    If you have any other questions, or need me to check your form on any of the lifts, feel totally free to PM me mate.

    There is no secret to getting bigger or stronger. really, there isnt.

    Now you know what needs to be done. Go do it!!!

    Sorry for rambling on a bit!!!!
    PM me for more stuff. I also have a treasure trove of online links etc that are ACTUALLY really useful.
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    Ya mideon pretty much got it right.

    One thing though that I don't understand is when people say the don't want a "bodybuilding" routine. Because in a nutshell, you are trying to build the body you want, so whether or not you plan on puttin on a set of posing trunks or not is irrelevant. "Bodybuilders" were the first ones to manipulate exercise and diet to create and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Every single workout program, or diet program (at least the ones that work) have their roots in bodybuilding. Period.
  • TrainLikeaBOSS
    I good rule to follow is 2.5 grams of lean protein per LB of body weight and 1.75g of complex carbs per LB of Body weight. Eat 6 meals per day (every 3 hours) eat a meal before and after you lift. based on your weight you need to be right at 3200 calories a day.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    I good rule to follow is 2.5 grams of lean protein per LB of body weight and 1.75g of complex carbs per LB of Body weight. Eat 6 meals per day (every 3 hours) eat a meal before and after you lift. based on your weight you need to be right at 3200 calories a day.

    What are you basing those numbers on?
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    6 meals is never necessary. ;) and bloody incoveniant for most!

    and 3200 cals?
    i'm getting heavier with 3000 man, and i weigh 195lbs.
  • nheilweil
    nheilweil Posts: 82 Member
    bump for the weight routine!
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    I good rule to follow is 2.5 grams of lean protein per LB of body weight and 1.75g of complex carbs per LB of Body weight. Eat 6 meals per day (every 3 hours) eat a meal before and after you lift. based on your weight you need to be right at 3200 calories a day.

    This is way too much.

    Start by adding 500cal per day above your base metabolic rate. Eat at least 1g of protein per pound of body weight. Do this for a month and then adjust if need be
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    yup. he's on top of it i reckon. ;)