Looking For New Friends I have 100+ to loose

Bignfulww Posts: 26 Member
Hello Everyone,
My name Is Ayo (iya) I have been here for about a month an a half and I on a weight loss journey called "Operation Size Healthy" I have a youtube channel were Im posting progress here's the link if you want to check it out http://www.youtube.com/user/Bignfulww?feature=guide or the name is Bignfulww. But I will be here for a long time and I have alot of weight to loose so, I would love all the motivation and support I can get. If you are doing the same let me know I would love to support you also:-)


  • Pammilla2000
    Pammilla2000 Posts: 31 Member
    I have subscribed to Ayo's youtube channel & like her I am looking for people to connect with who have similar goals.
  • Bignfulww
    Bignfulww Posts: 26 Member
    I have subscribed to Ayo's youtube channel & like her I am looking for people to connect with who have similar goals.

    Thanks for your support and for subscribing it does mean a lot to me :-)
  • MsTae84
    MsTae84 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi ladies! I do not have 100 pounds to lose but I can relate. I will be subscribing to your page and hopefully we can keep each other motivated along the way.. Oh yea, I have a good friend name ayodele. I am guessing either you or your family is from Nigeria?
  • Bignfulww
    Bignfulww Posts: 26 Member
    Hi ladies! I do not have 100 pounds to lose but I can relate. I will be subscribing to your page and hopefully we can keep each other motivated along the way.. Oh yea, I have a good friend name ayodele. I am guessing either you or your family is from Nigeria?

    lol I sure am Nigerian by blood I was the first of my bother and sisters to be born in America and we sure can the more support you have the easier it is to succeed I will def be glad to motivate and thanks for your support :-)
  • MsTae84
    MsTae84 Posts: 43 Member
    lol I sure am Nigerian by blood I was the first of my bother and sisters to be born in America and we sure can the more support you have the easier it is to succeed I will def be glad to motivate and thanks for your support :-)

    That is so true! If I could get the support I get off of MFP at home I would probably be smaller by now. Which I am glad I found this site.
  • Hello! I have about 150lbs to lose myself so I can relate. I would love to link up and I will check out your youtube channel!
  • Bignfulww
    Bignfulww Posts: 26 Member
    That is so true! If I could get the support I get off of MFP at home I would probably be smaller by now. Which I am glad I found this site.

    I know so true I felt the same way because no one in my family is as big as me my mom is plus size but a size 18 not 24-26 like I was and im only 21 everyone around me will eat like nobody's business and my mom offers me everything I shouldn't eat my sisters are size 9 and 12 and im the youngest. I had to do what i had to do when i found out my health was going down hill so soon and i am so happy i found this place its the best motivation ever this a youtube keep me strong because If ppl need an example of what self love a determination can do I will be it.
  • Bignfulww
    Bignfulww Posts: 26 Member
    Hello! I have about 150lbs to lose myself so I can relate. I would love to link up and I will check out your youtube channel!

    I would love that Im sure I have about 150 to 200 to lose myself my goal is 150 or when ever I feel healthy. So thanks for you support and we are all in this together I will be here for all of you when ever you need it.
  • amandab1669
    amandab1669 Posts: 86 Member
    I don't have 100 lbs to loose but I can always use a new friend so we can support each other and keep each other motivated.
  • Bignfulww
    Bignfulww Posts: 26 Member
    I don't have 100 lbs to loose but I can always use a new friend so we can support each other and keep each other motivated.
    This true that for the and and support!
  • QueenTakiyah
    QueenTakiyah Posts: 5 Member
    Hey Ya'll! I have 100 + to lose and would love to have friends since I am new here. Feel free to add me!:happy:
  • lau444
    lau444 Posts: 120 Member
    Hi :smile: I have well over 100 lbs to lose, so I'm definitely in! Anybody feel free to add me.
  • Neahpata
    Neahpata Posts: 322 Member
    Hi, I have about 100 pounds to lose also. Anyone can feel free to add me :)
  • Bignfulww
    Bignfulww Posts: 26 Member
    Hey ladies I Am here for support and check out my channel not leaving anything out :-)
  • pkaysway1
    pkaysway1 Posts: 1
    Ladies, I have a 150lbs to lose. I would tell the Lawd, thank ya' for a 100. Would love to have a circle of friends to be accountable to. My family hates when all I talk about is food and nutrition. Feel free to add me::laugh:
  • I have over 100 lbs to lose and I even have a youtube I kind of felled off doing my videos but I about to do an update. Feel free to add me as a friend and subscribe to my channel.

    (bare with me I am going to do better)
  • Bignfulww
    Bignfulww Posts: 26 Member
    I am here I have a good amount to loose myself dont worry were in this together:-)
  • Bignfulww
    Bignfulww Posts: 26 Member
    thanks for the add and i will check out you youtube :-)
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    you can add me. in 1996 I weighed 300 pounds. I am now at 191 pounds
  • happyagain80
    happyagain80 Posts: 23 Member
    I have 100+ to lose as well. We can all do this!