30 Day Shred anyone??

115perfection Posts: 109 Member
I've tried doing the 30DS numerous times but always gave up after about 7 days or less. This time I'm going to do it, I'm going to start it today, does anyone want to start it with me today or tomorrow or has anyone already started/finished?


  • chesneyfan01
    chesneyfan01 Posts: 51 Member
    I am on day 2.
  • 115perfection
    115perfection Posts: 109 Member
    How are you finding it so far?
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    Oh man 30 Day Shred drains the life out of me >.< I can't even move or do anything after I am done. I do love Turbo Jam though, that's a routine I can enjoy and stick too :P
  • xaniza
    xaniza Posts: 250 Member
    I will start tomorrow!
    Today is too busy it won't happen =(

    I've done it before tho, lost more inches than weight but it's all good!
  • chesneyfan01
    chesneyfan01 Posts: 51 Member
    Day 1 was tough...starting to feel a little sore today. :sad: It made me realize how much I really need this!!
    Excited to see results tho!!
  • crissyrox
    crissyrox Posts: 94
    I plan on starting it today, just got my dvd's in the mail a few days ago, been nervous about opening them and actually starting. Really hoping to get some good results though!
  • Peachfuz31
    Peachfuz31 Posts: 5
    Tonight will be day 7 of level 3 on the 30DS, I am almost done! I am also on week 2 of c25k. Planning to run a race in September!
  • nlenz16
    nlenz16 Posts: 73
    I gave up twice after day four. It just kills my back! I have been debating for days whether to try it again? :/
  • xNightguestx
    xNightguestx Posts: 75 Member
    I tried it once before and got to day 20 I think...silly time to give up really but it was just so hard lol. Recently broke my foot but have my check up to get the all clear on Friday and was going to try start it again on Saturday! Fingers crossed I can stay motivated!
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    I am waiting for mine to come in the mail and then I will jump on the 30DS wagon! Can't wait.
  • isaacsmom99
    isaacsmom99 Posts: 12 Member
    I am on Day 3. I am sore but it reminds me that it's working. The push ups are the worst, but I just do the best I can. I love the jumping jacks! I'm with ya!!:smile:
  • vaneguz87
    vaneguz87 Posts: 74 Member
    I go to the gym 4 days a week, but I'm thinking about getting the 30 days shred dvd so I can work out when I don't go to the gym... I really want to achieve this goal. For those who have done the dvd already, what things do I need to get? I think I may need a yoga mat and dumbells, but I'm not sure...
  • ZumbaMissy2009
    ZumbaMissy2009 Posts: 3 Member
    Starting June 1st :)
  • cravingskinnybody
    cravingskinnybody Posts: 109 Member
    today is my 4th day! I've a big hope that this routine will change my body as I'm seeing alot of GREAT before & after pictures :)
  • dittybugdesigns
    dittybugdesigns Posts: 30 Member
    I did Day 1 on Saturday and hurt so bad Sunday and Monday I just couldn't bring myself to do it again:( But I'm determined to reach my goal so I'm going to do Day 2 today and keep going. The before and after pictures of others are a great motivator, guess I'm going to bite the bullet and have my hubby takes some 'before' shots for me....
  • nreamon
    nreamon Posts: 46 Member
    Looks like Ill be heading to the store to pick this dvd up =)
  • kamanda85
    kamanda85 Posts: 113 Member
    I just started yesterday! I'm really feeling it today and I'm dreading doing the workout tonight... but I'm going to see this through.
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    I gave up twice after day four. It just kills my back! I have been debating for days whether to try it again? :/

    it's really rough on your joints, you should try Turbo Jam, it's funner and easier yet works every muscle in your body and you'll burn more calories with Turbo Jam than 30DS. I HATEEE 30DS, it killed and shot my body down and made me hate exercising, I gave away my DVD and went back to Turbo Jam :P
  • 115perfection
    115perfection Posts: 109 Member
    I go to the gym 4 days a week, but I'm thinking about getting the 30 days shred dvd so I can work out when I don't go to the gym... I really want to achieve this goal. For those who have done the dvd already, what things do I need to get? I think I may need a yoga mat and dumbells, but I'm not sure...

    You'll need a yoga mat if you're working out on a hard floor b/c theres some moves lying down. Dumbells are also needed but get 2-5 lbs - I use 3 and I think its just perfect, i would die using 5 buut you may be stronger than me! :)
  • What exactly do you have to do??? im so for it!