30's Daily - 5/30

shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
Welcome to our daily thread!

We post here for motivation and support. Feel free to share your successes and your failures. Really, you should feel free to share whatever is on your mind. Just be respectful and expect respect in return.

[Anyone can start the daily thread, just make the new subject and copy and paste the intro. Thanks in advance for your help.]

☞ Name/nickname reminders -
Paul (PJYoung2012)
Carrie (camsmommy2008)
Sara Grace (SaraGrace82)
Susan or Susie (susieq101178)
Erica (epa422)
Debbie (shorty313)
Melissa (lissa0040)
Jackie (jaxygirl)
Sonya (sonyachan)
Ellie (ellie78)
CurlyPep (lilpe5512)
Harold (hcdawg)
Jill (Blueyz82)
Dan (G3tR1pp3d)
Stacy (chanstriste13)
Cristi (blueeyedcrist)
Amanda (AmandaK3)
Bishop or Todd(BishopSmurf)
Kelli (daisy51981)
Sarah (SarLem81)
Clare (clareeast)
Amanda (WhiteCloud)
Emma (elstein)
Cynthia (saihtnyc)


  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
    Where is everybody?

    So far today is good, but the weather is dreary. Our garden is coming in nicely, we've been picking strawberries every night this week :smile:
  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 425 Member
    Hey Shorty, I'm here!

    I've sitting at work watching the clock and the weather. Its very cloudy out. I hope it doesn't rain cause I justed washed my car :ohwell:

  • PJYoung2012
    PJYoung2012 Posts: 191
    I'm here too, just got back from the gym. It was chest and shoulders tonight at strength training. That wasn't too bad although it's still early days and I'm finding the stretches at the end of the session pretty painful. The hamstring one had me pull any number of horrified faces. Have gotten my diet back on track after yesterday although this weekend will be quite the challenge. My parents are coming to stay for a few days. They like eating out a lot when they come to see me. I've told them i'll cook for them which they seemed fine with although my father is as fussy as hell. This will require a great deal of planning.

    The nice weather we've been enjoying seems to have come to an end as it's now raining again. Did feel nice cycling home from the gym in the rain though :-).
  • SaraGrace82
    SaraGrace82 Posts: 232

    Just got back from a nice little walk around with a friend. Wish I could send you guys some of our sunshine. I am sure the fog will be here soon enough though, so I better be greedy with it. :-)

    There is some theory that we are heading to the gym tonight for weight lifting. Shane did, however, mention that work was being a little crazy so who knows when he will be getting home.

    Am stuck on the eternal question of what to have for dinner tonight... Better get working on that.

    Sara Grace
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    What a long day! Just got home from the gym, started stage 3 NROL4W tonight and I would just say that totally kicked my butt in way I don't ever recall it being kicked before. All I can say is I'm very happy to have an elevator in my building. I certainly would not make it up and down stairs right now.

    I've decided to sign up for a superhero 10K on July 4. Need to start planning an outfit.....
  • PJYoung2012
    PJYoung2012 Posts: 191
    I've decided to sign up for a superhero 10K on July 4. Need to start planning an outfit.....

    As a superhero loving geek of the first order (and proud of it) that sounds awesome and if i could I'd totally run the thing as Iron man!