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tyoung8 Posts: 115 Member
Hello, just curious as to what approach evryone is going to take as far as food is concerned. I try not to get too involved with the whole TDEE and BMR thing and try to stick to 1200-1500 with excersize but what about eveyrone else?

Are you guys eating more to weigh less or sticking to what MFP tells you?!


  • Im going to stick to what MFP and my fitbit tells me. To be honest ive spent months trying to figure out how much calories im burning, and how much i should be eating...it bugged me out...so im just going to stick to MFP :) It doesnt over complicates things!
  • tyoung8
    tyoung8 Posts: 115 Member
    Yes!!! All of the TDEE and BMR mumbo jumbo makes my head hurt! Do you eat your excesize calories back?
  • xNightguestx
    xNightguestx Posts: 75 Member
    I stick to MFP and have done for just over a year now and it works for me. If I burn loads one day I obviously eat more than the 1200. I have lost weight at a nice steady pace ^^
  • Yes!!! All of the TDEE and BMR mumbo jumbo makes my head hurt! Do you eat your excesize calories back?

    Yes, i will try. Im doing insanity so it burns a lot of calories, i will most probably eat most of my calories back :D
  • crissyrox
    crissyrox Posts: 94
    I am going to stick to MFP as well as no matter what stay below my RMR (in case I go over MFP calories), mine are about 1524. Overall just plan on making better food choices, and working out. I don't plan on really limiting myself because I found in the past it back fires when I tell myself I "can't" have something.
  • yentess
    yentess Posts: 167 Member
    I usually eat under the calories my fitness pal gives me, which is 1600 per day. If I excercise I might eat a little more because excercising seems to make me hungrier, but I don't end up eating all of my excercise calories. I guess if my weight loss stalls I might try the whole eating your BMR thing, but I am also confused as to how eating more calories makes you lose more weight.
  • 115perfection
    115perfection Posts: 109 Member
    I'm sticking to approximately wat MFP is telling me but I'm going to play around with it when I have plateaus or as my weight changes, and also cals might differ according to my daily schedule or activity :)

    I'll let you know if I finally find a routine I can stick to hahaha!
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I'm going to be listening to my fitbit and my body. Hunger has ruined many a weight loss journey for me and here I am back at 250lbs. I am going to be following the metabolic syndrome diet since I'm a sufferer and its a good diet. Also going to hit my 5 a day with fruit and veg but trying to make it 2 fruit and 3 veg per day.
    I just bought a new water bottle and I'm going for my 64oz of water per day.
    Thats it. I hope we all do well!
  • bewitchinglife
    bewitchinglife Posts: 167 Member
    I do eat more to weigh less. I find that my body is happier and much more willing to let go of the extra if I feed it. The biggest change that I made to the calories is that I allowed for more fat and protein. It made a huge difference in how I felt during the day. Before I changed it up, I was always thinking about food. As soon as I altered the proportions my brain stopped feeling hungry.

    If you want to give it a shot, lmk and I can help you figure out what the calories would look like if you want to 'eat more to weigh less'.
  • Jessamine
    Jessamine Posts: 226 Member
    My goal is to not eat below my BMR. I'm so much happier that way.

    MFP tells me to eat about 1260 calories a day (this is without any exercise). That is hard. But... I am ALWAYS doing some sort of exercise every day, so that quickly ups my calories on MFP to at least 1500, which is my BMR.

    So I suppose my plan of action is to follow MFP and eat back a lot of my exercise calories.
  • amorgan101187
    amorgan101187 Posts: 129
    i have mine set to 1430 but i workout everyday so i eat anywhere from 1500-1700. I personally refuse to only eat 1200 because i did that last summer when i did myfitnesspal and i think i was starving myself because i lost weight very fast but the second i feel of track i gained it all back.

    with 1500-1700 calories i feel full, and i have still been losing 2lbs a week, which if fine for me i just want to make sure im not depriving myself, starving myself, or basically causing my body to crash in the long run.. i want it to be a healthy life long lifestyle not a quick fix.

    i would say if you exercise to eat back some of the calories, i dont eat back all of mine normally.. i just try to make it so my body is content if your hungry your hungry. Most times a glass of water or a handful of veggies can curb the hunger.
  • EmilyDuby
    EmilyDuby Posts: 67
    I eat what MFP tells me to which is currently 1290. I do not stress if I go a bit over as long as it's reasonable, and if I work out I eat some of my exercise cals.
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 780 Member
    I just try to stick to what MFP tells me. I usually eat at least some of my calories back from exercise.
  • MFP has my goal at 1680. I sometimes hit my goal, but most of the time I'm anywhere between 1200-1500. I exercise most days a week, but I don't eat many of my calories back, unless I have a day where I do an intense workout and have a major deficit. I do plan to start eating back some or most of those calories once I start more weight training. Even still, I find it hard to reach the 1600s each day. I really have to push myself to eat. My appetite isn't what it used to be (which is a good thing! It's the reason I'm here! lol) and I find myself getting full on much less food.
  • Hello Hello everyone!!!! I am new to the group and eager to drop 55lbs this year! I love to eat and cook so my biggest thing is ensuring that I am as active as possible! I am joining kickboxing this month along with my Zumba, Trx and roller skating! My plan is to stay in the range of 1200-1300 calories daily and on the days I work out 1600-1700 calories since most of the workouts burn at least 600 calories~ I will also start vlogging this weekend on yt in order to hold myself accountable for tracking my weight loss! I look forward to seeing you all disappear before my eyes~}}}}}......:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Starklover
    Starklover Posts: 57
    I guess I am trying to stick to what MFP says, but I do vary it some based on what I did the day before. If I do a killer work out the day before I am STARVING the next day. I am also doing alot of portion control vs. switching to super clean only foods. i still get to eat burgers and pizza with the kids :)

    Before I started all this I basically sat around, drank at lest 6 cans of mt dew a day, and did nothing. For me any little change for now is going to help.... :)
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    So all the TDEE talk hurts my head too.
  • mgoetsch1982
    mgoetsch1982 Posts: 339 Member
    Yes!!! All of the TDEE and BMR mumbo jumbo makes my head hurt! Do you eat your excesize calories back?

    Yes, i will try. Im doing insanity so it burns a lot of calories, i will most probably eat most of my calories back :D

    I've done Insanity before and it is one killer workout that burns a ton of calories. I wish I knew where my copy was cause I would do it once I get done with 30 Day shred.
  • mgoetsch1982
    mgoetsch1982 Posts: 339 Member
    Hello, just curious as to what approach evryone is going to take as far as food is concerned. I try not to get too involved with the whole TDEE and BMR thing and try to stick to 1200-1500 with excersize but what about eveyrone else?

    Are you guys eating more to weigh less or sticking to what MFP tells you?!

    I don't understand TDEE at all. I do understand BMR but I am sticking with what MFP tells me and I just ordered a FitBit today. I am hoping that will help me get a better idea of how many calories I'm burning. I might eat some of my calories back, but in the form of protein after my workout (especially at night).
  • lrapp28
    lrapp28 Posts: 77 Member
    After reading all of these posts I'm more confused then before! Based on my weight (294) and exercise (doing Insanity) my BMR calculation is 2440 and Daily calories should be around 3400. That seems to high and it's a boat load of food. The last several weeks I've been around 1700-1900 calories a day total which is what MFP recommends and I don't feel hungry. Over the last 3 weeks my weight loss has been minimal. I'm thinking about trying to increase my calories up to 2200 a day. Should I go even higher? or stay at MFP's number? Any thoughts would be appreciated.