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when do you test? - my story

miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
My husband and I have one child, a five year old daughter. She was conceived after a year of trying. Toward the end of that time, I went to the doctor because my periods were very irregular. After doing blood work and an ultrasound, he told me that my levels were off but not enough to actually diagnose me with PCOS. Still, he suggested exercise and watching what I eat, especially complex carbs. I lost about ten pounds and got pregnant. I think it took about a month after that dr's appointment.

For awhile, I did not know if I wanted to have another baby but we decided in the fall that we did want one. (My husband has always wanted another so he was happy about it). We started trying in December because I was taking a lot of medications for migraines and had to go off the ones you can't take while pregnant. I had two normal cycles and now I haven't had TOM since January 20th! I went back to the doctor and after more bloodwork and another ultrasound, he told me I do have PCOS. I have been taking Metformin since the middle of April. I just joined fertilityfriend.com to try to track things better because I think my cycle may have resumed, just judging by the way I've been feeling.

So my question is - did anyone's cycles resume of Metformin? If so, how long did it take? BTW, I forgot to mention that I've lost about ten pounds in that amount of time.

Also, when do you take a PT? Everyone always says "when your period is late" but sorry, that doesn't work for me. If I was doing that, I'd be testing every day. I've been having some signs that cycle may have resumed (like EWCM and cramping) but that could just be PCOS playing tricks on me. I've been having these signs for about two weeks now. We've been "trying" like crazy during those two weeks.

Sorry so long. Thanks for reading! Baby dust to all of you!


  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    When I first went on Metformin my periods didn't come back easily. I had to throw in exercise and diet. Testing has never been good. I can tell you that FertilityFriend will help you figure out when to test. I've been tracking my cycles for almost 5 years now, so I always go over my longest luteal phase after my temperature spikes. It helps to not have to spend so much in testing. Will be praying for you and throwing baby dust at you. I'm working on trying to conceive a second right now, so I know it is frustrating.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I'm not currently TTC but I just had my second baby in January. I started taking Metformin probably about two month after I had him. Had a really horrible first period and then it's been regular since although I was also on bc. I haven't been on bc this last month (out of prescription before I could get to the ob/gyn) and I'm due for another period soon so hopefully the metformin will continue to regulate it.

    However, when I GOT pregnant I had just started taking Metformin a month before. I hadn't had a period since February 3rd, took a pregnancy test on May 10th and got a negative. Took another one on May 18th and got a positive. I was just under 4 weeks pregnant when I found out so I'm guessing the Metformin kicked in pretty quickly as far as fertility before I actually had another period. They had to do a couple ultrasounds to figure out my due date and I always confused the nurses when I would tell them the date of my last period and then let them know that I wasn't that far along. (I swear some people don't understand how PCOS works at all!).

    When my periods aren't regular I test every month and then every week after until my period starts. So you can imagine my surprise with both of my pregnancies when I was expecting another negative for the millionth time and saw a line lol
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    Haha... I know what you are talking about. When I got pregnant with my daughter, I hadn't had a period in a few months and they kept saying "So you're twenty weeks pregnant" and I was like, "No, five weeks!". Even when they did the 8 week ultrasound, they saw the tiny, tiny baby and then gave me a due date that was way too early (according to my LMP). I was like "UH" and then she said, oh wait that's wrong!
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I had a really dumb OB at first when I got pregnant with my son (she wasn't my normal OB but she was closer to where I live so I decided to give her a try). I explained to her my history (and how things were with my previous pregnancy) and she did an ultrasound to confirm due date. She looked really serious the whole time and at the end was like "Well, we could be really early. I only see a sac right now." I was kind of disappointed but shrugged it off. Ended up in the ER a few days later with some bleeding and the ER doctor pulled up my chart from my OB (same hospital/doctor system) and she had written Threatened Miscarriage/Blighted ovum on my chart! So the ER doctor told me not to get my hopes up and chances are this pregnancy wasn't going to work out (even though he had just checked my cervix and it was closed like Fort Knox!). I was devestated! I went back to my old OB after that. Thankfully they were dead wrong and I know I have a 4 month old baby boy!
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    That's why I do NFP, so I know when I ovulated and I set them straight.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    That's why I do NFP, so I know when I ovulated and I set them straight.

    Do you use just BBT or something else too? I am planning on starting BBT after my next period because I feel like starting it mid-cycle might be inaccurate.
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    I do BBT. It's just best to start at the beginning of your cycle. I would suggest that you also record your symptoms, too. Since I have been doing this 5 years now, I know that my body gives pregnant symptoms during my luteal phase. You'll find out a lot. Look up STM method of NFP and it will help.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    Thanks - I did start a chart at fertilityfriend, minus the BBT since I don't want to start that mid-cycle. But I've been charting the other symptoms on there (such as CM), just to give me a baseline.
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    Good, I'm on Fertility Friend myself. It's really helped out over the old one I was on. The interpretation really helps me more than anything.