Runner Friends who like to eat!



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Gels - I use GU brand since they are the one ones that taste even remotely palatable IMO. Chocolate Mint FTW!

    I take them every 45-50 minutes throughout my run with lots of water. LOTS of water. No need for runs under 6-7 miles, in my opinion.

    Plenty of fuel to keep me going :wink:
  • biobreak
    biobreak Posts: 33 Member
    I run to eat! Glad to be in good company!
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I run to eat! Glad to be in good company!

    We are already friends and this response reinforces why! :)
  • Emilit_uk
    Emilit_uk Posts: 87
    Thanks for the amazing response from all you lovely healthy runners! I like how we all seem to share the same friends too!

    It's a really positive community and i'm already loving seeing how your working out and eating; There is not a day that goes by when someone doesn't make me smile here!

    I don't know many people that run in the non-virtual world, plus I think most of the people I know would think I was off my rocker if I told them I logged everything I ate! Sometimes I have to remind myself that I have to rein it in a bit when I start going on about fitness to people, but you guys get it, and I can be myself which I love!
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    Sending friend request!