


  • Hi I am Sarah.

    Current Weight: 189
    Goal by June 30th: 179

    What motivates you to stick to your plan to lose weight?: Motivation is something I am struggling with right now. I have lost 30 pounds since Christmas, but nothing in the month of May. Life is picking up speed and I am not making time to exercise like I should. June will be just as busy but I am hoping to find that motivation again. I have a friends wedding in a week (eek) and would like to do a 5k in Oct. So currently trying to use the 5K as motivation.

    What will you reward yourself when you reach your goal weight? New clothes! I will be down another size at that point. :)
  • hollyrenee1990
    hollyrenee1990 Posts: 197 Member
    Hey Im Holly!

    SW- 150
  • Tam143
    Tam143 Posts: 131 Member
    Hello everyone :flowerforyou:

    My name is Tam. I love these monthly challenges, so I'm in.

    Current Weight: 269.2

    Goal by June 30th: 259-254

    What motivates you to stick to your plan to lose weight?:
    I plan on taking my daughter to disney again in Dec for her birthday, and I want to feel comfortable and confident that I won't break the rides and actually get on rides with her. Also I'm graduating in May next year and I have found the best dress, so working towards that.

    What will you reward yourself when you reach your goal weight?
    When I reach my end of June weight I will have lost 60+lbs total so I will be treating myself to...umm I'm not sure yet :smile:
  • Mdamato99
    Mdamato99 Posts: 4
    Hello Everyone,

    I am a myfitness newbie currently 181 which is consider OBESE for my height and age I am working to a goal weight of 150. I am adding exercise to my new lifestyle and trying to figure out how to intake the right amount of calories to continual burn fat.
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hi, I am Datenshi and am so in on this!

    SW: 252.4
    GW by June 30th: 242.0

    Motivation: Besides my family, I love clothes and want to get back to a size where I can were fashionable clothes that look good on me. I also want to get involved in an organized sport such as volleyball or soccer but want to be in good shape to do it. I used to be in amatuer rowing when I was lean and loved it and would love to get back into it.

    Reward: Supernatural Season 6 DVD set
  • steamyhott
    steamyhott Posts: 71 Member
    My name is Jennifer

    Heaviest weight 236
    Starting weight 174
    Current Weight 172
    Goal Weight 125

    What motivates you to stick to your plan to lose weight?

    My two boys!!!!! Seeing the numebrs go down not up. I want to be comfortable when I walk into a room. Accomplishing is my motivation. I want to say yes I did that.....I have accomplished a lot already and need to accomplish around 50 more pounds.

    My reward...ummm....not sure

    Excited to get this started....first weigh cant wait....Good luck every one
  • maybombs
    maybombs Posts: 27
    Hello everybody! My name is Amy and I want to lose 10 lbs. I am 5'4" and currently weight 156, I've dropped 16 pounds since March and am halfway to my UG of 140!! To lose the weight I am on a low carb diet with a cheat day once a week, basically the Slow Carb diet but without the beans (because I forget to eat them). Ten days ago I started the 90 body revolution with Jillian Michaels and I so far have lost 2 pounds and 12" all around. Feel free to add me as a friend, I'm pretty new to this site and need more friends!
    SW: 172
    CW: 156
    UG: 140
  • maybombs
    maybombs Posts: 27
    Oh right, I am motivated by the thought of looking super fly in whatever I choose to wear.
    My reward for the ten pounds will be new jeans!
  • Hi My name is Serena and I'm just starting my weight loss journey! Let's kick June's Butt!

    CW: 192.8
    GW (June): 182
    UGW: 168

    Motivation: I am young (23) and have gained 25 lbs in the last two years. I can't live my life wishing my clothes fit better or I felt healthier. I need to learn a healthy life style now before I battle with my weight forever!

    Reward: A new expensive weave right before the 4th of July!
  • Hi I'm Frances! My motivation is just to be healthy and to be able to wear really cute clothes. :) I just want to be able to do more with my family and just be active and happy. Since I started I have lost almost 50 lbs in just under 3 months.

    SW: 235
    CW: 186.4
    GW: 175
    UGW - 125
  • alli_v
    alli_v Posts: 11
    Hey everyone! I'm Alli.

    I think this is a great way for all of us to shed some extra pounds in time for summer.

    SW: 193
    CW: 177
    Goal weight for July 1st: 167, but even lower would be nice haha

    I'm currently 5'10" with a medium-large build so let's see how it goes.

    If I make it, I'm definitely going on a shopping spree!

    My motivatiion is thinking about how bangin' I will look in all of the summer clothes that other girls get to wear haha.

    Good luck everyone!!
  • KatieTee83
    KatieTee83 Posts: 196 Member
    Hey gals! I love a good challenge!

    Current Weight: 194
    Goal by June 30th: 185
    What motivates you to stick to your plan to lose weight?: Getting back into my pre-baby skinny jeans and burlesque costumes, and being confident in a bathing suit at some point this summer. My weight loss has been slow since having this baby, and I really want to kick it up into gear and get back into shape. I miss being able to enjoy shopping for new clothes, or feeling comfortable in my own skin. I want to get back to that place.
  • mattsgrl98
    mattsgrl98 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, My name is Nicole. I have never tried one of these groups, but it seems like it would be some great motivation! It also seems like a great way to meet people. I am at 235 my highest ever. My motivation to lose weight is my health, I have high blood pressure and pcos. I want to get control of these things so I can see my kids grow up and set a good example for them! My goal at the end of the month is 225. I would love to lose more but I will start with 10 ;-)
  • bxbutterfly
    bxbutterfly Posts: 47 Member
    Hey Guys

    My name is Andrea. Glad to be part of the challenge.

    CW 188.4
    June goal 178
    Goal 140.
  • I'm in too :-)

    Don't have to lose much more, I have already lost 10lbs & I will try as hard as I can to stay committed and lose the baggage & have a more toned body to be fit again :-)

    CW: 145lbs
    GW: 135lbs

    I'm going on holiday by the end of june & would LOVE to be more fit, 'cause it will be an active holiday of hikes and hot weather!
    And I want to feel better in my clothes & not be sooo selfconscious anymore.

    I'll reward myself with a hot bikini and/or more clothes & will clean out my closet of larger old clothes ^.^
    Oh and my new motivation (which I never had before) is to be happy with my body on my B-day, the first of July :-)
  • maxstrio
    maxstrio Posts: 2
    I'm Maxine - HEY ALL!

    SW (3/28/12): 243
    CW (6/1/12): 224
    GW (by 7/1/12): 214
    UGW: 160 (so obviously 10 pounds closer to that would be FABULOUS!)

    Weight Watchers helped me lose 19 pounds since March 28th and I know I can keep going. Glad I've found some support here...WE'RE GOING TO WIN THIS BATTLE AND GET HEALTHY! :-)
  • maxstrio
    maxstrio Posts: 2
    Frances...Since I started I have lost almost 50 lbs in just under 3 months.

    HOW?!?!? Share the secrets to your success! :-)
  • valheid
    valheid Posts: 152 Member
    I'm in.

    CW: 220
    June GW: 210

    We'll see if this helps me stay motivated.
  • Kam2914
    Kam2914 Posts: 11
    Hi, my name is Kristie, I'm 33 years young, and this is my second day of MFP! Loving it so far!

    SW: 225
    GW: 215
    UGW: 145
  • HI, my name is Staci. I would love to see some extra effort on my part. I am hoping to meet some new people here and get motivation from this group! With 80 members in this group and all of us loosing 10 pounds... we can kick 800 pounds to the curb this month! Woohoo!

    SW 144
    GW 134
    UGW 130