Shakeology 3 day Cleanse

Any Shakeology drinkers and non-Shakeology drinkers want to do a 3 day cleanse???


  • Stacyfit37
    Stacyfit37 Posts: 56
    I REALLY want to but I'm afraid at the end of the month I will be out of Shakeology before the new bag arrives. What is in this shake that is so addicting??? Have you started the 3 day cleanse yet?
  • Nutrition1975
    Nutrition1975 Posts: 111
    I have done 2 - I have been drinking it since May 2011 - I have my Shakeology, my husband's Shakeology and customer samples - so I find extra that way :) I know the chocolate is so addicting I have 2 sometimes when I am too lazy to cook dinner -

    Day 1 is easy - day 2 is the hardest out of them all and day 3 I am moving a little slower than usual, but it is day 3 so I am excited it is almost over!!! I can do one anytime - just let me know!
  • Stacyfit37
    Stacyfit37 Posts: 56
    I 'm starting the cleanse today. I went to the doctor yesterday and my weight was up quite a bit from the holiday weekend. Yikes, that happens fast!!! Should I not exercise at all or could I go for a walk? The calories for the day are so low, it freaks me out.
  • Nutrition1975
    Nutrition1975 Posts: 111
    I would not exercise hard a light yoga or pilates is fine. A walk should be fine - just don't over exert just because you are taking in about 800-1000cal in a day which in on the lower side. On day 3 you may want to rest and take it easy and not exert at all, see how your body feels - good luck let me know how you feel. It you feel like you need more energy eat an apple or I love a bowl if cut up berries - you are allowed 2 fruits a day
  • Stacyfit37
    Stacyfit37 Posts: 56
    Day 1 down. It wasn't too bad. I got on the scale this morning and was down 4 lbs!!! That's crazy! I didn't do any exercise at all but today, if I have the energy, I'm going to go for a walk. That salad and chicken never tasted so good last night!
  • I know the salad was like a eating a cookie to me :) you are on Day 3 now - how do you feel today??? Keep up the great job!
  • Stacyfit37
    Stacyfit37 Posts: 56
    I got on the scale this morning and I'm down another pound. Yesterday wasn't too bad, I never got a walk in. Today my body feels like my bones are made of lead. I can't wait till this day is over! I'm hoping to lose one more pound tomorrow, that will put me in the 140's!
  • Woohoo. Sounds like it is working well for you :) Only a 1/2 a day to go. I hope you lose that pound too!
  • Stacyfit37
    Stacyfit37 Posts: 56
    I weighed in today with a loss of 4 oz.. I did get into the 140's but just barely. I'll take it!!! Yesterday I finished up Tosca Reno's book and I'm going to try to stick with eating clean and counting my calories going forward. I can't wait to eat and exercise today!
  • Clean Eating is definitely the way to go - after the Shakeology 3 day I usually crave natural, whole foods - Nice job 4 pounds is great!