Week 5, May 27 to June 2



  • jakj00
    jakj00 Posts: 97 Member
    Sounds like everyone has been doing well this week! I did week five day 2 on Monday...I'm nervous to do day three!! I have been doing at least one run a week outside and the others on the treadmill. I feel like I should do day three tomorrow but I did my spinning class tuesday and today...might need a rest day. And in response to the poster that asked about speed....not sure about when I am outside but on the treadmill I usually start at about 4.7 and havegone up to about 6.0. I think to get through the longer run I will need to keep it slow!
  • chrissilini
    chrissilini Posts: 77 Member
    Repeated week 6 day one on the treadmill today. The last run (jog for me) was a challenge but I did the entire thing. I know I need to keep it outside but I guess I just don't feel ready. It counts for something that at least I can do it on the treadmill right?

    Sounds like everyone is doing a good job. Keep up the good work.
  • thebassdrumheavy
    thebassdrumheavy Posts: 55 Member
    I'm a week behind, so I'm doing week 4 day 2 today, but I'm super motivated. Week 3 was my hump week. For some reason I had to push myself extra hard to get through it, but I'm glad I did. I'm feeling good this week, and I'm ecstatic that I'm finally sticking with something. I always start something for a couple weeks, and then my motivation weakens, but I'm still going strong with this! It's very exciting, and I really like doing it. I think this is going to be what breaks me in to an active lifestyle. :)
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    I'm a week behind, so I'm doing week 4 day 2 today, but I'm super motivated. Week 3 was my hump week. For some reason I had to push myself extra hard to get through it, but I'm glad I did. I'm feeling good this week, and I'm ecstatic that I'm finally sticking with something. I always start something for a couple weeks, and then my motivation weakens, but I'm still going strong with this! It's very exciting, and I really like doing it. I think this is going to be what breaks me in to an active lifestyle. :)

    A big motivator for me was finding a 5k race I want to do and sign up for it!! .. once your signed up and it becomes official, it puts a 'deadline' in place to help motivate!
  • FitToFifty
    FitToFifty Posts: 164 Member
    Just finished day 2. The first 8 minuted run was fairly easy. The last minute of the second 8 minute run just about did me in! I am apprehensive about the 20 minutes but I am looking forward to trying it!
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    Completed week 4 day 3 ----Shoot - I'm still behind - I was hoping i could catch up but such is life. At least I'm doing this!!! If not for this group I may just have given up ----

    i haven't jogged since last Saturday - ugh!! Was thinking it would be tough but once I started I was really into it. It went by too fast : ).

    Starting week five and each and every one of you is an inspiration
  • chrissilini
    chrissilini Posts: 77 Member
    Completed week 4 day 3 ----Shoot - I'm still behind - I was hoping i could catch up but such is life. At least I'm doing this!!! If not for this group I may just have given up ----

    i haven't jogged since last Saturday - ugh!! Was thinking it would be tough but once I started I was really into it. It went by too fast : ).

    Starting week five and each and every one of you is an inspiration

    You're doing great. We all are. This isn't any easy thing, at least I don't think so. Just plug away at it and we'll get there. I may be on week 6 but I feel way behind because I'm doing it on the treadmill and my pace is slow, about 15 min miles. But, I'm gonna keep doing it because in the long run I know I'm healthier for it.

    Keep up the good work!
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    Completed week 4 day 3 ----Shoot - I'm still behind - I was hoping i could catch up but such is life. At least I'm doing this!!! If not for this group I may just have given up ----

    i haven't jogged since last Saturday - ugh!! Was thinking it would be tough but once I started I was really into it. It went by too fast : ).

    Starting week five and each and every one of you is an inspiration

    You're doing great. We all are. This isn't any easy thing, at least I don't think so. Just plug away at it and we'll get there. I may be on week 6 but I feel way behind because I'm doing it on the treadmill and my pace is slow, about 15 min miles. But, I'm gonna keep doing it because in the long run I know I'm healthier for it.

    Keep up the good work!

    Thanks - and you are are so right -- no matter how slow, how fast, how far ahead or behind, this is allowing us all a healthier lifestyle : )
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    My son and I just completed week 5.. and I am sitting in here literally in shock that we were able to run 20 minutes without walking.. I can not wait for week 9.
  • FitToFifty
    FitToFifty Posts: 164 Member
    I couldn't do it :sad: I only made it 15 minutes jogging. I did go a mile, but I couldn't do that last 5 minutes. Do I repeat the whole week or just the day?
  • jakj00
    jakj00 Posts: 97 Member
    15 minutes is awesome! I would just repeat the 3rd day...I know you can do it!
  • its_sania
    its_sania Posts: 93 Member
    Week 5 day 2 completed today! I think the longer runs are starting to agree with me. When I run on the treadmill I always put a towel over the timer because I find looking at the clock really distracting. I only look at the clock when I'm starting to feel tired or think I'm close to the end. During both 8min runs I only had about a minute to go which is a huge improvement! It'll be interesting to see how I go on the 20minute run, congratulations to those who completed it. And Colts324ever 15minutes is pretty damn good!
  • chrissilini
    chrissilini Posts: 77 Member
    Finished week 6 today. (doing it on the treadmill) Didn't think I could do the 25 minute run (more like a jog for me-4.2mph, yes, I'm slow) I did have to take a 30 second break about half way through but got going again and felt good.

    Still struggling with keeping my heart rate in the zone though. Watching my breathing has helped but if I'm not gasping for air and don't feel sick or anything, is it ok to be over? According to my HRM my max is 154. Today I topped out at 160, but only for the last couple of minutes. That should be ok don't ya think?
  • FitToFifty
    FitToFifty Posts: 164 Member
    Week 5 Day 3 X2 = SUCCESS!!!! I am so glad to be moving on to week 6 only 1 day behind!! I had to slow down a couple of times and then jump back up...but NO WALKING!! Whoo Hoo!!!
  • its_sania
    its_sania Posts: 93 Member
    Week 5 is complete!! The run felt great. I psyched myself up mentally, made a great 30minute playlist of songs to focus on and just ran. I'm a little behind but oh well, bring on week 6!!
    Still struggling with keeping my heart rate in the zone though. Watching my breathing has helped but if I'm not gasping for air and don't feel sick or anything, is it ok to be over? According to my HRM my max is 154. Today I topped out at 160, but only for the last couple of minutes. That should be ok don't ya think?

    An easy equation to find your maximum heart rate is 220 - your age. I checked your age on your profile so your max HR should be around 179 which means you're not going over at all and doing just fine! Mine's 192 and i hover around 150-160 while running, the highest I've ever reached is 177.
  • chrissilini
    chrissilini Posts: 77 Member
    I need to check out the info for my HRM. I think maybe it says 154 is my max to keep it aerobic. I'm thinking over that and I may be anaerobic. Not sure but I'll do a little investigating. When it gets up there I feel fine so I'm not too worried about it.
  • Jamidi
    Jamidi Posts: 233 Member
    HOLY COW!! Week 5 day 3 DONE !!!!!! Can't believe I did it
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    HOLY COW!! Week 5 day 3 DONE !!!!!! Can't believe I did it

    Excellent! Good work! :-)