Exercise with Fibro



  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Hello, I'm new here and am glad to find a fibro message board on here! I was going to start one myself if I didn't find one, so THANK YOU!

    People who don't know what we go through have no clue about our disease! It will be nice to be able to support each other. :)

    I'm 50 years old (5ft 3, 166lbs) and I've had fibro since I was 16 years old. I'm doing VERY well now. The only drug I take for fibro is Tramadol. I have been on it for over 10 years. I can take up to 4 per day and I never go over that amount because I heard that you can develop a tolerance to it. I usually take 3 per day. If I don't, I can hardly walk the first hour or so after I get up in the morning.

    As far as exercise, I am now walking 3 miles per day at about 3-3.5 miles per hr. on my treadmill. By the time I'm done, even after cooling down for up to 20 minutes I have quite a bit of pain in my calves but I get right into the shower, cool down and then point the shower head to my calves and turn the temp up as high as I can tolerate it. I then rub the entire calf and behind my knees with shower lotion (I use Olay). After I get out of the shower, I rub them down yet again with lotion. If I don't do all of the above, I can hardly walk and I'm VERY sore the next day.
    In the summer I use my pool. I can do a lot of different exercises in water without the pain. I know how to swim but I hate doing it for long, maybe because of a shoulder problem, or laziness, boredom more likely! The local indoor pool here is awful so I'm out of luck until May.
    I've found that if I sit around I end up hurting more. You just have to learn what your body can handle and work with it, push yourself just a little bit harder but do it slowly and cautiously. Another thing I did was to set a goal to walk 1,000 miles for charity this year! It keeps me motivated, I log my progress and I'm helping out a good cause. (St. Judes). If it wasnt for that goal, I'm sure I'd slack off and not walk on some days. If I do miss a day, it's hard to make it up so I try to get it done and do it early otherwise I wouldn't do it. I'm NOT a morning person at all but it's the only time I have the (mental) energy to do it. So far this year I have walked a little over 41 miles. :)
    There are some things I know I can't do but I hope to be able to do them in the future, unless it involves a shovel. I run from those things!
    Good luck everyone and keep posting! You all have already helped motivate me. Thank you!
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    Sitting around is definitely not the answer. The walking, exercise, etc. definitely causes pain, but sitting around is so much worse.
  • JoyfullMovement
    JoyfullMovement Posts: 107 Member
    I have been off "bad carbs" and started pushing through exercise and next thing I know, I am not having the crippling stiffness. I have had a few weeks now with improvement and being able to exercise. It gives me more hope of getting this extra weight off. Bellydance is a great workout, fun, and easy on joints. Some yoga aggrivates my stiffness but I have found a style that helps. When I am doing better, I love TurboJam and Zumba. I am even doing some weight lifting with extra joint care. I find I have to mix it up a lot. If I am repetitive, I am prone to body damage, Have any of you found that? Sometimes I think I have other undiagnoised issues that are tied to the fibro. For example when I am doing something and a joint starts to bother me, if I don't stop in time, I will always have an issue with that joint. Sorry to get off track. I love to exercise and am doing my best to make lifestyle changes to overcome the fatigue, pain, and resulting stiffness to be able to do so. I appreciate this site and the community for the motivation and support. Much gratitude!
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
  • LensLuvah
    LensLuvah Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all! :) I've had Fibro for 13 years, and tried all the different drugs. Frustrating, isn't it? :/ As far as exercise, yoga works well for me, as does walking. For the last two years, I've also done pole dance fitness. SO much fun! It really helps me build up those reserve muscles for when I'm having a flare-up.

    Other things I do that help me: consistent/weekly visits to my chiropractor, good quality vitamins (I use Usana), and eliminating gluten. We think I have celiac (too scared to go back on gluten to get the official diagnosis)... Now if I have any gluten, I get really sick! But being off of it has made a huge difference in the amount of bad days I have. I'm also learning what foods (like pop) trigger flare-ups for me.
  • tobiwood1977
    My dr forbade me to do squats. Now I have quads like you wouldnt believe. They are natural. But when I squat and work out and shred I have quads that are amazing. I am starting to squat again. Very small weight but I know I will increase it. I just stop if I feel any pain. I love body pump and miss it like crazy. I am eyeing the new home version and think im going to purchase it!
  • MiniLopHop
    I have had Fibro symptoms all my life, but was oficially diagnosed in 99. I take Cymbalta and love it. I also just had WLS. I love to take my rabbits in their stroller for walks in the park. I also really enjoy working out in the water- walking, water aerobics, water zumba. My gym has great classes for the water. I also like the strength training machines that use bands becaue I have more control over how hard I work. The more I put into it the more I get out of it. I'm going to find out Wed (2 week post-op appt) when I can get back to the gym. Until then, I am strolling in the park. I hope as the weight comes off the pain goes down.
  • FibroFit
    FibroFit Posts: 5
    Yall are going to think I'm crazy but I do Turbofire. Yes the super hard super intense kickboxing workout. I didn't start out with turbofire I did wii fit first, then walking, then zumba. But that high that you get with really intense workouts oh my lord amazing I positively love it! When I work out hard it shuts my fibro up! Its wonderful. I love it. My rest days are the hardest its like my fribro decides to bully me and I'm stiff and sore as ever!
  • JoyfullMovement
    JoyfullMovement Posts: 107 Member
    Sounds great FibroFit! I love Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire too. I have to switch it up though. With the fibro, exercise makes my body stiffen up so severely I can barly function. It is so wonderful your body responds well to the strenuous exercise! :)
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    This is going to sound crazy but hear me out. I have had Fibro for almost 8 years now. I tried the meds some made me crazy, some made me sleep all day etc. I gained so much weight :( I didn't leave my house unless someone made me. I couldn't sleep at night because it felt like things were biting me and I could feel every wrinkle in the sheets and in my clothes. It felt like I had bruises every time anyone touched me. It was a nightmare! Then about a year ago my aunt told me about these nutrition shakes and said she thought they might help me. I laughed it off cause I had tried everything. I was given a bag anyway and it sat in my cabinet until about 20 days ago. I decided whatever, I'll try it. Let me tell you, for the first time in years I have been able to get out of bed without rolling out of it and I got out of my tub last night in a standing position. Seems like a stupid insignificant thing but to me it's a miracle. I don't hurt like I used to and I have been going to the park and getting out of the house something I never did. I would suggest trying it. It might not work for you but it is worth a try. I am not trying to sell you anything even though I can sell it. Just get it from somewhere somebody and try it. I wish I had done this a year ago! I know I probably sound like an advertisement but it's true and it has a money back guarantee. JUST TRY IT. There is a link on my page if you want to know more about it. Fibromyalgia sux!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I could feel every wrinkle in the sheets and in my clothes. It felt like I had bruises every time anyone touched me.

    This is me! I swear I can feel every crease in sheets and my pjs! I am the original 'Princess and The Pea", if you've ever read that story! I also feel like I'm bruised all the time.
    I am now walking/hiking up to 7 miles a day. That's what is working for me as far a exercise goes. As soon as I get over a nasty case of poison ivy, I'm going to try water aerobics a few times a week. I'll let you all know how it works out for me.
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    I could feel every wrinkle in the sheets and in my clothes. It felt like I had bruises every time anyone touched me.

    This is me! I swear I can feel every crease in sheets and my pjs! I am the original 'Princess and The Pea", if you've ever read that story! I also feel like I'm bruised all the time.
    I am now walking/hiking up to 7 miles a day. That's what is working for me as far a exercise goes. As soon as I get over a nasty case of poison ivy, I'm going to try water aerobics a few times a week. I'll let you all know how it works out for me.

    "Princess and the Pea" That's funny because that is what I called Fibro before I knew what it was. I said I had princess and the pea syndrome! lol
  • KarenBoster
    KarenBoster Posts: 67 Member
    I have a very hard time exercising so I have taken to the thinking any constant movement is exercise. I can usually exercise for about 20 minutes. Sometimes up to an hour if it is something easy. I set a stopwatch and walk, do Wii fit plus, play basketball( mainly passes and shots), do housework or occasionally go to the pool and do water exercises.
  • Jelaine56
    Jelaine56 Posts: 88 Member
    I have had fibro since I had my son almost 35 yrs ago.. It has just been in the last 15 yrs that it is getting worse.. I am 56 yrs old and weight 173 lbs. Around 13 or 14 yrs ago I used to walk almost every day and the only pain I had was in my feet, but I could deal with that. I stopped walking after my mom died 12 yrs ago.. I take Celexa and Trazadone and Flexeril. My doctor told me I am gaining weight cause they cause me to be hungrier and also I have just been sitting around because I have been too tired and hurting that I couldn't exercise.. (By the way I did try Cymbalta twice and it didn't help my pain and gave me weird thoughts that scared me. Stopped taking it and felt better).. Since February at my physical and my dr finally tells me I need to lose weight, so I decided I have to do something. So I started walking. Twice at the mall, and on my treadmill and outside. The only problem now is the weather. If it is rainy or muggy, or warm out, it just about kills me. Even walking on my treadmill in the house with the fan on me doesn't help much.. But I have to keep walking.. A question, should I try to lose 1 lb a week or 2 lb a week?? I am trying to eat better also.. My hubby keeps (encouraging) me to keep walking. (He can ride his bike in 90 degree weather and enjoy it). I want to lose so badly and I want to keep walking,, Every day I walk I pray that Jesus will give me strength to do it. And he does.. I have lost 6 lbs since February and want to lose more more quickly.. Is it possible?
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    I do Pilates and Yoga at home and a couple of classes a week. Then I do uphill trekking 6 days a week and I find that if I'm having a particularly bad flare up if I can push my body hard through it and eat as wholesome as possible, the flare up doesn't last as long.
  • gordonx4
    gordonx4 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, I’m new here, I’m so happy I found this group. I was diagnosed with Fibro last October, but I have had symptoms for about 15 years. I was not very nice to my body when I was younger. I was very much a tomboy growing up, started junior rodeo when I was 10, and trained horses ever since. I just assumed the pain was just part of life. It wasn’t until I couldn’t get out of bed one day that I decided this couldn’t be from just getting older. I was 40 for peat-sakes, and I felt like I was 90. So I went to the Dr, now 5 years and several thousands of dollars later (insurance didn’t cover most of the cost of testing) I have an answer, not the one I want mind you. I have gained 60lbs in 5 years and 20 of that since they started me on the meds. I really want to get back to where I was before I started feeling so crappy. I still ride my horses and I like to walk on the treadmill, I felt really great while I was doing it, but I’m wiped out for days afterwards.
    So now I’m still trying to find out what my triggers are, and what exercise I can do without feeling like I got hit by a truck. So I’m open to any advice.
  • JoyfullMovement
    JoyfullMovement Posts: 107 Member
    My new exercise love is Tai Chi. There really is more to it than meets the eye. I had to stick with it awhile to reach this point of appreciation. It even helped my stiffness yesterday after a hard workout of Turbo Fire.
  • JoyfullMovement
    JoyfullMovement Posts: 107 Member
    Just did a search and found there is lots of information about Tai Chi helping with Fibro.

    Again, I had to stick with it awhile before experiencing the benifits. That may just be from having to learn the form well enough to experience it totally. It will remain a part of my life now.
  • JoyfullMovement
    JoyfullMovement Posts: 107 Member
    I have had fibro since I had my son almost 35 yrs ago.. It has just been in the last 15 yrs that it is getting worse.. I am 56 yrs old and weight 173 lbs. Around 13 or 14 yrs ago I used to walk almost every day and the only pain I had was in my feet, but I could deal with that. I stopped walking after my mom died 12 yrs ago.. I take Celexa and Trazadone and Flexeril. My doctor told me I am gaining weight cause they cause me to be hungrier and also I have just been sitting around because I have been too tired and hurting that I couldn't exercise.. (By the way I did try Cymbalta twice and it didn't help my pain and gave me weird thoughts that scared me. Stopped taking it and felt better).. Since February at my physical and my dr finally tells me I need to lose weight, so I decided I have to do something. So I started walking. Twice at the mall, and on my treadmill and outside. The only problem now is the weather. If it is rainy or muggy, or warm out, it just about kills me. Even walking on my treadmill in the house with the fan on me doesn't help much.. But I have to keep walking.. A question, should I try to lose 1 lb a week or 2 lb a week?? I am trying to eat better also.. My hubby keeps (encouraging) me to keep walking. (He can ride his bike in 90 degree weather and enjoy it). I want to lose so badly and I want to keep walking,, Every day I walk I pray that Jesus will give me strength to do it. And he does.. I have lost 6 lbs since February and want to lose more more quickly.. Is it possible?

    Good job losing 6 pounds! I have read that losing two pounds a week is the number to strive for. Sounds like you enjoy your walking and having a treadmill at home is great for those rainy days. I would rather be outdoors walking and running, my first exercise love, but can't anymore due to a foot problem I developed after the fibro set in. You may consider trying something new to mix it up a bit. Maybe check out the things people are sharing for ideas. You could try a class or just purchase a DVD to use at home. Something to strengthen and tone muscles is good to do a few times a week. The more muscle mass we have the more calories our bodies burn at rest. :). With the fibro I have t mix it up a lot. I have an arsenal of DVDs, Tai Chi, Yoga, Belly Dance, Zumba, Turbo Jam, Pilaties. There are a lot of fun and worth while forms of exercise. The trick seems to be finding what you love, what works for you and doesn't make our symptoms worse.

    Oh yes, What we eat is more important than the exercise we get during our journey to lose weight. Recording what we eat and using the MFP tools are great. I need to do better at measuring my food to make sure my numbers are correct. I find that following a plan or having rules for my eating help me.

    I am glad we have this site and each other to lean on. Good luck and continued success!
  • Jelaine56
    Jelaine56 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi, I have just bought Leslie Sansome Walking Video, that has 1, 2 and 3 miles to do at home in my a/c home.. Will let you know if it working or not - the exercise that is :)