level 2

So, I'm on to level two on Monday... any other level two-ers out there? I'm wondering how it's going. Do you find it much more challenging than level 1? I'm just happy that I'm 1/3 through the workout... I wasn't quite sure that I was going to stick with it, but now I know that I am! Woo Hoo! :)


  • fififox
    fififox Posts: 360 Member
    I started it yesterday...wasn't feeling well so i can't say I gave it my all...or today either because of it. It's certainly different. I prefer some of the exercises in level 2. Found it hard to finish but I presume it gets easier like level 1 after a bit. I am looking forward to trying it on a day I feel fitter and less stressed (work is nuts at the moment). Best of luck for level 2 :smile:
  • kgilbert75
    kgilbert75 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm currently on day 4 of level 2. It's interesting because I am not out-of-breath as much as I was on level 1, but I'm dripping more sweat and I think the moves are more complex. The 20 minutes seems to go much faster for me on level 2 than it did on level 1. I am seeing a difference in my abs (they are tighter) and can't wait to finish all three levels so I can start Ripped in 30!
  • lollaler
    lollaler Posts: 69 Member
    I'm currently on day 4 of level 2. It's interesting because I am not out-of-breath as much as I was on level 1, but I'm dripping more sweat and I think the moves are more complex. The 20 minutes seems to go much faster for me on level 2 than it did on level 1. I am seeing a difference in my abs (they are tighter) and can't wait to finish all three levels so I can start Ripped in 30!

    awesome, great work... im starting level 2 tomorrow but have not noticed a difference although i just cant seem to stick to 1200cal a day :( keep up the good work !! imagine after the 30 days.
  • nye373
    nye373 Posts: 19
    Guys... Level 2 is kicking my butt! :)
  • kgilbert75
    kgilbert75 Posts: 70 Member
    Guys... Level 2 is kicking my butt! :)

    Keep it up!! I finished Level 2 yesterday and started Level 3 today and though it's very tough, it's a great feeling to finish one level and move onto another! By the end of Level 2 you will be blowing through the moves!
  • lollaler
    lollaler Posts: 69 Member
    level 2 kills me too. 1st part cardio and 1st & last parts weights... hard hard work. i do not want to imagine L3...
    1kg too light 2kg too heavy :(
    hope everyone is doing well !
  • nye373
    nye373 Posts: 19
    Has level 2 gotten any easier for you? It finally has for me... I still have 3 days to go.
  • lollaler
    lollaler Posts: 69 Member
    I woudlnt say it got easier for me but easier to soldier on.:drinker:
    Level 3 is a killer but somehow my favourite - very challenging.... get ready for sweating it out
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Started level 2 and it whooped my butt. I really found the double crunches to be hard. I sweat more with those than anything else. I also am hating the planks. I need more upper arm strength. I am going to try to hold plank positions everyday for a certain amount of time and see if I can build up my stamina.