Brand New!

shellyscb Posts: 34 Member
Hi everyone! I am 43 and in the worse shape of my life! I am a single mom to a beautiful and athletic daughter who I plan on enlisting to walk/run and exercise me! She would love for me to involve her and I know it would be great for our relationship. I have 40# that I want to loose. I know I can do it - but I will need help - and that is why I am here. Looking forward to getting to know all of you!


  • marshamccorkle
    Hi! I am new too! I look forward to our journey.
  • LoveVirginia
    LoveVirginia Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Shelly,

    I'm new too! I'm 44 with about 50 lbs to lose. Looking forward to seeing you on the boards :)

  • dperich1968
    dperich1968 Posts: 235 Member
    Welcome, I could not have come this far without MFP and the encouragement from everyone here. Never give up and every day is a new day.
  • GoJo65
    GoJo65 Posts: 52 Member
    Welcome ladies! I am pretty new too-let's get the conversation going!

    How was everyone's week both fitness & mental wise? ;)
  • carpar1
    carpar1 Posts: 211 Member
    Hey all, joined 40 & Fabulous today!

    I am currently doing Chalean Extreme, started 3rd week today, love the workouts, totally different then what I was doing previously, which was mostly cardio. I am not affiliated with beach body .........just kept reading about Chalene's workouts and the results people were having, wanted to build some muscle, since I was looking like a balloon that the air was let out of, if you know what I mean : ) Will see if the weights work, if not on to something else!
  • kmariekk
    kmariekk Posts: 2
    I just joined this group and just started tracking with MFP a week ago (a few false starts)... I am 45 (in July) and also in the worst shape thus far. My daughter is 8 and a gymnast/dancer and she is my biggest encourag - er. She actually ran sprints with me yesterday as we jogged the neighborhood. This is my first try at exercise since having foot surgery (both feet at the same time) in late March. I almost hit 180 which was more than my post pregnancy weight, so I knew I had to track my food again. It's crazy - I know the rules of eating healthy - and still struggle to stay on track. Try try again. :) Good luck to you all - I know we can do it.
  • Laurac0914
    Laurac0914 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello there!

    I am new as of today! I am 48 years old and have been eating the Paleo style for the past 3 weeks. I am down 7lbs so well on my way. I started working out with a Personal trainer with a small group of friends and he recommended that we all sign up here. Searched out this group and found you were new too. I also have an 8 year old daughter who loves to dance. She dances ballet, tap and jazz. She also just started doing some tumbling classes at her dance studio.

    I also am a mom of a 16 year old daughter as well. I am very motivated to lose weight because I am going to a Family reunion in mid August and will be seeing relatives that I have not seen in 7 years. I want to look my best, so I am very determined to lose this weight and then go shopping for new clothes!!!
  • sebaroni
    sebaroni Posts: 2 Member
    I am new, too! Just made it down 20 pounds, after losing 45 in 2008 and gaining 30 back. Finally made the 20 pound goal last week; I started February 1. Only to see the scale up 3 lbs today - UGH! Being 48, the weight issue is even more of a challenge now, than ever. Looking forward to meeting some other ladies to share the journey.

    I have 2 daughters (19 & 21), am married (2nd time) and work as an accountant for a small mystery book publisher.

  • Leimaro
    Leimaro Posts: 148 Member
    Hi, send me an invite. I'm new to 40 and fab but not to MFP (sort of). I'm still getting my bearings straight on balancing my in and out calories. Anyone can invite me as a friend. I am a reciprocator of support.

    Shelly, if that's you in your profile pic, you look great!
  • cmjustin
    cmjustin Posts: 11
    Hey there everyone, New here as well out looking for friends
  • Ejwelton
    Ejwelton Posts: 331 Member
    Welcome. This is a great place and amazing that it's all free.

    I'm 42 and I've lost about 14lbs since Janaury and my husband 22lbs.

    I come on the forums a lot - mainly to read, I am guilty of not replying to all the posts - it's so busy I'd be on here all day!!

    The success board is particularly inspiring.

    Good luck with youtr journey.
  • madreof2
    madreof2 Posts: 6 Member
    Im 47, almost out of my 40s, and I'm determined to be in shape by 50! I'm taking it one day at a time.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Hi and welcome! I'm relatively new here too. Been on MFP 3 weeks. I have lost about 15 lbs since the new year, but need to lose 45 more. Which I can't believe. I am loving MFP!! It really keeps me motivated. It makes it so easy to log your food and stay on track. My cravings are gone too. I feel like I'm really going to do this, no matter how long it takes. It seems harder, being in our 40s, but I'm very determined, especially once I get my mind set on something. Let's do it together!
  • Cabrinii
    Cabrinii Posts: 43 Member
    Hello everyone! I just turned 40 several months ago and I'm still getting the weight off of me. I know life changes at 40 including weight and bodily functions, but it can be reversed with diet and exercise to slow the aging process. As for me, I look forward to helping you and encouraging you to get motivated.