New to the group!

sammyjbray Posts: 146 Member
Hi, I'm Sam, as the title says new to tis group! I am currently weighing in at 220lb having started at 250. The first 20lb came off so easily, but it has taken nearly 3 months to lose another 10lb! I guess the old slowing down at 40 thing must be true!

Looking forward to getting to know you as I bravely attempt to shift another 80lbs to try and keep up with my children.


  • joann852
    joann852 Posts: 16 Member
    Wow thirty pounds is awesome!! I have 60 to lose. Feel free to add me.
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    I just joined this group too! Great start Sammy! :happy:
  • marshamccorkle
    Four years ago I was where you are! Keep tracking what you eat and exercise. I am now in the 160's. YOU CAN DO THIS!! I am on my next 50 or so. Need support just say the word. When you get the first 20 lbs off you won't want to turn back....but don't forget to eat.