What's your plan for Week 2?

Okay team, we had a first week. How are we going to kick this week's butt?

I can tell you for one thing - it's NOT the 1/2 Tombstone pizza I just split with my fiance for dinner.

I got my Jillian Michaels "Ripped in 30" DVD in the mail today (which should have inspired me to eat a little better tonight, but didn't), so I'm going to start that first thing tomorrow. I'm going to wake up early, exercise, then go to work.

I'm also off soda this week. I've been drinking diet Lipton Green Tea with Citrus at work, and thus far, it's gone well. No sleeping at work. :yawn:

What are you going to do this week? Are there lessons learned from last week that you're applying for this upcoming one?


  • DarinGettingHawtin2013
    DarinGettingHawtin2013 Posts: 332 Member
    p.s. I scanned the copy of the Prevention Magazine "Sexy Summer Slim Down" Article with the info on the Interval Training and the special ab exercises. I can't find a way to post it in our group, so if you'd like the pdf, email me at dsujjavanich@gmail.com or message me at daringettinghawtin2012 here at MFP.
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    I am trying to workout atleast an hr 6times this week.... and increase my water
  • neaneawy
    neaneawy Posts: 146 Member
    Started 30 day shred 3 days a week and C25K 3 days a week with 1 day off. It went well last week, so more of the same for the rest of the month! My weight loss had slowed down until last weeks changeup and I was very happy with my results!
  • chandra38
    chandra38 Posts: 112 Member
    I'm working out 5 days this week, and I'm going to incorporate those Bob Harper DVD's into my routine. I got 4 last month during his $5 sale, and I've done one. It was SOOOOOOO hard! So, I'll probably get a two-three hour workout for 3 of those days (that's if I can get over this cold)! Also, drinking almost a gallon of water a day and absolutely no drinks that have calories. (that's my biggest vice). I hope to see at least a pound gone next week!
  • katmariew
    katmariew Posts: 87 Member
    I'm going to do heavy cardio twice a week, and try to just be generally more active (housework, walking around campus, etc) for the remaining of the week. Drink more water, and keep with my calorie limits (around 1300-1400).
  • twelker878
    twelker878 Posts: 146 Member
    I am going to stop eating when I am done eating. I sit at the table and talk with my husband and continue eating WAY after I am full. STOP EATING
  • twelker878
    twelker878 Posts: 146 Member
    Jillian kicks my but daily. Still cant complete the whole thing without stopping for a few seconds a few times.
  • rockinrelish27
    rockinrelish27 Posts: 37 Member
    I am going to stop eating when I am done eating. I sit at the table and talk with my husband and continue eating WAY after I am full. STOP EATING

    thats my problem too!!
  • rockinrelish27
    rockinrelish27 Posts: 37 Member
    This week im stepping up my cardio and start on BL wii! lots more water and only one sweet in the week instead of three:sad:
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    I need to drink more water and stay focus on diet. Great on exercise but not diet. Let's push this 2nd week and stay focus!
  • tinyjaz
    tinyjaz Posts: 75 Member
    I need to stop treating Friday, Saturday & Sunday as 'eat and drink whatever I like & no exercise' days!
  • elizabethmae1214
    Working out 6 days again this week. Only made it to weight train once last week so I'm determined to get in two this week. Probably limit my alcohol a bit more than last weekend. I need to stick to 3 drinks, not 5!
    I have a really busy week at work so I'm not going to have as much free time as I'd like so I'm a bit nervous about staying on track.
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    excerse more, drink more water and eat better
  • talamer
    talamer Posts: 516 Member
    Focus on workouts, drinking more water, control my portions!! of course replacing meals with more veges and fruits
  • Sinisi2012
    Sinisi2012 Posts: 333 Member
    Stepping up the exercise this week. I also bought a food scale so I can more accurately account for my food instead of guesstimating ;)
  • delmc1
    delmc1 Posts: 331 Member
    more cardio and cutting down on rice,bread and potatoes also upping the water intake
  • Jeepers133
    Jeepers133 Posts: 110 Member
    I found Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred on youtube yesterday, 2 days down 28 to go and I can barely move my legs now :D ! It's a good workout! I am also going to drink at least 12 glasses of water a day this week.
  • ctiginger09
    I started this thing called "Mean Abs June" that I found on Pinterest and I kicked butt at the gym yesterday along with an hour bike ride. Going to try some barbell exercises tomorrow.
  • lkellandmay
    lkellandmay Posts: 121 Member
    I log in every day...
    I record my food every day...
    I continue to do exercises every day
    I do not fret about the weight. Just weigh myself 1 per week not 1 per hour! :)

    We know what to do so ...

    JUST Do IT
  • Sinisi2012
    Sinisi2012 Posts: 333 Member
    I found Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred on youtube yesterday, 2 days down 28 to go and I can barely move my legs now :D ! It's a good workout! I am also going to drink at least 12 glasses of water a day this week.

    Good luck with it! I really want to try this but afraid it's a little too soon and a little too ambitious for me right now. Maybe in a few more weeks ;)