


  • gonzang
    gonzang Posts: 38 Member
    Did you take measurements or have body fat tested? I think those numbers are often more indicative of progress. I really like MNS too and don't have to buy a bunch of different vitamins and minerals and probiotics because they're all included.

    Good luck!
  • nlehmann
    nlehmann Posts: 164 Member
    I took measurements prior to starting the cleanse which fell in line with my 30 day progress report for P90X2 and Insanity. I will measure again this weekend or early next week, I can tell I am toning and may have lost a little bit in inches but I don't know how much I can attribute that to the Advocare. We'll see, I'll let you know in a few day :smile:
  • DeeBurge
    DeeBurge Posts: 5
    FINISHED my Advocare 24 Day Challenge and loved it! Lost 8.1lbs and 14.25inches on it! Sticking to there food diet plan and exercising daily. Off there products at the moment but going to get back on the MNS 3, catalyst, and maybe Fibo-trim. Still losing weight and feeling great now! I have lost all together now to today's date a total of 13lbs and 19.75inches! :bigsmile:
  • AY2011
    AY2011 Posts: 11 Member
    That's awesome!! I just finished my first 24DC and it was definitely a challenge but a good one!! I lost a total of 8 lbs and 9.5 inches!! How are you doing since 5/8/12? :smile:
  • DeeBurge
    DeeBurge Posts: 5
    That's awesome!! I just finished my first 24DC and it was definitely a challenge but a good one!! I lost a total of 8 lbs and 9.5 inches!! How are you doing since 5/8/12? :smile:

    That is really great!!! It is diffidently a life change to do something like this and stick to it. Hope you can stick with it and keep motivated. There is alot of health good recipes out there to make at home. Since I started the 24DC and until now my total lost is 20lbs and more then 18inches but haven't measured lately. I am still doing good sticking to the diet food plan and loving it! Keep up the good work!!!
  • tjames30
    tjames30 Posts: 229 Member
    Started my 24 day challenge today! Any tips or advice from you that have completed the challenge?
  • gonzang
    gonzang Posts: 38 Member
    Grocery shop and plan and prepare meals and snacks ahead of time, stick to the plan, and ask your coach questions as they come up. It's a great program and it works! Let us know how it's going!