Nit Picky question about stage 2--THANKS!

SarahClag Posts: 32 Member
First of all, stage 2 is where he starts to add interval training? Correct? I haven't gotten there- still in stage one, just thinking ahead.

Ok, the Alternating set D3 is awkward-- because "D" is the only one with three parts.

You are supposed to do:

B1, C1, D1 (repeat again)

B2, C2, D2 (repeat again)

where do you guys slip in D3?

And then for the prone cobra, you just do it once, rest for 75, then again?


  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    In workout A - you would do front squat push press, rest, do it again, rest, do it again. Then step-ups (both legs), rest, DB one point row, rest, step-ups again, rest, and DB one point row again to finish out that set. Then you do static lunge (both legs), rest, push-ups, rest, static lunge, rest, push-ups to finish out that set. Then Planks for 60 secs, rest, wood chops (both arms), rest, plank again, rest, wood chop to finish out.

    Workout B - do deadlifts first. After finishing both sets, do split squat, rest, pulldown, rest, split squat, rest, pulldown. Then reverse lunge (both legs), rest, DB cuban snatch, rest, lunges, rest, cuban snatch. Next superset you do swiss ball crunches, reverse crunches, and lateral flexion, rest, then repeat those three. (Or if you follow exactly as written you can rest in between each of those - but I didn't - just busted through because they weren't bad). THEN...lastly....prone cobra for 60-90 secs, rest, and do it again. Then intervals after if you have it left in ya! ;D
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Sorry if I wasn't clear...when you are supersetting - you are just alternating between the exercises in that set. So for a Superset in the B group - you do B1, rest, then B2, rest, back to B1, rest, finish up B2. Move on to the C supersets.
  • SarahClag
    SarahClag Posts: 32 Member
    ooOOOOOOO!!! Ok, there was the confusion. Clear now, THANK YOU! I feel stupid- there is not difference from stage 1. Don't know why I was thinking to alternate in that way.
  • mom2kea
    mom2kea Posts: 33
    ooOOOOOOO!!! Ok, there was the confusion. Clear now, THANK YOU! I feel stupid- there is not difference from stage 1. Don't know why I was thinking to alternate in that way.

    Don't feel stupid! I started stage 2 today, and I think he does his best, but it still not crystal clear in the book. That's what these message boards are for!