The "just because" thread- have fun!

sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
Post funny videos, pics, ask for advice/help with anything, etc etc. :laugh:


  • tebbs915
    tebbs915 Posts: 130 Member
    OK... I don't know who might have experience with this, but want some input on the possibility of getting a breast reduction. I am 25, 5'4" and weight about 159 pounds. I currently wear a a 36DDD bra, so you can imagine my boobs are HUGE. Yes, HUGE. :noway: Oh, and my back hurts. Like every day. My posture is ****, and nothing has helped.

    So... does anyone have any experience with this that could provide ANY insight?? I would really appreciate it!

    DISCLAIMER: working out hasn't been helping (thought it might. been at this for almost a year). It's a genetic thing, not because I got fat.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    my sister in law is the same way - she's 22 and has huge boobs that cause her alot of back pain. she's been going through the motions to do everything to get insurance to pay for her surgery - seeing a chiropractor who documents that a breast reduction would help, etc. she wants to finish up her master's before doing the surgery, but I think she's going to go ahead with it.

    my grandmother, mom, and sister all had breast reduction too (my sister twice, actually) - I have the small boobs in the family :)

    I think if your back hurts then you should talk to your doctor about refering you to a specialist!
  • beccalucy
    beccalucy Posts: 250 Member
    teebs, if you're in the UK the NHS will pay for some breast reductions if they're causing other health issues. I have the opposite problem but a friend had it around 3 years ago and has found a dramatic improvement in her back pain and posture.
  • tebbs915
    tebbs915 Posts: 130 Member
    hey Em! know anything about what the recovery process is like???
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    Will ask the fam tonight :) Keep in mind, though, that they had theirs done 10+ years ago so recovery may be different now, but I'll ask!!
  • kimdarren
    kimdarren Posts: 76 Member
    I've got two friends that have had reduction done. Both were very big breasted, but one of them also had one side larger than the other. The surgerys were done in Canada about 10+ yrs ago (I'm in England), but both have been so pleased that they went ahead with the surgery. It might be worth checking into. You don't wanna have to put up with all of that back pain the rest of your life. My one friend was in her late 40s when she had it done and she was practically bedridden with back pain before the surgery (sorry, don't mean to be a scare mungerer)
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    **warning! sexual content ahead. read at your own risk!** :noway:

    So I have a question that swings to the other side of the boobage discussion. Yes I just said boobage :tongue: I want to get my boobs done to be, essentially bigger. I don't want the surgery so much to get way bigger boobs; I'm more interested in improving the shape and perkiness and whatnot. I'm a 36 (small) B. I'd like to go to a C-cup. I'm going to do research but does anyone know or had breast enhancement of any kind BEFORE having children? That's my concern that makes me want to wait. I'd like to be able to breastfeed my children and I have no idea if you can or should after augmentation. So any advice here would be appreciated too! Oh boobies. Guys think they're so easy. Pshhh. :happy:

    Oh and speaking of boobies- anyone finding that with weight loss you're more confident in the bedroom? spill the beans! i'll kiss and tell. i feel like i own my body now- i'm not a slave to hating it or trying to always be something i'm not. i feel pretty durn good about myself right now and its effects certainly reach into the bedroom! I get this slinky, seductive feeling. it's cuz I'M in love with me too. I CAN'T BELIEVE I CAN SAY THAT.
    But yeah, that ended with, "best.ever." #howtokeepamanhappy :laugh: is that how i'm supposed to use that # thing? i have no idea what it really means....
  • tebbs915
    tebbs915 Posts: 130 Member
    hah Sarah you are hilarious. :laugh:

    as for the augmentation, I know that most people's breasts get better during pregnancy. I'm not entirely sure whether you could breastfeed or not; definitely look into that in your research!

    as for the other end... when i was at my lightest (before gaining some weight back), i was definitely more into having sex. and it was all the time. now.. i'm back to that place where its the last thing on my mind. which sucks. but i also truly believe my birth control is contributing to that BIG TIME. :mad:

    anyway, good luck! and yes, keep your man happy. #getitgirl (ya, you used it right!)
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    I think you CAN breast feed after an augmentation, I'm almost totally sure. And it has gotten better in the bedroom! I am a lot more often the one who initiates, and in the morning! I guess I have more energy too :) It's nice, hubby is very happy because my self-image issues make him so sad. He's tried everything to help, so nothing makes him happier than when I'm confident. Things are better all around :)
  • Jules: I would definitely talk to your doctor. I have friends that had reductions completely covered by insurance because they were experiencing back pain. For sure look into it.

    Sarah, I think it has SO much to do with self acceptance. For me, I don't think I've changed size that much, but when I'm in a positive mind set I feel much better about myself in the *ahem* bedroom.

    PS birth control DEFINITELY impacts libido.
  • beccalucy
    beccalucy Posts: 250 Member
    I'm glad you guys have all said birth control affects libido, my theory's been that that's half of how it acts! lol

    I also agree with Sarah and pink, the more positive I am about myself has a major affect in the bedroom (see status update other day!)
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    Wow I've been on birth control since I was sixteen, I wonder how my libido would change if I got off it? Oh well, can't find out because I ain't havin' no babies!
  • tebbs915
    tebbs915 Posts: 130 Member
    LOL: I've also been on birth control since I was that young (15)... and it was originally designed to help me GET my period on a regular basis. since then... who the hell knows what my body is really like. i will admit though -- in college.. i was pretty randy. especially with my current fiance! bummer I'm not the same way. he misses it!

    going to talk to my doctor about going off. and getting rid of some of my boobs. gonna wait till after my wedding though. 46 days!!! YIKES!
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Psh, we've never had a problem in the bedroom. Straight up.It does help with my confidence in their but it damn sure wasn't stopping me.

    Anyway, I scheduled my first consultation with a plastic surgeon for June 16th to see about having a lower body lift. Essentially removing the excess skin from my abdomen/thighs. I'm excited and nervous. SO nervous.
  • mbroskey
    mbroskey Posts: 17 Member
    I didnt know this ladies!! LOL

    A New Study on Birth Control and the Libido
    In January 2006, a new study was released illustrating possible long-term effects of the birth control pill on the female libido. Published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, this study finds that women using the birth control pill showed markedly-decreased levels of sexual desire than those women who do not use the birth control pill. It also found that women who had discontinued use of the pill continued to suffer side effects in the long-term.
  • The thing about BC is that it has different effects on every woman. For me, being on the pill made me have mood swings, increased anxiety, decreased libido, weight gain, the list goes on...

    I've been off of it for about a month. My anxiety has gone down significantly, my mood has stabilized, my chest has gone down nearly a cup size, and my libido is waking back up.

    I have a diaphragm now, which isn't ideal, but I'm liking it a lot more than pumping my body full of hormones that weren't helping me in any way other than preventing pregnancy, which the diaphragm does just as well.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    I am just an emotional wreck. Thinking about my aunt all the time who passed away last November. Exhausted. Swinging with my bipolar. Self-medicating even more than usual with p0t. i have to leave this job. and of course that's scary but i just don't care about anything to do with it anymore. i'm just a crumbling mess this past week. in better news it's my four-year anniversary with Jon on Saturday and I have a three day weekend. His bday is on Monday. I booked us two 60-minute swedish massages to go get together. Also bought a new stainless steel id bracelet that i'm going to have engraved if he likes it. "To the moon and back."

    Thank you so much for being my friends. I feel closer to many of you than some people in real life. I've never had this experience of meeting wonderful people who care deeply about others like i do. your constant support is part of what keeps me going, keeps me determined, even when i want to quit. I love you all! :smooched:
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    Just talking about it is a great step, right Sarah? It's great you're talking about it.

    Happy anniversary! Have a great weekend! Have a great massage!
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I'm thinking about Mirena or Paragard since we already have two kids, boy and girl, I don't want anymore. I mean what else could I get? I already have one of each, unless I'm popping out a puppy next then no thanks.

    Happy anniversary to you and Penguin Jon!
  • ***Pretty Gross Content***Read at your own risk

    SO, I have been eating much better than I have ever done in my life and last night we all went to a BBQ joint to splurge and celebrate a great father figure in my life. Within an hour of eating all the sauces and grease and meat [because I only eat chicken, turkey or seafood for over a year now] I was in my restroom literally with major diarrhea! I mean to the point of where I did not even want to be in there myself!

    My question is, will this happen every time I eat out of my healthy eating lifestyle? Am I destined to blow up the bathroom every time I have greasy food or go over my food intake limit? This is not the first time it has happened either, seems like every time I eat more than either bland or very low calorie meals I am chained to the toilet.