Weigh in

Hi guys. Just wondering, when do you weigh in? I weigh in tonight. Maybe we can post our progress here? Fingers crossed for me tonight!


  • wolfiesgirl
    wolfiesgirl Posts: 59 Member
    Good luck! I weigh in Thursday mornings.x
  • gemsyo
    gemsyo Posts: 13

    I weigh in today too, can't afford class so weighing in at home. Was a gain this week, annoyed but to expected as not followed plan at all!!

    Had omelette for breaky, doing green as veggie x
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Tuesday evenings...i lost 0.5lb and got voted in as my groups Miss Slinky...lol!?

    I am also 3lbs from target but I know it's probably going to take me an aaaage to get there...
  • Guess What? I lost 4.5 pounds this week! woop woop! Not only that! I am in the lower half of 11 stone and also I got my club 10 award at last! Yay for me! Well pleased!
  • wolfiesgirl
    wolfiesgirl Posts: 59 Member
    Yay, well done you! I've got wi at 10 this morning, finger crossed!! x
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Guess What? I lost 4.5 pounds this week! woop woop! Not only that! I am in the lower half of 11 stone and also I got my club 10 award at last! Yay for me! Well pleased!

  • wolfiesgirl
    wolfiesgirl Posts: 59 Member
    I lost 3lbs! Won Miss Slinky too, very happy today.xx
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    I lost 3lbs! Won Miss Slinky too, very happy today.xx

    AMAAAAZING, great job! Bet you're on cloud nine right now x
  • yay well done to us both!
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Ugh, after being good all week, and working out far harder and more than normal (extra classes and manic cycling)....I put on 0.5lbs...and i know it's coz my muscles are sore, and i know it's coz of TOM, but STILL!!!! AAAAARGGH.
    I also know every 4th week I have a little gain...but every 4th week it still makes you feel icky and like it's sooo far away!

    New week, new start, it has to come off next week with more!

    Good luck everyone x
  • I had a stressful start to the working week and consequently ate badly. Managed a maintain. TOM week towards the end of the week and I only have until Monday cos of the Teacher's strike. However I am determined to get some off this week. 1.5 pounds away from 1.5 stones! Fingers crossed!
  • Wooo got my 1.5 stone award tonight, 3 pounds to go and then I will be in the next stone down too! :D
  • I weigh in on a Wednesday evening and had a 2lb gain last week. I was a bit surprised but hadn't done any running due to a horrid water infection. I also worked out that I was having about 12 syns a day on milk and that was after using my HEB. Horror of horrors. :grumble: I've had to reduce drastically and now have a jug that is 400mls and just use that for the day. It's difficult as I think I was using the coffee to fill me up but at least I've realised and hopefully will be back on track next week. :smile:
  • EmmaShorter
    EmmaShorter Posts: 298
    Last week I gained half a pound. This week I lost it. I was quite disappointed with only losing half but last week I was pleased with gaining only half so my guess is it balanced out. Got to have another good week food wise and hope I get a big weight loss next week!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    I weigh in on a Thursday evening after dinner... And this week I lost 1.5lbs! Hooray!

    Not the big losses of you lot, but I'm chuffed!! Only 30 more weeks like that and I'll hit target. Haha :)
  • PottyMrs
    PottyMrs Posts: 55 Member
    I weigh in on a thursday evening, and this week i lost 2.5lbs taking my total loss up to 40.5lbs and iv now hit my half way mark! yaaay!!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Wow good job!!!! I stayed the same this week sadly, but that means I am proper motivated for the coming week! Good luck ladies x
  • vanderandkarl
    vanderandkarl Posts: 87 Member
    I weigh in tomorrow can feel a gain coming :( the week before pay day is pants :( not fruit etc left damn it

    oh well we will see what tomorrow brings x

    good luck this week ladies x
  • deex18
    deex18 Posts: 113 Member
    my weigh in is tomor morning and a guaranteed gain cos ive eaten so badly the past five days with drink in the middle..... back on track tho today!!!! glad i found the group!! go team slimming world xx feel free to add me peeps!!!! :-)
  • wend2579
    wend2579 Posts: 5 Member
    Just been for my weigh in - 3.5 off this week yay me:happy: