Introduce yourselves.... go on .... don't be shy!



  • hduston
    hduston Posts: 61 Member
    Hi, All! I'm almost 43, married (19 years) with two kids (8 and 11). I live in the beautiful State of Colorado! I've struggled with losing weight since my late 30s - before that I had a dynamite metabolism (probably good genes, too) and didn't have to watch what I ate or exercise much (although I've been a regular exerciser for the past 15 years). Then, boom - the 40s hit me like a rock and I've really struggled - it doesn't help that I have a lifetime of bad eating habits. I'm working on it, though and MFP has really helped me stay accountable for what I'm doing (or not doing as the case may be).

    I'm 5'6" and currently at 163 lbs. Would love to lose around 20 lbs. but most of all want to start feeling better about myself, regain energy and keep up with my active kids.

    I look forward to getting to know you all and helping you when I can!

  • MiniMexxxxx
    MiniMexxxxx Posts: 43 Member
    Hi There

    I'm 41 years old. Nearly shed the half stone that has crept on over the last couple of years but then want to keep it off so will still be here to maintain when my last half a pound has gone - or maybe even lose a couple more to give me space to relax a bit on holiday :flowerforyou:
  • DoozerDMB
    DoozerDMB Posts: 129 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm Dawn, married, mom of two and a Jersey Girl (USA). I just turned 43 and am taking control of my life... making myself a priority. I had lost about 50 lbs with weight watchers but couldn't keep up with the meetings. After three years, the weight crept back up. I know what I have to do and I will be doin git. Rightnow my goal is to get out of threedom and into twoterville :)
  • jobarefoot
    jobarefoot Posts: 4
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Jo, I was 49 in April so I have that big 50 looming over me and giving me an incentive to finally do something about my weight gain! In my 30s I was a fitness instructor: very lean but not that muscular - I'm a 5' 9" beanpole underneath all this. I got to 40 and went into a desk job, adopted my daughter at 43 (she's now 6), gave up smoking and a couple of years ago started taking anti-depression meds to help with SAD and PMS. All that and my sweet tooth mean that I'm now a good 35 pounds over my ideal weight with none of that being muscle.

    I doubt I'd ever get back to my 'fighting weight' but I know I can be thinner, fitter and healthier. I'm active at home with gardening and walking my two dogs. I like hooping too :) I just joined a gym and thankfully still feel at home there even though I'm so out of shape. I just added the MFP app to my phone and I think it's going to be a great help. Oh and I'm in the UK!

    Lovely to be here and be inspired by you all.

  • slj46
    slj46 Posts: 6
    I am 46 years old,my weight is getting out of control again and my Dr recommended this site,I had a Gastric Bypass 12 yrs ago and I gained some of my weight back and I am hoping to lose what I have gained.
  • Hi, I'm Julia. I live in Yorkshire with my husband of 23 years and my 2 kids (though the eldest is away at University).

    I've been round every slimming club in town I'm ashamed to say, lose 10lb then get bored and give in! The weight has slowly crept on over the years and I started on here a week ago today at 190lb. This morning I was 185lb so it works. Hurrah.

    Hoping to find some more motivation, make friends and lose the lard.
  • Bizeebec150
    Bizeebec150 Posts: 88
    I'm 41 married 2 teens (son 17 & daughter 16). Like in California and love it!

    I joined MFP to help me lose the last 15-20 in my journey that started over 80+ pounds ago. Since then I have become athletic, came into my own and am still learning to set no boundaries for health and fitness.

    Looking to make new friends and encourage others as they in turn encourage me.

    for my full weight-loss info check out
  • Kellyology
    Kellyology Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a 42 year old mother of 2 who discovered running over a year ago. I ran my first 1/2 marathon in December, have 2 more scheduled for this year, and now I'm finally working on getting the weight I gained with my last child off (that I gained almost 10 years's that for procrastination?). I'm tired of my joints hurting during a run because of my weight. Plus I think I'll get faster with less weight holding me back. :)

    Looking forward to meeting everyone and exchanging ideas and support.
  • rayahmarie333
    rayahmarie333 Posts: 15 Member
    I just joined this group, but I won't turn 40 until September. I've been a member of MFP since Jan. 2012, but I haven't used it consistently until this last month. I'm married and have a 6 year old daughter, but I'm trying for another. I'm also trying to lose about 40 pounds. I'm hoping this group will also help me get over my 'fear' of 40! :noway: I had belonged to Weight Watchers for years, but I had a hard time with only eating a certain amount of points each day. I would over eat and feel like I blew it and felt guilty about having to 'start over' day after day.
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm 44 with no kids and have been married for 24 years. I've lost about 45ish pounds over the last year, but earlier this year I was diagnosed with uterine cancer among other things and finally feel the need to take charge of my health instead of ignoring it. I still have about 130 pounds to go and am feeling really motivated to get healthy.
  • ritzema5
    ritzema5 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi everybody! I'm 44 years old, married for almost 19 years, and have 3 kids (ages 17, 15, and 12). My husband and I operate a small dairy farm and I homeschool my kids. Six months ago I hit an all-time high weight of 215 and decided it was time to lose. I lost 10 pounds before joining MFP and then in January I really got serious and joined MFP and started to pay attention to everything I eat; not just calories but all the nutrients. I also started exercising regularly. I did Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and am now doing mainly ChaLEAN Extreme. I am more than half-way to my goal of losing 80 pounds. According to my MFP ticker, I've lost 39, but it's really 49 pounds since I lost 10 before. :-)
  • jeenim
    jeenim Posts: 37 Member
    I actually can't remember if I introduced myself a few weeks ago or not! Getting older.... :-)
    I'm 46 at the end of this year.
    I started trying to lose weight again at the beginning of Feb this year - so far I have lost about 6 kg or 12 pounds.
    I am a slow loser. There are definitely types of us out there. My cousin has done the same amount of time with less exercise and lost more than double what I've lost.
    I have tried so hard for the past 4 months but it is slow.
    However unlike other times, I'm not going to give up this time just because the scale doesn't tell me what I want (deserve?) to see!
    Like someone else here, I am doing this program in conjunction with low carb and healthy fats - almost gluten free. No sugar at all and hardly any wheat flour if I can help it. I've got used to it and although I'm not losing weight quickly I'm not tired like I often get when on a fitness program.
    I really want to keep this going and find MFP so far very very helpful. Can't believe it is free really!
    I live in Australia - I have 2 kids aged between 1 and 10.
    Very busy trying to pack too much into my life.
    Love connecting with other busy 40 something women who UNDERSTAND.
    Best wishes to all....
  • milliasmomma
    milliasmomma Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Ladies! My name is Dawn, I will be 40 in November... Hopefully you ladies are ok with me joining early!! I live in Southern Ca. Married 14 years, I have 3 boys 19, 9, 2! I have been on MFP for a few months mostly using my phone app. I only have 2 friends on here so I would really like some more friends for the motivation! I enjoy running 5ks with my husband, but we both need to make the life changes to our eating habits! That's our goal, making good food choices! I have lost about 15 lbs, and still need to loose about 70 lbs. I have lost a lot of inches but not weight!! Still very proud of my progress and want to continue!!! Thanks Ladies!!
  • Hello, I just joined the group. I have been trying to lose the same 10 lbs for about 10 years. Unfortunately, that 10 lbs has now turned to 20. I have been a memeber of MFP for awhile, but was not doing a good job tracking my food. I also find it very difficult to exercise because I commute 2 hours (each way) everyday. By the time I get home, I am too tired to work out. So, I sit in front of the TV for most of the evening. I would like to lose 20 lbs, but am finding it hard to get motivated. I would appreciate any advice and/or encouragement to help get me started.

    Thanks !
  • stefanieceleste0530
    stefanieceleste0530 Posts: 177 Member
    Hello, I just joined the group. I have been trying to lose the same 10 lbs for about 10 years. Unfortunately, that 10 lbs has now turned to 20. I have been a memeber of MFP for awhile, but was not doing a good job tracking my food. I also find it very difficult to exercise because I commute 2 hours (each way) everyday. By the time I get home, I am too tired to work out. So, I sit in front of the TV for most of the evening. I would like to lose 20 lbs, but am finding it hard to get motivated. I would appreciate any advice and/or encouragement to help get me started.

    Thanks !

    First - love your grey kitty - I have one of those myself!! :happy:

    Second - I feel your pain. I don't have your commute (thankfully), but my work schedule is absolutely can change by the minute some days. I work 2 jobs - one has me on the road all day at least 3 days a week and the other is a p/t job at night teaching a class. There are some days where I'm so exhausted I don't even want to get out of bed.

    What I've actually started doing is scheduling my workout time right into my day planner. I've found that the more I work out, the more energy I have, and the easier it is to get up and get off the couch. I actually *miss* it on the days that I just can't fit a workout into my schedule. I don't know what your weekends are like, but maybe you can plan some fitness activities into them? Bike rides, walks, etc....

    The other thought would be to buy some exercise DVD's...or maybe your tv provider has a free exercise channel (I know Verizon FIOS does) that has some good exercise "videos." Some of them are only 30 minutes long - you might be able to find ways to squeeze that into your routine a few times a week.

    Feel free to friend me if you want (anyone can...) I'm here every day - some days I do well, some days, not so much. I'm not perfect, but I try to offer encouragement to others when I can. I figure we're all in this together - the more friends and the more people to be somewhat "accountable" to the better I know I'll do!

    Good luck to you!!
  • slimdownwj
    slimdownwj Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm quickly approaching age 42 and I've been a member of mfp for quite some time with no success. I've decided to join a few groups this time to hopefully give me the motivation I need to get on track and stay on track!:wink:
  • Keekah1969
    Keekah1969 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi my name is Nechole, and I am from the suburbs of Chicago. I just joined MFP 5 days ago. I joined the group yesterday. I am here to lose roughly about 30 pounds. My goal is 130-135 area. I recently lost 40 pounds within the past 6 months already, but it was due to sickness. I am finally healthy, so I want to finish the job the right way.:smile:
  • danabromley
    danabromley Posts: 87 Member
    Hi my names Dana I'm a 47 year old housewife from Canada. Mother of 2, a 25 year old daughter and a 23 year old son. Also I have 2 beautiful grand babies, granddaughter will be 3 in Aug. and a grandson who's 18 months. I have about 50 pounds to loose. I gained allot of weight due to some side effects of medication about 4 years ago. Also developed diabetes due to the weight gain. I was 198 pounds I got myself down to 150 then I quit smoking and I now weigh 168 and my blood sugar is starting to get a little out of control again. So that's why I'm here, but I know I need some support to do this. Hopefully I can give some support back to everyone here as well.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    I'm Bre, 41, live in Covington, GA, just east of Atl.

    A little about me, I'm married, for 10 years now, and I have a 19 y/o daughter. My husband and me own our a tattoo shop in Covington so we do a LOT of sitting (aka: weight gaining). Then last year my husbands mother was diagnosed with cancer and I spent the last few months of her life helping take care of her. I didnt realize until after she passed that I had gained back the 40 lbs that I had lost previously.
    I still didnt think I looked that heavy until this past May when we went on a cruise and I started to look at all the pics we took. OMGoodness! I look like a hot air balloon! So, back to healthy nutrition and exercise we go. My husband is very supportive so thats a HUGE plus for me. We cant get any exercise done at work, and by the time we leave the shop, its usually very late. Not a problem though, we have been taking 30 minutes to do "something" a few times a week after we get home, even if its late.
    I have always struggled with my weight and it always seems to get out of control during stressful situations, and it seems like I'm always stressed about something! So I came across this app to see if it can help me. So far so good, I really like it.
    My first personal mini goal is 10 lbs with my main goal being 75 lbs (thats such an overwhelming number, so small bites is better for me).
    I can ALWAYS use some encouragement and I'm a great supporter as well.
    Nice to meet everyone
  • Thank you !
    I like your idea about putting my workouts into the calendar. I am going to do that right away!

    Thanks again!:smile: