NEW in this group...needing encouragement!

Ok ladies, so I'm BRAND new here....think I'm gonna jump in and go for it! At this point I feel like I have no other options....I've tried all of them! A little of my back story: I've recently lost 70 pounds over the last 2 years by eating about 1500cal per day. I am done having babies (3 of them) and so after my last pregnancy (she's 2 now) I set out to lose all the baby weight plus some more. As of last summer I lost 70 pounds and hit my lowest weight of 147 (I'm 5'6 and 1/2, 33yr old female) and then for the last year (since last summer) I have STRUGGLED to get off the last 10-15 and fluctuated up and down from 147 to 153 over and over and over again. I upped my calories about 3 months (after seeing some info on here about upping cals/starvation mode, etc) from 1500 to 2000 and saw a tiny bit of success (lost a couple pounds) and then stalled out again! So, again I'm back at square one, frustrated as ALLLLL get out and desperate to figure out why I work my tail of 6 days a week and see no results!!!! I workout very hard, 6 days a week (a combination of running, lifting, circuit training, HIIT training, etc) I get crazy high burns on most days and have an estimated TDEE of 2500 (although I think that's low to be honest b/c I did a little experiment with my HRM, too cheap to buy a BMF or fitbit, and it said more like 2900, although I know that an HRM worn all day long isn't necessarily accurate)....anyway, I sent a message to Lucia today and she has encouraged me to do the reset so here I go! I'm sooooo nervous but feel like there's nothing else to try! I'm hoping all of you can help me emotionally get through this!
I will be eating 2500cal per day for 8 wks (lord help me, I'm doubting myself even as I type this)
and then doing a cut of -15% TDEE...
thanks new friends!
Erica =)


  • naonah
    naonah Posts: 119 Member

    I've upped my cals to TDEE-15% in March and gained 3 lbs. I then upped it to full TDEE for a few weeks now...gained another 3 lbs :grumble: but plan on finishing my 8 weeks. It really is scary but it makes so much sense, it HAS to work. I've been dieting for so long that 40 of my 70lb loss crept back on me over the course of 6 years, even though I was eating low cals and exercising. This change is for life, so I will make it work! :drinker:

    BTW, you might want to read this thread (there are a few of us doing a reset) and look at the one about in increasing cals and what to expect.

    I think you have quite an active exercise routine. Perhaps you should recalculate your TDEE using the Fat2Fit or scooby calculators so that you know exactly how much you should be eating for your level of activity. :wink:

    Patience is key! We have to accept the initial gain and carry through before cutting again. We're all here for each other and surprisingly going through the same feelings and situations! This group really helps me and I'm sure it will help you :flowerforyou: