Daily Roll Call 06/06

amivox Posts: 441 Member
26 days to go!

Great job so far! Keep up the fabulous work!!


  • Chell625
    Chell625 Posts: 13
    I just joined this group. I just completed Level 1 Day 6 last night. I am going to do it everyday and I have also added doing a mile a day of jogging/walking. I am going to take my before pictures today, I did however take my measurements before :smile: :happy:
  • Zisaleh
    Zisaleh Posts: 64 Member
    Level 2 Day 5 DONE!!!!!

    The walk out push ups have become so much easier!!
  • sch7355
    sch7355 Posts: 55
    Day 9, Level 1 complete!! Keeping up with Natalie has become a lot easier! Still need a lot of work on the push ups though...
  • LISA921
    LISA921 Posts: 22 Member
    L1 D7 DONE!!!
  • 2012NSR
    2012NSR Posts: 51
    Day 9 Level 1 complete :)
  • jkrim941
    jkrim941 Posts: 226 Member
    Take 2: Level 2: Day 1! can't wait for the new workout tonight!
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    Level 2 Day 4, done.
  • ksavy
    ksavy Posts: 271 Member
    Completed Level 2 Day 4. :)
  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    24 days to go!! Finished Day 6 of Level 1 today. I moved up to the 8 lbs for the back rows and chest flys... using 5 lbs for everything else.

    *sigh* a part of me still wants to see like over-night results. Have to keep reminding myself it don't work that way... :-P
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member
    level 1 - day 8 done.... didn't get new weights yet... still thinking about it.

    Yesterday when I worked out in a tank top, all I could see was my belly shaking. It was depressing, but something I was glad that I saw in a face the music sort of way. Today, I wore a baggy t-shirt and noticed a thigh muscle while I was doing jumping jacks. :)
    LALOCHA34 Posts: 340 Member
    Level 1, Day 7 done!
    LALOCHA34 Posts: 340 Member
    24 days to go!! Finished Day 6 of Level 1 today. I moved up to the 8 lbs for the back rows and chest flys... using 5 lbs for everything else.

    *sigh* a part of me still wants to see like over-night results. Have to keep reminding myself it don't work that way... :-P

    I need to up my weights too. I know exactly what you mean... It will happen we just have to keep moving!
  • Deedsie
    Deedsie Posts: 348 Member
    Level 2 Day 5 (Half-way there!) Done. I'm going to stick with my 2 lbs throughout this round and go up to 5 lbs on my take 2 which I'm starting immediately following this round. Then no more 30 DS until after my 1/2 marathon on Oct. 20. That would be too much time working out each day.
  • Zisaleh
    Zisaleh Posts: 64 Member
    level 1 - day 8 done.... didn't get new weights yet... still thinking about it.

    Yesterday when I worked out in a tank top, all I could see was my belly shaking. It was depressing, but something I was glad that I saw in a face the music sort of way. Today, I wore a baggy t-shirt and noticed a thigh muscle while I was doing jumping jacks. :)

    lol I had this problem to yesterday. I'm wondering if I'll ever be able to tight my stomach muscles.
  • Zisaleh
    Zisaleh Posts: 64 Member
    Take 2: Level 2: Day 1! can't wait for the new workout tonight!

    jkrim so is this your second time doing the 30ds? Did you do it right after completing the first round? I'm wondering what I should do after my 30 days. I was contemplating just starting the program over once I finish.
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 398 Member
    Just joined the group ^^ but I started 30DS on June 1st.. I've kept up with it so I will do Level 1 Day 7 today (after I sleep and get up that is!)