Strict Paleo starting tomorrow

Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
The first time I did Whole30 during November 2011, I got about 3 weeks into it before I gave into cheese. I'm determined to make it at least 30 days to see how I feel without it and if it helps my weight loss in doing without dairy.

So tomorrow I'm committing to 100% strict Paleo. Anybody else want to join me?

I've got my Coconut Milk, full fat, ready to go for my coffee. But my biggest vice when it comes to Primal snacking is cheese. Are there any alternatives to full fat dairy cheese? If I can get past my addiction to cheese, I can do 100% Strict Primal without any issues.


  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Yeah, I have no idea. Cheese is my biggest thing. And I really shouldn't be having dairy.
  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    Are you talking Paleo or Primal? Because dairy in moderation is allowed on Primal (full fat, preferably raw milk)...

    I gave up dairy completely in the beginning, and then added it back slowly. Once I saw that it wasn't messing with either my feeling good or my weight loss, I decided it was cool to have it. Of course, I've always been Primal, never Paleo, and never attempted the Whole30 - I mean, there's no bacon on the Whole30!! What kind of ridiculousness is THAT??? ;)

  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    Sorry about the confusion. I'm Primal now and have been since January but I'm trying to go strict Paleo to see if cutting dairy helps with my overall health. I haven't been tested for food sensitivities but I'm willing to try an elimination diet first.
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    So far, avoiding dairy has been okay. I miss having cheese, but I'm not supposed to have dairy anyhow. I would just substitute nuts-- it's been working okay for me to do so.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Haha! You said it exactly: addicted to cheese ... it literally is as far as your brain is concerned. Like any addiction, the only way to get past it is to not eat it. I've tried to eat it from time to time (sometimes when served feta or goat cheese on a salad) and always end up with a roiling stomach. That's enough of a deterrent to avoiding it now, for me.

    That being said, we all have our vices and if cheese is what rocks your world, who am I to tell you to give it up?
  • fieldsy4life
    fieldsy4life Posts: 155
    I like Mark Sisson's view on cheese: if it comes in a wrapper, don't eat it. If you want to eat cheese on Primal, it should be from a local farm.

    Fortunately, I live in Boston and we have access to all the best cheese from Vermont :)

    Horizon Organic is another great brand - great dairy brand in general.

    (those on here who know me know I'm a huge brand *kitten*)
  • Jenbtech
    Jenbtech Posts: 21 Member
    I am doing a strict paleo for a week to get my ketosis burning again. I normally am about 80% paleo with a cheat once per week. Seems to be working for me.
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    Haha! You said it exactly: addicted to cheese ... it literally is as far as your brain is concerned. Like any addiction, the only way to get past it is to not eat it. I've tried to eat it from time to time (sometimes when served feta or goat cheese on a salad) and always end up with a roiling stomach. That's enough of a deterrent to avoiding it now, for me.

    That being said, we all have our vices and if cheese is what rocks your world, who am I to tell you to give it up?

    How can I argue with that? I don't know what I have to prove but I think somehow going dairy-free might make a difference in my skin and my weight loss. I figure that after 30 days without dairy, I can add it back in and see if it makes my stomach upset, my brain foggy, or anything like that.

    Argh! Amy, you're right about the bacon but what if the bacon comes from a family farm where all of the cows, pigs, chickens, etc are organically fed and pastured? The bacon doesn't have any preservatives, additives, etc and as such, tastes like it came from a farm. Is that bacon still banned?

    I'm going to have to check my Whole30 book and see just what I'm getting myself into before I can fully commit. It's been over 6 months since I tried it so I need a refresher before I dash into it.

    As for eating only raw, whole fat cheese, I don't have that option. I live in Albuquerque, NM which is not known for it's farmlands, although there are farms in Corrales and other outerlying areas around Albuquerque. Raw dairy is not obtainable unless through a cow share where part of the cow is purchased (incredibly expensive with 3 growing kids). That being said, I buy my cheese from Sunflower Farmer's Market and try to get organic and pasture-fed animal cheeses with limited pasteurization.
  • chymer2012
    I would love to join you on a whole30 challenge! but I am waiting on my book to get here first, which doesn't ship until the 16th I think. And I honestly am not sure if I could give up my bacon. That is probably the worst offender in my diet, since it doesn't come from a nice farm.
  • MashaSK
    MashaSK Posts: 142 Member
    I want to join, but I keep on failing with it