"Fat people shouldn't cosplay"



  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    I think as long as they tailor the cosplay to their body, it's all good!
    I don't like seeing a tons of rolls and bulgy bits hanging off of your too-small skimpy Yoko shorts.

    But that being said, it also really grosses me out to see ribs, bones, and chicken legs :p
    I want to see a good cosplay, not an all you can eat buffet at KFC.
    Trying to lose weight, y'know?

    I just think you should want to flaunt what you've got and try your best to make yourself look good.
    But that goes for all clothes, not just cosplay :p
  • I am on the fence about this. On one hand, yes, there's no doubt people should cosplay whatever they want. On the other hand, I am repulsed by the sight of protruding flabs of fat whether it be on myself or others. I do believe costumes should be tailored appropriately to one's body type, but isn't accuracy visually pleasing enough?

    I could care less if you're fat and want to cosplay an anorexic character. What I'm unsure about is whether or not expecting an individual to tailor a costume according to his/her body type is mean or a matter of decency.

    This is personally how I feel. I really don't want to see someone who is very overweight cosplaying Yoko or someone that shows off so much skin. And I am talking very overweight not just slightly. That doesn't bother me too much.

    As for that picture of Gai. I know the guy and this picture is a shop by a hater. That Big Chris is freaking amazing! I can't wait to hang out with him at Sak.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    I am against my eyes burning while looking at a horrendous cosplay. Weight placed aside, I couldn't stand Man Fay before or after he lost weight. I just couldn't stand that his hairy *kitten* was showing >_<
  • superdrive0
    superdrive0 Posts: 14
    I don't think people shouldn't cosplay due to their weight, but like many people have mentioned on here, I do think that if an overweight person wants to cosplay they need to either pick outfits that are appropriate and flattering to their body type, or change the outfit to make it appropriate.

    I follow this rule myself, I don't make outfits that will show my stomach or show too much chest or leg, because I know no one wants to see that. Part of the reason I am trying to lose weight is so that I can pull of characters that my current body is not suited for (Sailor Moon, Panty Anarchy, and Lucy Heartfilia).

    I see it as no different than wearing normal clothes. If you went into a Walmart and saw an obese woman wearing booty shorts and a bikini top, most people would be grossed out and probably judge a bit. If you go to a con and see an obese woman wearing a Yoko cosplay, I feel like its the same thing. Just because you are in a con setting doesn't mean everyone is suddenly going to be okay with bulgy flab hanging out. =/
  • hibikihora
    hibikihora Posts: 7
    To add my 2 cents to this, I think that the "Play" is a great deal more memorable than the "Cos". If I had to judge between a cosplayer wearing a perfect outfit without the personality and one who's outfit isn't the best but has the character down to a T, I'd pick the second every time, because they are so much more fun to run around with.
  • SantheFox
    SantheFox Posts: 7
    I completely agree. The whole reason for a person to cosplay/crossplay is to express yourself, and to show love to the character. I have an overweight cousin and she can pull off a great white mage from Final Fantasy! It's not for those who criticize others on their cosplays. Me personally, if someone was rude to me about how my femme Dante cosplay is all wrong i'd tell them to get over it cause I'm not changing it for them!
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    If you love cosplaying, then do it! Size shouldn't be a factor, unless it's something you want to change. I'm not 100% happy with my weight, so I'm doing something about it.